[ Created: 2022-07-07 07:14:34  Updated: 2022-07-07 08:10:08 Owner: rl ]
Title: Corruption is inevitable when money is involved     
If there is an advantage to be gained in achieving a position then corrupt or corruptible people will be drawn to it.   

Government is in the law, regulation and justice business which is all about power.   

The combination of advantage and power is deadly.   

Why do people go into government?   
For advantage and power.   

And so we end up with a corrupt government.   

Corruption breeds corruption.   

We have arrived at a point where virtually everyone in government is corrupted.   As a result, it is impossible for government to correct its own problems and purge itself.   

This is an unfortunate reality.   The implication is that a new government must be formed replacing the corrupt one.   

What caused the current government to become so corrupt?   
Advantage and power.   

Without power the government can do nothing.   So we can not remove power from government, but we must limit it.   

Advantage must be eliminated from government as it attracts the wrong people into government.   

Most all Americans agree that term limits are necessary to reduce the amount and extent of corruption.   

It is also necessary to remove all financial advantage from government offices.   

How do we do that?   
Make it all volunteer.   

We saw in President Trump a person who served without salary.   He was setting a precedent for how to serve - not for personal gain, but for the benefit of the people.   

In the new government, justice for all must be paramount.   There cannot be two standards in a free society.   

In the new government, attention must be turned to eliminating monopolies and cartels.   Big Tech through the telecommunications industry and Big Pharma through the medical industry have too much power and influence over the people.   

In the new government, accountability for information dissemination must be a priority.   The conflation of news and opinion must be addressed.   The information cartel between media giants must be broken as it has become a propaganda machine for the left.   Censorship, disinformation, misinformation and criminal libel must be eliminated.   

In the new government, taxation will be seen as a necessary evil - as one which must ever be treated as evil.   Such attitude will require that every government expenditure be seen as a burden on the people whose money is extorted from them under force of law.   

Will any of this be done?   

Can any of this be done?   

The American people can do whatever they want to do.   The question is will.   

The concern that I have is that so many Americans are beneficiaries of the corruption that they have no will to fix the problem.   

I hope I am wrong.   

If anyone doubts the corruption listen to what our current president said over forty years ago.