[ Created: 2022-06-30 17:31:03  Updated: 2023-03-03 13:12:39 Owner: rl ]
Title: Subscribing, partnering, friending, liking and regularly supporting    



Whenever a person is motivated by personal advancement you need to be wary.   

It is a fact that the raw, unadulterated Truth is offensive.   

This is why it is often sugar-coated, twisted or ignored by those who are self-promoting.   

There is nothing wrong with subscribing or friending or liking or partnering or supporting.   We should support those who are providing good products and services.   

However, when it comes to your spiritual, mental, emotional, financial and physical health you need to be aware that the service or product provider is likely more interested in their welfare than yours.   

A follower of Christ Jesus is to speak the Truth in Love.   This means that they do not sugar-coat or otherwise mislead the hearer.   They speak the Truth clearly and unequivocally for the purpose of edifying the hearer - i.e.   out of love.   

Jesus told us that deceivers will propagate as we approach the End Of The Age.   Be wise, try the spirits, and test the message that is given with the Word Of The Lord.   

Financial Subscriptions

Everyone wants you to subscribe these days.   

Do you know all the things you are subscribed to?   

People used to subscribe to newspapers and magazines.   Typically, one or two newspapers and maybe three magazines was the extent of our subscriptions fifty years ago.   ( Remember, TV was over the air and free).   

The other area of subscription was insurance.   Car insurance, home insurance, life insurance, etc.   

As if that wasn't enough...   

With the advent of cable TV there was the monthly charge from the cable provider.   And, the subscription cost increased as the size of your bundle did.   

Steady income.   

Steady income is what everyone wants.   Lawyers like retainers.   Doctors like cyclical appointments, banks like mortgage payments, and it goes on and on.   

Now, with the multitude of Internet content providers it is possible to have a hundred or more subscriptions.   

Why do we need full-time legislators?   
What is changing in your life or the life of the country that would require more and more laws (with none of them being rescinded)?   

The answer to the first question is: "We don't."
The answer to the second question is: "Nothing."

So, we are paying for a subscription of government that keeps increasing in cost while providing negative returns.   Government, as Ronald Reagan said, is the problem.   

It is fiscally irresponsible to pay for subscriptions for things you don't use or do not bring benefit to you.   

Just as our Government is fiscally irresponsible, so are the people who continue to fund it and many other 'service providers' who provide no value-added to their lives.   

Poverty is the result of fiscal irresponsibility.   It is inevitable regardless of the amount of wealth one starts with.   

Will we continue to pay for subscriptions that are worthless if not destructive?   

How addicted are we to those subscriptions?   Maybe its time we asked why so much of our earned money leaves us to no advantage.   

But such a reality check never happens to an addict.   They must get their next fix and we must get our next subscription.