Corporations are legal entities composed of owners and employees. So, in some sense a corporation cannot be good or evil. However, those people who constitute owners and employees may in fact be good or evil.
Where do corporations get their wealth and power?
They get it from their customers who buy their products and services.
This means that customers are partners in the good or evil that a corporation does.
It is the same as when we give at a church or to some other charitable institution.
We are partners with those we support.
Everyone chooses how they live their lives. That is a gift from God. But our choices have consequences and we don't get to choose the consequences of our choices.
Corporate Evil is able to exist as a consequence of our choices.
Do we have the self-discipline to stop supporting them? If not, we are addicted to them.
So, there are two evils at work here:
1) Corporate Evil which is using profits to support evit causes
2) Bondage to the goods and services corporations provide
Jesus said we would know the truth and the truth would make us free. We all need to meditate on this truth so that we are made and kept free -
for our sake and the sake of our Society.
Here is a list of companies that have instituted policies to support (with our money) women who have abortions: