[ Created: 2022-06-25 23:04:12  Updated: 2022-06-25 23:53:35 Owner: rl ]
Title: Hijacking of the Information Highway by Mercenary Liars and Manipulators    



I have been on the Internet since its early days.   And, as is the case with virtually everything in the World, it has been systematically destroyed by a cohort of Mercenary Liars and Manipulators.   

What was the Internet like in the early days?   
- There were no products for sale.   
- There were direct, honest answers to questions.   
- There were no security alerts.   
- There were no popup ads.   
- There were no cookie authorization prompts.   
- You didn`t have to login to every site you visited.   
- You didn`t have to pay for Information.   
- There were no viruses.   
- There was no virus protection industry.   
- Your computer was not constantly being upgraded.   
- Your computer was considered private.   
- Search Engines actually searched for what you typed in.   

I could go on...   
But, the best thing was that there was no Social Media.   

Seriously, the Internet was originally a tool for researchers to share information.   
As a homage to the pristine character of the early Internet I chose ".info" as the suffix for my domain.   

Here are some things that the casual Internet user does not have to deal with but Web Hosts do:
- You have to purchase a domain name - every year.   
- You have to purchase encryption keys for HTTPS - every year.   
- You have to pay extra for a static IP in order to send Email from your server - every month.   

Now those things do not seem too burdensome at first glance, but submitting to these regulations costs money - more money than they should reasonably cost because they are computer supported.   

Furthermore, the tendancy to inject more required standards is a move toward total control of the infrastructure and hence, total control of content.   

So, my gripe is that The System which had such a noble beginning has been corrupted into a playground for Mercenary Liars and Manipulators.   It is expensive, frustrating and wastes a lot of our time, which by the way, is what constitutes our life span.   

My love for the Technology is dying...