[ Created: 2022-06-23 12:11:07  Updated: 2022-06-23 12:55:58 Owner: rl ]
Title: Status update    



Seventeen months into the Biden regime we find ourselves poorer than we were when he took office.   
This was totally foreseen by those who know the Science of Economics and those who Know God.   

Where are we headed?   Does the administration give us a Vision or are they merely reactive in an unintelligible way?   

This is " Pride Month".   A time that the former grossly immoral president, Bill Clinton, set aside to honor even more grossly immoral people.   
Sin is nothing to be proud of.   

We have entangled ourselves in the Russian/Ukraine war as a financial supporter of Ukraine, giving them money we have to print.   

Inflation is out of control.   Whose salaries have increased by 30% this past year?   Whose standard of living is better now?   

On the positive side there are Champions arising in the land.   These are men of God who are speaking out against the Wickedness that is destroying the country, who are preaching Repentance and Faith in Christ Jesus.   

The question is: Will the masses Repent or not?   
If we look at Biblical History we are not encouraged.   
Noah preached for a hundred years and yet only his family was saved.   
Lot brought Wealth and Prosperity from God with him into his sojourn in Sodom and Gomorrah.   Only Lot and his two daughters were saved.   

I am confident there will be millions of people coming to Christ Jesus in the near future, but we are a nation of 330,000,000.   What about the rest of them?   

A limitation to my confidence in the move of God that is happening in the land is man.   
Jesus failed to Convert the masses.   
Paul failed to Convert his Jewish brothers.   

These failures were not because of the Will of God or the qualifications of the Preachers, but a result of the Stubbornness and Rebellion in man.   

The Government and Corporations have aligned to destroy Christianity.   
No, they don't attack it head on.   They attack the principles of Christianity.   
They want us eliminated.   If they can kill 60,000,000 unborn children they can kill 60,000,000 Believers in Christ Jesus.   

Persecution is coming.   Prepare for it or you will Deny Jesus.   

We know how the end of this Age comes about.   
The Globalists are positioning the World to be able to hand over power to the Antichrist.   
They have successfully created and deployed a Virus to reduce World population and established a protocol whereby people live in Fear and are easily manipulated.   
They have control of the Information Technology and the Media outlets.   
They have control of the minds of the masses.   

I believe the only solution is for Christians to revolt and destroy the Wicked.   God promised He would not do it until the end of this age.   
When He sends Jesus back to do it, it will be because we failed to.   

I understand that this does not sound very Christian.   However, we are Stewards of Christ's Earth until He Returns.   We are not serving Him in giving Place to Satan and his children.   

For those who are revulsed by the very thought of destroying people, we only have to look at Elijah's treatment of the prophets of Baal.   
At least 450 and maybe 850 were killed to eradicate the Idolatry that was destroying Israel.   

The modern day prophets of Baal are the proponents of Godless Socialism, Fascism and Globalism.   This includes most everyone at the top of the Seven Mountains of Influence.   
They should be destroyed and they will be.   If not by us, then by Christ Jesus at His Return.   

The reason we should do it now, is to save our children and grandchildren from being led into Hell by these Children Of Satan.   

Will we do it?   I don't think so because we are soft, Weak and worthless as a people.   We are sheep - and not the good kind.   

So, what to do....?   
And he said unto them, Go you into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
This is the Great Commission.     It is still in force.     We are expected to carry the Gospel to every creature.     

Jesus did not expect every person to believe, but He wants us to make sure all nations hear the Gospel as it is a criteria for His return.     

Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
This is the order of the day to all believers.     

We are each called to publicly proclaim the Gospel.     
We are always to be ready to share the Truth
We are to reprimand and censure those who sin.     
We are to express strong disapproval of evil.     
We are to strongly encourage people to receive Christ.     
We are to stay within the authority of the scriptures with these actions.     

We need to understand that we are not to harangue individuals with the Gospel, just make sure everyone we know hears it from us.

And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
The good news of the Kingdom Of God will be preached throughout the world before the end comes.

We are not Responsible for results.   
We are Responsible for Obedience.