[ Created: 2024-07-08 18:35:28  Updated: 2024-07-08 18:47:14 Owner: rl ]
Title: Gospel of the Holy Spirit    



The Holy Spirit Father of Christ Jesus inspired Grace which is the subject of the Gospel.   

Christ Jesus is the Prince Of Peace who implemented Grace.   
And how shall they preach, except they be sent?     as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!
It is such an honour and privilege to testify, to witness, to preach, to sing or otherwise proclaim the Gospel of Grace Through Faith In Christ Jesus.

And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
We stand firmly with our feet strongly planted in the Gospel of peace.     And wherever we go the Gospel should be evident.     

But those who reject the Gospel of peace will experience the Wrath Of God .     

We see in Jesus` instruction to His disciples that the Gospel may be received or rejected.     

Peace abides on those who receive it while the peace returns to us when the Gospel is rejected .     

Because Peace is the Holy Spirit Of Christ Jesus, preaching the Gospel Of Peace is completing the story of Grace.   
    the Holy Spirit Father desired to be in us
    the Word Of God became flesh to reconcile us
    the Holy Spirit Father comes into us
I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that comes after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit, and with fire:
This is John the Baptist speaking about four things
    Water Baptism
    Spirit Baptism.     

Water Baptism is a sign that the person being baptized is repentant.     Repentance is necessary to access the Grace of the Lord.     Jesus is the object to which we turn toward away from our old ways of thinking, believing and living.     

Though John does not mention it here, turning away from the old life to Christ Jesus and confession of Him as the risen Lord confirm our redemption by Grace .     

We are redeemed by the sacrifice of Christ Jesus.     Redemption is all on His part.     We add nothing to it.     

Once we are Born Again as a result of repentance and faith In Christ Jesus we are to be filled with His Holy Spirit.     

We respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ
    by turning away from unbelief and wickedness
    by believing that Jesus is `God`,
    by receiving Christ Jesus by faith as our Saviour,
    by asking Him to fill us with His Holy Spirit.     

Spirit Baptism is the end-game for our existence on earth.     
    the Holy Spirit is the Spirit Of Christ in us
    the Holy Spirit seals us to the Lord Jesus.     
    Receiving the Spirit Of Christ is intimate union with Jesus.     
    the Holy Spirit is Eternal Life in us
    the Holy Spirit in us is our expectation of glory
    the Holy Spirit is power in us to do the supernatural.     
    the Holy Spirit is the witness of Christ Jesus in us.

John answered, saying unto them all, I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I comes, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose: he shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire:
John tells us the ultimate accomplishment for Christ - to make it possible through His sacrifice for us to be baptized with His Holy Spirit.     

For John truly baptized with water; but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days hence.
The purpose of Christ Jesus coming to earth was to make it possible for us to be filled with His Holy Spirit.     

Forgiveness of sins was necessary that we escape the Lake Of Fire.     

But the Lord is not just merciful in forgiving your sins, He is love.     He wants an intimate, personal relationship with you.     

We hear Jesus say that He must leave so that the comforter may come.     
The comforter is the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit Of Christ Jesus.     

In order to experience Christ`s purpose for you, you must be filled with His Holy Spirit.     

How do you receive the Holy Spirit?     
You ask for Him in faith.     

If you are not filled with the Holy Spirit Father you have not become One with the Lord Jesus Christ.   You are not complete.   
And, behold, I send the promised Holy Spirit Father upon you: but tarry you in the city of Jerusalem, until you be endued with supernatural power.
Understanding this verse:
    Jesus is giving a command (send)
    A promise is an announcement of potential.     
    `my Father` may best be understood as `my generator`.     
    The Holy Spirit is the one who generated Jesus.     
    Jesus is ordaining His own Spirit to come to us.     
    We are to wait for His Holy Spirit to come upon us and fill us before going out in Jesus` name.     
    When we are baptized with His Holy Spirit we then have both the authority of Jesus and the power of His Spirit in us.