Such a question virtually always brings up the issue of sex, dating or marriage - male/female relationships.
Every relationship we have on earth is temporal.
→ parents
→ siblings
→ spouse
→ children
→ grandchildren
→ friends
→ partners
There is only one relationship you will ever have that is eternal and that is with the Lord Jesus Christ.
But you say that relationship is kind of formal because He is on the Throne in heaven and I am down here.
That is correct. So, how do you have an intimate personal relationship with someone who cannot be seen or touched?
It is important to understand the nature of our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. That nature is spiritual and not physical.
So, we have nothing to draw from experience regarding relationships which have no physical component.
"Out of sight, out of mind."
We have heard this saying and it proves true in most human relationships. Yes, we may think about that person who is now physicially separated from us for a while, but eventually our thoughts of them come less and less often.
There is one big exception to the "out of sight, out of mind" rule: mothers.
Mothers seem to be attached to their children in such a powerful way that physical separation has no effect upon their devotion to them.
But in most cases that same level of devotion is not reciprocated. Children generally leave home, start their own careers and families and so think less and less often of their mother.
So, we end up with a mother loving, thinking about and praying for a child who may only think about them during 'down times' when they are not preoccupied with their own career and family.
Does the mother begin to resent the lack of attention? Does she withdraw her love in retaliation? No. It seems beyond her control to not love.
This powerful, apparently eternal love that mothers have for their children was placed there by the Holy Spirit when He created them.
This love placed in mothers is to teach us of His love for us.
Each of us is a part of our mother whether or not we acknowledge it. Our mother understands this and revels in that fact.
So it is with the Holy Spirit who is both our Heavenly Father and our HeavenlyMother. He begets us by Himself making us New Spirit beings and filling our physical bodies with Himself.
In so doing and so being, His role far surpasses that of our physical mothers.
→ He is the friend that sticks closer than a brother.
→ He is our Comforter.
→ He is our Helper.
→ He is our teacher.
→ He is our very life.
Are we reciprocating?
Are we conscious of Him?
Are we talking to Him?
Are we listening to Him?
The Holy Spirit Of Christ Jesus is in a relationship with you and He will forever be in that relationship with you.
Unlike the mother-child relationship, the Holy Spirit is also our marriage partner. We become One with Him. This is marriage.
But for that marriage to work, the partners must face each other. One cannot be chasing while the other runs away. They must be of the same mind in order for the marriage to flourish.
Some denominations maintain a marriage that is formal, contractual, dry and lifeless. Just as in a human marriage that is paper only, much that is beautiful and joyful is never experienced.
Don't miss out on the glory of intimate personal relationship with Christ Jesus by denying His spiritual rights to you. Consumate your relationship with Christ Jesus by being filled with His Holy Spirit, determining to walk in Oneness with Him forevermore.
I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. |