Jesus, the embodiment of Truth, caused Revival.
But this same Jesus caused the Riot that led to His being taken and Crucified. Paul preached the Truth and experienced RevivalAndRiots.
We have a Responsibility to proclaim the Truth.
Without the Truth we cannot be Free.
We are not responsible for Results.
We are Responsible for Obedience.
And he said unto them, Go you into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. -
Mar 16:15 We cannot know Peace through the efforts of Carnal men.
The HolySpirit brings Peace as a result of the Truth being preached and received.
But, just as Jesus brought both RevivalAndRiot through the Truth, so will we when we proclaim the Truth.
If you are not willing to run the risk of causing a Riot you will not cause Revival.
The call to Repentance is accusatory. It is fraught with charges of Guilt for being Wrong.
Any time you accuse people of being wrong you should expect some of those people to reject the Truth and come against you.
If the world hate you, you know that it hated me before it hated you. -
Joh 15:18
Will the Church manifest the Faith and Courage of Christ by speaking the Truth or will it continue to manifest Fear and Cowardice giving Place to the Devil?