[ Created: 2022-05-29 08:47:13  Updated: 2022-05-29 09:37:15 Owner: rl ]
Title: Who we were, Who we are and Who we will be    



"If your life is managing my life, then you have no life.   
For I have been made Free by the Truth and now operate in the Perfect Law Of Liberty under the God-given rights that are guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States." - Randy Lucas
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
The proof of love is sacrifice.

This is the Spirit of God and it was once the spirit of America.   

The men and women that we honor on Memorial Day, who gave their lives for others, represent the best part of being American.   

Each of these precious people had hopes and dreams for a full life.   But the challenges of the time in which they lived required them to sacrifice those hopes and dreams to gain a future for their friends.   

Everything that is Noble in life is founded in Sacrifice.   
- Parents Sacrifice for their children
- Laborers Sacrifice for their employer and their families
- Employers Sacrifice for their employees
- Teachers Sacrifice for their students
- Courtesy is a Sacrifice of our interests in favor of others

And then there is Government.   
In the beginning it was established of the people, by the people and for the people .   
A Noble concept.   
Our founders left their homes and businesses to form and serve in Government.   

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.    But we have reached a point where Government has become the master of the people for whom it was designed to serve.   It is no longer "we the people" but "we the government and you the people".   

Why does it cost so much to run for office?   
Why are so many willing to raise the necessary money?   
Why does a person in office typically spend most of their time and making decisions in order to ensure their re-election?   

The answer to these questions boil down to the fact that the spirit of Government is no longer service and Sacrifice.   
Rather, it is a Wicked spirit of avarice and duplicity.   
There is nothin Noble about it.   

Contrast the attitude and practice of the people in today`s Government with those who gave up their futures and their very lives so that others can have a future and experience life.   

We have traditionally looked with great disgust on those who, in the heat of battle, turn and run.   
We have traditionally levied the penalty of death on those who turned traitor and helped our Enemy.   

Today, Government is inundated with haters of God and domestic enemies of the Constitution and the people.   
And unlike our leaders of the past and those that served under them, we now have hirelings at the helm and yes-men serving under them having only self-aggrandizement as their motivation.   

In light of this, we offer today an apology to all those precious people who gave themselves for a beautiful cause which we no longer value, allowing dishonourable people to undermine their gift to us.   

May God bless those self-sacrificing people in His Presence and may we Repent of what we have become in favor of that for which we were created and given the blessings of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness - Amen.