| We must prevent our Economy from becoming totally Cashless for the following reasons:
- You cannot physically hold DigitalCurrency so you must be Online.
- Independent transactions between two parties can be regulated by the Computer system managing the DigitaCurrency
- The Computers housing the DigitalCurrency control the distribution of Wealth
- The theft of all of a person's Wealth can be accomplished by a single transaction on the Computer controlling the DigitalCurrency.
The Globalist AntiChristKingdom will use the centrally controlled DigitalCurrency system to allow or restrict monetary transactions based on the status of individuals involved in the transactions.
Those who are part of the system (received the MarkOfTheBeast or his name or number) will be allowed to transact. Those who have not received their DigitalSignature will not be approved for transactions in the system. And he causes all, both small and Great, Rich and Poor, Free and bond, to Receive a mark in their Right hand, or in their foreheads: - Rev 13:16This will enable digital identification of each person in the system implemented by a microscopic chip implant.
And that no man Might buy or sell, Save he that had the mark, or the Name of the Beast, or the number of his Name. - Rev 13:17Unless you can authenticate to the digital currency system by the identification chip implant you will be unable to do monetary transactions. |