[ Created: 2022-04-28 18:40:11  Updated: 2022-10-17 09:38:23 Owner: rl ]
Title: Some Things That Are Not Faith     


Some Things That Are Not Faith by E W Kenyon "Claiming the Promises" is not Faith.   
Faith already has it.   

"Claiming" - proves that one does not have it yet.   It is Unbelief attempting to act like Faith.   As long as one is trying to get it, Faith has not yet acted.   

Faith says.   " Thank you Father".   Faith has it.   Faith has arrived.   Faith stops Praying and begins to Praise.   

Notice carefully, Doubt says.   "I claim the Promises".   "I am standing on the Promises".   This is all the language of Doubt.   Unbelief quotes the Word, but does not act upon it.   We call this Mental Assent.   

I can remember in those early days how we used to "plead the promises and claim them as ours." We did not know that our very language savored of Unbelief.   

You see, Believing is simply acting on the Word.   We act on the Word as we would act on the word of a loved one.   

We act on the Word because we Know that it is True.   We do not try to Believe it.   We do not Pray for Faith, we simply act upon it.   

One said to me the other day, "I am trying to make the Word True".   I said, "I do not see why you need to do that, because it has always been True".   

People do not Know the Word until they begin to Practice it and let it Live in them.    They may have sat under one of the finest teachers or preachers in the country for years, yet it has never become a part of their lives.   

Using the Word in your daily life is the secret of Faith.   The Word abides in you and enables Him to express Himself through you.   You draw on the Vine life for Wisdom, Love and ability.   You are never without resources.   

The Word is the Master Speaking to you.   When you act on the Word, you are acting in unison with Him.   You and He are lifting the load together.   He is fellowshipping with you, sharing with you.   You are sharing His ability and strength.   

Now you can understand that all that Faith is is acting on the Word.   We are through with Sense Knowledge formulas.   

Now we are Walking with Him, realizing that His ability has become ours.   

The Hidden Man