[ Created: 2022-04-20 07:46:01  Updated: 2022-04-20 08:31:06 Owner: rl ]
Title: The HolySpirit uses the Word to Transform us     

That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, - Eph 5:26
Notice that Jesus does the washing and the sanctifying.     

He uses His Word to cleanse us and bring us to a place of Knowledge of Him.     

How does that work?     
When we Hear the Word we Receive Faith and the HolySpirit teaches us the things of God.     

Christ is looking for Faith in us, not Performance.     The presence of Faith automaticaly produces the Performance that He desires.     We begin to Live in the Spirit and Walk by Faith.

We are washed by the WordOfGod.   Asking God to wash us when He has sent His Word to do that is a waste of time.   

Exposure to the Word cleanses us of the Root of our unholiness. It changes our Minds and Hearts so that we desire the Good and eschew the Evil.   

Many Christians avoid the recipe that God has provided for Holiness and return again and again asking God to Forgive them amd make them Holy.   
This is futile, frustrating and demoralizing.   By doing so we remain in Bondage to the Flesh.   

But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.     To him be glory both now and for ever.     Amen. - 2Pe 3:18
As we Grow in Knowledge of Christ Jesus our Faith is strengthened enabling us to appropriate more Grace.

It is in our Understanding of Christ and the Grace that He has provided that we are made Holy.   That Understanding come by Revelation of the Word by the HolySpirit.   

But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. - Mat 4:4
This is not just a response to put Satan off.     But, more importantly, it is a statement of SpiritualLaw which clearly elevates the importance of every Word of God.     We cannot experience AbundantLife without abiding in His Word.     

Just as Food is necessary for PhysicalLife, the WordofGod is necessary for SpiritualLife.     God is a Spirit so we can only relate to Him in Spirit and in Truth by Faith.     We need the HolySpirit of God and we need the WordOfGod.

Now you are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you. - Joh 15:3
God Spoke the Universe into existence (Gen 1:3).     
When God Speaks things happen - invariably (Isa 55:11).     

This verse is telling us that we are Clean because God has Spoken it - and that is all that is necessary (Phi 3:9).     
We are Justified by Faith, not by Works (Rom 3:28).     
Grace is God's Provision while Faith is our Appropriation.     

Those who would add anything to the Word of God or take anything away from it are Guilty of the Sins of Unbelief and Presumption.     

Have Faith in God (Mar 11:22).     

Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. - Psm 51:7
This verse speaks to the fact God through Christ Jesus has washed us and made us clean by His shed Blood.     

We are cleansed by Faith in the WordOfGod.     

The initial, continual and Eternal cleansing of all Condemnation for Sin is by Faith.     So also is our Victory over every attack of the Enemy.     

Faith in the Word requires us to Hear the Word, to Understand the Word and to Receive the Word so that our Minds and Hearts are Transformed by it.

My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you, - Gal 4:19
The concept of 'Christ being formed in us' connects with the Transformation and Renewal of our Minds to the MindOfChrist so that our HeadFaith becomes HeartFaith.