[ Created: 2022-04-17 07:09:55  Updated: 2022-04-17 08:02:34 Owner: rl ]
Title: The life cycle of a System     

Systems evolve from human needs.   But eventually every System morphs into an entity whose focus and purpose is itself.   

In a FreeMarket universe, when a business ceases to meet the needs of its customers, the business folds or finds another need to address.   

However, in the absence of Freedom and Competition, such as a Government Agency or Program, there is no dependence on Revenue by choice.   And so the Agency or Program continues on Tax Revenue motivated by its own self-interests.   

There are also Systems which are supported by the Government through Regulation and/or funding which demonstrate the same disconnect to original focus and purpose.   

- LegalSystem
- MedicalSystem
- EducationSystem

In each of these Systems we see the steady increase of strong-armed tactics to subjugate the people whose needs brought about its creation.   

And so, we inevitably see the loss of Human Freedom in favor of SystemControl.   

What is the solution to the SystemEntropy that leads to SystemControl and Totalitarianism?   

Every System understands this Fact and so spends much time and energy entrenching itself against Revolution.   

In the case of Government, we see this concern and effort manifested in the SecondAmendment attack.   

In the LegalSystem we see this concern and effort manifested in the way that Judgments are brokered by Lawyers and Judges with little or no concern for Justice.   

In the MedicalSystem we see this concern and effort manifested by standardized treatment protocols to avoid malpractice.   

In the EducationSystem we see this concern and effort manifested by collegeal pressure to suppress Freedom of Thought snd Speech in favor of the Philosophy of the Elites.