First of all, it is impossible for man to control the weather or climate in any meaningful way. The reason is that our Creator has established laws and forces which set the parameters in which the world`s weather climate will operate. While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. |
Here is an eye opener:
Climate Change is another example of Word Hijacking that the left invariably uses to further its agenda through misdirection and outright deception.
So, what does the left really mean when it uses the term, Climate Change?
Think about what `climate` means. The prevailing trend of public opinion or of another aspect of public life.
It is right there in front of us. The left wants to change the climate of public opinion and public life. The actual weather climate is simply a convenient vehicle for manipulating the Climate Of Public Opinion And Life.
Unlike weather climate which they cannot change, the Climate Of Public Opinion And Life is entirely within its purview. We have seen it changed and it is changing constantly though often imperceptibly.
Beware of the left! It`s fundamental premise is that elites exist for the purpose of managing and controlling the non-elites. It is a `religious` conviction and so is formidable, extending across generations and time itself.
The religion of the left is Secular Humanism which was first manifested around 2200 BC.
And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. |
In a nutshell, Secular Humanism is the spirit of rebellion against the Creator, manifesting as supreme confidence in the ability of humans to save themselves.
So, do not fear nature`s weather. Fear the real enemy, Satan, who uses his people to further his agenda to steal, kill and destroy what our loving Creator, Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ has made possible for us - eternal, abundant life.
Temperature is the presence of energy. Matter is only the thing that is moved or not by energy. CO2 is matter. It doesn't have energy or temperature in and of itself.
The sun is the primary source of energy on the earth. The sun is not getting hotter.
Another source of energy is the earth's layer of lava under the crust. That layer is not getting hotter.
And then there is man releasing the energy found in coal, natural gas and oil.
Compared to the sun and the earth's volcanos, man's release of energy from fuels is negligible.
The globalist agenda has driven scientists to look for evidence to support an illogical hypothesis. It is an embarassment to true science that is has prostituted itself to a political agenda.