We must agree with the Lord.
Because of weak, compromising, Men Pleaser teachers in the church there are many believers who do not agree with the Lord.
These believers in Jesus Christ have been trained to disbelieve what He said. They do not understand that Jesus is what He said. He is the Incarnate Word of the Father.
Can two walk together, except they be agreed? |
Our Creator made us for the purpose of Fellowship.
How many people do you hang out with whom you do not share much in common? It many situations only minor disagreements can cause a rift between friends causing their fellowship be broken.
Some believers have discounted the Old Testament wherein the distinctions between good and evil were laid out.
The God of the Old Testament is the God of the New Testament.
Granted, Jesus is the Truth about Creator God. He came to clear up some misconceptions about our Heavenly Father. Specifically, He came to manifest the love of the Father. And His major accomplishment was to fulfill the Law. This means He had to obey it and He had to take on our punishment for not obeying it.
So, the Law is done away with, right? Wrong. Sin is still sin. If I forgive you for offending me, that's on me, but you still are an offender. And were the shoe on the other foot, you would see the unacceptability of being offended even though you could forgive.
Jesus came to forgive sin; He did not come to condone it.
In order for you to fellowship with the Lord you must agree, for instance, that offenses are unacceptable and repent of being an offender. This example and the logic in it should be extended to every Word Of God.
But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord.  |
Jesus is stating a universal spiritual law, elevating the Word Of God as the foundation for spiritual life. So those believers who believe in the idea of Jesus but not His Word are not really in fellowship with Him.
A lack of fellowship with the Lord results in weakness, fear, sickness and other aspects of soul and body poverty.
To be upright is to face the Lord. To be righteous is to face the Lord.
To be wicked is to turn from the Lord. To be unrighteous is to turn from the Lord.
We face the Lord by humbling ourselves to believe and receive His Word. In facing Him that way we are made whole.