Our Faith is what we Believe about God's Word and His Nature . Jesus came to reveal the Truth and God's Nature of Love .
The Trial of our Faith is the attack of the Enemy to get us to Doubt God's Word and His Goodness ( Gen 3:4,5 ).
When we stand fast in His Word and Goodness our Faith enables us to Appropriate all the Blessings of Grace ( Joh 15:7 ). In that sense we have something more precious than gold.
Jesus said that we are His Disciples indeed if we Abide in Him and Do His Word ( Joh 8:31 ).
Unfortunately, Many Christians Doubt the WordOfGod or impune God's Character by not Believing the Truth in their Heart . They Fail in the Trial and so are unable to Appropriate the Blessings of GraceThroughFaith .
When Jesus Returns He will be looking for Faith ( Luk 18:8 ). Those in Faith will be glorified by Him and with Him ( Rev 20:6 ).