Jesus was not a mystic. He is the Truth.
In order for one to grasp Truth one must eliminate confusion and error.
Accordingly, Jesus spoke in simple statements facilitating consideration and meditation until that bit of Truth was absorbed.
Jesus said what He meant.
Jesus wanted His disciples to understand what He said.
When He used parables it was to illustrate a Truth that when spoken directly would likely not make an impression on the hearer.
When Jesus cursed the fig tree it was to illustrate Truth - the power of faith coupled with the spoken Word.
Even the outpouring of His Holy Spirit was not to be considered mystical though some in the Pentecostal ranks make it so.
The Holy Spirit is 'simply' (if I can use that Word in reference to the One who is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent)
→ the Father of Christ Jesus
→ the inspiration of Christ Jesus
→ the nature of Christ Jesus
→ the essence of Christ Jesus
→ the Spirit Of Christ Jesus.
When we come into Christ Jesus by receiving the Gospel we are joined to Him by His Holy Spirit. We are New Spirit beings who share His Holy Spirit.
The New Birth occurs when we are joined with Christ by faith in His finished work.
We are Spirit Baptised when we ask to be filled in the same fashion as we were Born Again when we asked Jesus to apply His blood and come into us.
Even though much has been said about the New Birth, it is not something Jesus taught to the general populace. The Truth of the New Birth was shared with Nicodemus in private.
Jesus commanded all of His disciples to wait until they were endued with power from on high before they started ministering in His name.
On the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit Of Christ Jesus was poured out upon and into those in the upper room.
The manifestation of joy, excitement, tongues and prophecy was not mysterious. It was totally to be expected as the Spirit Of God was now in men. They were empowered to manifest as Christ Jesus Himself did by His own Spirit.
But what about tongues? To many this appears mysterious, even occultish. So, some of those even put forth the concept of cessationism.
Tongues is evidence, and the Lord knows we need evidence as most believers live in limbo between faith and unbelief.
Tongues is not mysticism. It is a physical expression of what is happening in the Spirit Realm inside of a person by the Holy Spirit Of Christ Jesus.
Remember, our Lord wants intimate personal relationship with us. He is not interested in holding a formal, cold contract with your signature on it.
So, He lives inside of us by His Holy Spirit.
It is Christ in us that produces glory in and through us.
Those who would reject the Holy Spirit Of Christ Jesus because they did not want to get in the flesh, simply don't get the fact that, without the Holy Spirit in them, they are nothing but flesh and will never get out of the flesh.
It is the Holy Spirit Of Christ Jesus who will raise the dead and translate the living at His appearing .
Without the power of the Holy Spirit there is no life.
Fearing the Holy Spirit is not trusting the Lord Jesus Christ who gave His life so that we could be baptized with His Holy Spirit and fire .
Do not denigrate the Holy Spirit Of Christ Jesus by classifying His presence and manifestation as mysticism.
To receive the Holy Spirit is to receive Christ Jesus.
To reject the Holy Spirit is to reject Christ Jesus.
That may sound like a harsh statement, but Jesus said that He and His Father (who is His Holy Spirit) are One.
No one can receive Jesus and reject Him at the same time.
Do not believe the lie of Satan that makes Holy Spirit baptism into mysticism. Such is blasphemy.