24, “Verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea: and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.”
That is the law of faith. He was giving it to the Jews that could not understand it any more than the modern Christian can. But you can. Your faith requires no evidence but the Word, requires no proof from the senses. Faith is blind to all but the Word.
It rises above the realm of the senses. It has its own way, its own weapons, its own ground for assurance. It is the Word. “For we walk by faith and not by sight (or senses).”
The believer is a believer. He is not a doubter. It is the most natural thing in the world for him to act on the Word and to take his place as a son or daughter when he knows his place. He does not walk according to the senses; for the testimony of the senses cannot be trusted, but the Word can be. The believer has a legal right to the use of the Word. He has a legal right to the use of the Name. He has a legal right as a child in the Father's family to take his place and to take his rights.
The only thing that he asks is, “Does the Word say that?” Yes. “Well, that ends it.”
“Can the Word be trusted?” Yes, as fully as God himself can be trusted. The man of faith is like the Master. He is continually confessing before the world what he is in Christ and the integrity of the Living Word. He fearlessly faces the impossible as a conqueror.
He knows that his resources are all in God. is the Father's message to his heart: “But thanks be unto God Who leads me on from place to place in the train of His triumph” (Conybeare). We share His victories over the enemies of Christ, and by us He sends forth the knowledge of Himself, a steam of fragrance throughout the world, for Christ is the fragrance which we offer up to God in our prayer life, in our faith walk. says, “The prayer of faith shall save him that is sick and the Lord shall raise him up.”
And, “the supplication of a righteous man availeth much in its working.” We have been made righteous, so we are the righteous ones that walk by faith. “My righteous one shall live by faith, and if he draw back My soul shall have no pleasure in him.” That is, if he draws back from the faith life to the Sense Life, from the Word to feelings, he brings no joy to the Father.
You are righteous and you are walking according to the Word. You are walking in the realm of the Word. The Word has become one with you and you have become one with the Word. “If ye abide in Me and My words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done for you (or brought into being). Herein is My Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit, so shall ye be My disciples.”
What kind of fruit? Why, the fruit that Jesus bore in His earth walk. You are going to take Jesus' place in His absence. You are going to act as He acted, speak as He spoke, do as He did. The world is going to be conscious that He is in you. You are another Jesus man or woman. You are not struggling to be righteous, you are not struggling to have faith. You have faith; you have the Word, and faith comes by the Word.
The unsaved man may have to struggle to get faith, but you do not. All you have to do is to act upon what He has said. Your faith can only grow as you act upon the Word. Every time you act on the Word, something enters into your spirit that increases your assurance. Every time that you fail to act on the Word, you lose.
You stand in the presence of someone that is sick and you know that they want you to pray for them. You fearlessly do it no matter who is with you or what your surroundings may be. You act on the Word. God honors you and backs up the Word. You do not need faith for the things that are possible to the senses.
Faith is needed only for the impossible, and you dare to act on the Word as though the impossible had become a possibility. . . a reality. “I watch over My Word to perform it.” And “No Word from God is void of power.” Act on these fearlessly, and God will unveil Himself to your spirit.