[ Created: 2022-03-10 14:16:40  Updated: 2023-07-26 11:45:55 Owner: rl ]
Title: Bringing together into a central place    



Consolidation is typically a good thing because it implies simplification and unification.   

We all know there are many names of God in the Hebrew Old Testament scriptures some of which are used in the New Testament.   

I will not be enumerating them here.   

When there are many variations of an entity, there can be confusion regarding the core characteristics of the entity.   

When there is a multiplicity of names for a being there is opportunity for misunderstanding who the name is referring to.   It is also possible that multiple beings may be assumed by the multiplicity of names.   

Now to the specifics of consolidation with respect to God.   
Hear, O Israel: The Lord, our Lord is one Lord:
How much plainer can it be made?     There are not three gods or persons, there is only one being who is Lord and His name is Jesus.     

Jesus Is Lord

When you read or hear the word, Lord, think Jesus.

Since aliases tend toward the confusion mentioned above, our Lord determined to consolidate all the valid concepts about Him under one name.   As a matter of fact, He made Himself a body and dwelt among us for the clarification of who He is and what He is about.   
And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father), full of grace and truth.
'The Word was made flesh' means that the eternal Word Of The Lord was born into the human family.     

'begotten of the Father' speaks to the fact that the Holy Spirit impregnated Mary.     

'full of grace and truth' speaks to the character of the Holy Spirit being manifested in the Soul and Body of Christ Jesus.     

Christ Jesus is the express image of the Father, and that image is the pattern used to create Adam and all humanity.     We are Spirit Soul And Body as is our Creator, Saviour and Lord, Christ Jesus.

Not only did God become flesh and take on the name, Jesus, but He has forever demanded that we speak to Him using the name of Jesus.   
And whatsoever you shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
Jesus wants us to ask for whatever we desire in His name.     When we do, He will fulfill our desire.     Jesus says that such asking and receiving glorifies our heavenly Father.     

Think about how asking and not receiving actually denigrates the Father.     It makes Him appear unconcerned, unloving.     

Jesus was the original faith preacher.     So, when He makes a statement like this, He assumes you have taken to heart His command:
Have faith in the Lord!      ()

Faith is not something we conjure up.     It comes by hearing believing and receiving the Word Of The Lord.     

Get into the word until you have faith in it.     Then when you speak the Word it will accomplish the Lord's purpose .     

If you shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.
What a promise!     

Christ Jesus has signed a blank check for us.     By faith we fill the check in and cash it.     

Do you believe the Word Of The Lord?     
If so, meditate on this verse until you are convinced of the totality of the Father's love and the magnificence of Christ's provision for us by Grace Through Faith.

And in that day you shall ask me nothing.     Truly, truly, I say unto you, Whatsoever you shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you.
That day is the day of pentecost when the Holy Spirit came to dwell in our hearts.     He is the Father and the Son in us.     As we fellowship with the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus we receive whatever we ask of Him.

Using the name of Jesus when speaking to God is simply courteous, just as calling any person by their name is courteous.   
Jesus says unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but by me.
Jesus is the Holy Spirit in flesh.     It is necessary to believe this about Jesus in order to be Born Again of the Holy Spirit.     Those who reject Jesus, reject the Holy Spirit.     

    He is the Way: Jesus is the path to our Creator.     
    He is the Truth: Jesus is the Truth about our Creator
    He is the Life: Jesus is the Creator by His Holy Spirit who fills us giving us life.     

As disciples of Christ we must share this Gospel Truth with everyone in our lives.     

It will either be a testimony for them leading to Eternal Life with Christ or a testimony against them in The Judgment leading to Eternal Death in the Lake Of Fire.     

So, we see that God revealed Himself using the name Jesus who is
    the Way to God
    the Truth about God, and
    the Life of God.   

In Christ Jesus dwells the fulness of God bodily.