Ghost conjures up apparitions.
Not understanding the fact that God is a Spirit, the Holy Spirit, has led to much confusion and error in Christianity.
Moses had wanted to see the Lord Jesus Christ but He had not yet manifested in the flesh.
Nowhere in the Old Testament is the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost mentioned. Rather, the notion of God was one of a being who towered over His creation in the fashion of the Colossus of Rhodes.
God was understood to be a superhuman being who chose not to be seen but could be if He had wanted to.
When Moses wanted to see God, he was not allowed to see the face of God? Why? The appearance that God made to Moses was not the Truth as Christ Jesus had not yet been born of flesh and then glorified after His resurrection.
In most cases where there was a visitation by God it was the Angel of the Lord or by inspiration as indicated by the phrase "and the Word of the Lord came to me" or "the Spirit of God is upon me".
So, the notion of God as a being who had a Spirit was well documented in the Old Testament. However, the New Testament revelation that God is a Spirit turned things on its head.
If God is a Spirit, is He the Holy Spirit? Is He the Holy Ghost?
The answer is yes .
What does being a Spirit mean? We only have limited understanding of the Spirit Realm as most of our sensory abilities are in the Physical Realm.
However, we can look at man, who was created in the image of God, to gain some information on what a spirit is.
Since man is Spirit Soul And Body then God must also be Spirit Soul And Body as we were made in His image.
To gain further understanding of what a spirit is we need only look at our Lord Jesus Christ who is the Body Of God in which the Soul Of God and the Spirit Of God is manifested.
The trinitarian concept of God being three persons in one is not only polytheistic, bizarre and incorrect, it also makes Him totally different than Jesus and humans who are distinctly one and only one person each.
God is the Holy Spirit. Holy Ghost is just an alternative word for Holy Spirit.
Since the Body Of God and the Mind Of God whom we call Christ Jesus is currently at the right hand of the Throne Of Majesty, we have only the Spirit Of God with us and in us.
Accordingly, we need to recognize that the name of the Holy Spirit is Jesus. That is what is meant by the term 'in the name of Jesus'.
There is only One God whose name is Jesus who is Spirit Soul And Body by whom we have been begotten of His Holy Spirit and filled with His Holy Spirit thereby making us One with our Lord Jesus Christ.