There is more going on with Russia and Ukraine than meets the eye. On the surface Putin is the bad guy and Zelinsky is the good guy. It turns out that the Globalists are supporting Zelinsky.
Why? Russia is nationalistic. Putin will never submit Russia to a global world government. In that respect he is like Trump whom the globalists got rid of by fraud.
Oil based Economic power is at the heart of the struggle. Russia is a major Economic power as an oil producer and supplier to Europe. The globalists are supporting Ukraine to supplant Russia in the oil market and eliminate Russia as a significant world economic power.
The same thing is happening in America. biden stopped the pipeline in order to weaken America economically. As we see the price of oil increasing daily, his plan is working.
In the 1990's free trade agreements were signed with the knowledge that all manufacturing would leave America.
Why? The Globalists wanted to weaken America and strengthen the rest of the World. So, not only do we not manufacture the products we use, we are now not tapping the oil reserves which can keep us energy independent.
All the western banks have cut Russia off and so she will turn to other banks who do not use the American dollar as their standard of exchange.
Why? To weaken America by undermining her currency (as if we haven't done enough of that to ourselve).
We have just gone through almost two years of Misinformation, Fascism and murderous policy to deal with COVID.
Why? To weaken America by taking away the Constitutional Rights of the people.
It is time that we recognize the truth. America was taken over by Globalist Socialists using stealth tactics over a period of 60 years. During that time, every branch of our Government cooperated to recreate America as a Morally-bankrupt, Atheistic, Socialist, Fascist, Globalist Eunuch Nation serving the AntichristKingdom.
Though the land and many of the people are still beautiful, America is Morally, Socially, Economically and Politically ugly as Sin which it has tried to legitimize.
America as we knew it has been Destroyed.
Can she rise from the dead? Until those beautiful Americans awake to this reality there will be no stopping the juggernaut of Satanically manipulated haters of all that is good who present themselves as AngelsOfLight all the while destroying everything in their path.
I say these things because they are the truth. I know how this Age of the World ends. However, it does not have to end now. We who are InChrist can turn things around if we step up as Champions.