Money is simply a medium of exchange for things of
Bartering and trading work only to the extent that the differences in Values of the items being traded is insignificant. If there is a significant difference between the two then Money is exchanged to even out the transaction.
In a large Economy it is necessary to use Money to expedite transactions and support Accounting.
Since Money is non-perishable, easy to carry and accepted throughout the Economy it is a great tool.
Hence, there is nothing inherently Evil in Money.
It is the LoveOfMoney which results in Evil.
Theft, Fraud, Cheating, Taxation are all manifestations of the Evil that results from the LoveOfMoney.
Coveting is a mortal Sin which destroys the person whose Heart is oriented toward it.
Just because a thing may be used for Evil does not mean we should consider the thing Evil.
Wealth and Prosperity come by operating in the Law of SowingAndReaping. God wants us to take advantage of His Laws to experience AbundantLife.
So Sow that you may Reap. And then use the Money that comes to you for the KingdomOfGod.