Pray without ceasing. |
The following is from Reflection ⇒
When we reflect on a thought, word or deed what is actually going on?
Most people never consider the fact that they have a spirit as well as a soul. The reason for this is that it is not apparent through the rational mind to separate the two.
For the word of the Lord is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.  |
So what does the spirit and soul have to do with reflection? Everything.
Our mind is a part of our soul. It gathers information and processes it much like a sophisticated computer.
Our spirit is our value system, the essence of who we are independent of information.
When Adam sinned his spirit died in the sense that it was corrupted. Through that sin all his progeny inherited his dead spirit.
What actually happened in the first sin is that Adam subjugated his spirit to his soul.
What was wrong with that? We are first and foremost spirit beings who have a soul and a body.
The subjugation of our spirit to our soul and body is a perversion of our divine purpose in existence.
Those who are led by their soul are referred to as Carnal Minded.
Those are led by their spirit are Spiritual Minded.
Reflection occurs when our soul communicates with our spirit. It involves a reassessment of what has been considered, said or done.
When a Carnal Minded individual reflects they invariably argue against higher moral value which, if they exist, come from their spirit.
When a Spiritual Minded individual reflects they invariably argue for higher moral value which comes from their New Spirit by virtue of the New Birth through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
So, the Carnal Minded individual will dishonestly justify what they think, say and do from a practical, self-interest perspective.
Whereas the Spiritual Minded individual will honestly judge what they think, say and do with respect to the character of the Holy Spirit.
Reflection for a Carnal Minded person is actually a bad thing as it invariably results in self-deception. Instead of growing, they shrivel up.
On the other hand, reflection for a Spiritual Minded individual results in healthy growth as they reinforce the good and repent of the bad.
In we come to understand the nature of God who from the beginning is Spirit and Soul.
Going back to we see the Spirit and Soul of God making a unified decision to make man in His image. The use of the word 'us' is to indicate that God was comfortable with his decision to do so.
Have you ever decided to say or do something but felt uneasy about it? That is an indication of disagreement between your spirit and soul.
Whenever that uneasiness arises more reflection is required with the hope that your spirit will dominate your soul for the final decision.
How does one get to the point where they are led by the Holy Spirit?
This verse is telling us that our soul must subjugate itself to our spirit (which is one with the Holy Spirit). Hearing, believing, receiving and doing with Word Of The Lord is how your soul is knowingly and wilfully conformed to your spirit.
Jesus said and did exactly what His Spirit wanted Him to say and do.
When Jesus went apart to pray it was for the purpose of reflection. It was time spent strengthening His mind (Soul) through reflection with His Spirit.
The result was that He spoke with authority and performed with power.
Before the Word became flesh, there was no temptation for the Soul and Spirit of God to be at odds. In order for God to identify with mankind, Jesus was tempted in all manner as we are, yet without sin.
So, the body of Jesus, being human, was subject to the desires of the flesh which pray upon the soul. His time in prayer was to reaffirm His commitment to His Spirit to stick to the original plan of salvation.
If we are to be conformed to the image of Christ Jesus we must
→ decide to follow Him
→ meditate on His Word
→ pray in His Holy Spirit
Through continual reflection we Pray Without Ceasing.