[ Created: 2022-03-02 09:32:39  Updated: 2022-03-02 09:34:08 Owner: rl ]
Title: Something that happens producing a memory and effect    



References (292) to 'Experience'
I communed with my own heart, saying, Lo, I am come to great estate, and have gotten more wisdom than all they that have been before me in Jerusalem: yes, my heart had great experience of wisdom and knowledge.

And Laban said unto him, I pray you, if I have found favour in your eyes, tarry: for I have learned by experience that the Lord has blessed me for your sake.

And patience, experience; and experience, hope:
As we exercise our faith in spite of circumstances we build patience.       These experiences cause us to reflect on our hope which is expectation of glory.

1 - Chronic Pain Healing 4 Step Plan to Healing Chronic Pain
1 - Getting Along Getting along with people
1 - Grace And Faith Balancing Grace and Faith
1 - Hearing God How To Hear God’s Voice
1 - Knowledge Based Faith Faith for Healing is based on Knowledge
1 - Observing All Things Observing All Things
10  1 - Relationship With God Relationship With God
11  1 - Staying Full Of God Staying Full Of God
12  1 - Truth And Victory Certain Truths are necessary for Victory
13  2 - A Call To Prayer A Call To Prayer
14  2-APlaceCalled'There' A Place Called 'There'
15  2 - Fully Persuaded Faith How to move mountains
16  2 - Redemption Redemption
17  2 - Water Walking How to Become a Water Walker
18  2 - Where Am I From Where Did I Come From
19  3 - Blessing And Miracles Blessing and Miracles
20  3 - Effortless Change Effortless Change
21  3 - Hell Hell-A Reality Or A Metaphor?
22  3 - Hell Hell-A Reality or a Metaphor?
23  3 - Power Of A Testimony Power Of A Testimony
24  3 - Receive A Miracle 2 How to Receive a Miracle - Part 2
25  3 - Spirit Soul Body You are Spirit Soul and Body in Christ Jesus
26  3 - The Reality Of Faith The Reality Of Faith
27  3 - Unanswered Prayer What to do when Prayer is unanswered
28  3 - Who Jesus Loves Look Who Jesus Loves
29  4 - Harnessing Emotions Harnessing Your Emotions
30  4 - Knowing God Knowing God
31  4 - Psychology Versus Christianity Psychology vs.     Christianity
32  4 - Source Of All Grief Source Of All Grief
33  5 - Do Not Limit God Do Not Limit God
34  5 - Financial Stewardship 2 Financial Stewardship: The Practical Side
35  5 - Killing Sacred Cows Killing Sacred Cows
36  5 - Romans The Gospel of Grace
37  5 - Walking By Faith Walking by Faith
38  6 - A Sure Foundation Seed Time Harvest
39  6 - Eternal Life The Most Import Teaching
40  6 - Lessons From Joseph School of hard knocks
41  6 - Romans The importance of the book of Romans
42  7 - Holy Spirit The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
43  Able To Hear Prepared, interested and attentive
44  Abundant Life Life on Earth enhanced and empowered by the Holy Spirit of Christ Jesus
45  Accelerator Pump Holley accelerator pump tuning
46  Age Of Civility Was there ever a time when people were civil to each other?
47  AI Artificial Intelligence - also a city in Palestine
48  Alive Existence, consciousness
49  Alma Mater Nourishing mother
50  Altar Call A traditional invitation for a person to come physically to an Altar to be Saved
51  America Eulogy The Death of America - what happens next
52  Angst An unfocused feeling of deep anxiety or dread about the world or human condition
53  Another Gospel Any plan of Salvation other than through Christ Jesus
54  App Short for Application, a tool with functions
55  Assignment A task for which an authority has placed responsibility upon a subordinate for completion
56  Bad Business bad business experiences
57  Bitter Angry, hurt, or resentful due to bad experiences or injustices
58  Busy Body A person who is too interested in things that do not involve them
59  Cam Center Line Importance of cam center line to performance
60  Carnal Mind A Mind that is blind to the Heavenly , the Spiritual
61  Chosen Selected based on some criteria of being Worthy
62  Christian America America exists in its Christianity
63  Christian Culture Christian Mores , Values , Ethics , Rights and Responsibilities
64  Climateand Spirituality Nature responds to Spiritual Law
65  Climate Of Public Opinion And Life What people are thinking and how they live
66  Comfort A state of Physical ease and Freedom from Pain or constraint.
67  Communist An adherent to Communism
68  Conscience An aptitude, faculty, intuition or judgment that assists in distinguishing right from wrong
69  Consequenced When you experience the Consequence of your Choice
70  Conservative Arts Biblically based Education
71  Constitution Catechism Arthur Standburry Constitution Catechism
72  Critical Thinking Thinking clearly and rationally, understanding the logical connection between ideas
73  Cycle A series of events that are regularly repeated in the same order
74  Damnable Heresies Theology that denies Jesus as Mighty God and Everlasting Father
75  Darmok And Jalad At Tanagra Facing the battle with Jesus
76  Deceived Convinced that a Lie is the Truth
77  Declaration Of Independence The Declaration of Independence
78  D E M O 1_04 - Relationship With God Relationship With God
79  D E M O 1_12 - Word Integrity Integrity Of God’S Word
80  Demon A spirit being working for satan
81  Demon Possession Under the control of a Demon
82  Denominationalism Every Christian leader wanted to be the Pope of their own group
83  Dependency The state of relying on someone or something else for aid, support, etc.     
84  Destination The place to which it is going or being sent
85  Destiny The events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future
86  Die To experience Death
87  Dimension A measurable extent of some kind, such as length, breadth, depth, or height
88  Dissatisfied Youth The enabled, pampered, socialized American youth
89  Dog A domesticated canine
90  Dogmatic Sticking strickly to the tenets of a conviction
91  Doublelives Living in two realities
92  Double Minded Unsure, not fixed, vascillating between alternatives
93  Duality Son and Servant, Spirit and Soul, Perfect and Carnal
94  Election 2020 Sadness The sadness of the death of America
95  Enjoying Life Are Christians supposed to enjoy Life?
96  Eternal Life Knowing God by virtue of being Born of His Spirit through Christ Jesus
97  Evangelism Bringing the Gospel to the world
98  Ever Learning Seeking knowledge for knowledge sake
99  Evil Heart A Heart that does not have Faith in God
100  Existence The fact of being
101  Experience Something that happens producing a memory and effect
102  Exploration The action of traveling in or through an unfamiliar area in order to learn about it
103  Faith Healer A person who Heals Weak Faith
104  Faith Healing The Faith that produces Healing
105  Faith Of Christ The perfect Faith that Jesus manifested
106  False Gods Things that we value that are empty
107  False Hope Hoping for something that may not come to pass
108  Fellowshipping The state of sharing Ideas, Conversation and Experiences in Love.
109  Fight Sin Or Pursue Spirit Defensive or offensive focus
110  First Works Works of righteousness - aspiring to the Spirit Walk
111  Fixing Religion Jesus couldn't, you can't, don't try
112  Foolish Lacking good sense or judgment; unwise
113  Forbidden Fruit The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
114  Free Unfettered.     Experiencing Liberty
115  Freedom America - From Can Do to Don't Do
116  Getting On Board Committing to a path and destination
117  Giving Up Freedom Why are people willing to give up their Freedom?
118  God The generic name for deity, self-existing one, creator, law-giver
119  God Is Not Your Gofer Does your Prayer consist of requests for God to do things?
120  Godly Thinking and acting like God
121  Godly Sorrow Sorrow for being separated from the Lord by sin
122  Good Business good business experiences
123  Gospel Good News of the Kingdom of God
124  Government And Crime Birds of a feather flock together
125  Grace Unmerited favor of God
126  Great Awakening 2 The second great awakening - 1795-1835
127  Great White Spirit The concept of a life force, a Supreme Being
128  Grow Become larger or greater over a period of time; increase
129  Guilt Imputation Being pressured to receive Guilt from outside
130  H.R.610 Reducing the power of the Department of Education
131  Hardened Heart A Heart that has been tempered so that it is fixed
132  Harvest The act or process of gathering in a crop
133  Hell A place of separation from God
134  Heritage Something possessed as a result of one's natural situation or birth
135  His Plan The plan of God in Creation was Relationship with Us
136  Hoax A plan accomplished by deception
137  Holy Ghost Holy Spirit
138  Holy Spirit Acts The Acts of the Holy Spirit
139  Holy Spirit Baptism Evidence Speaking in Tongues as the Spirit gives utterance
140  Homeless No house, no apartment, no camper, no tent, no church, no friends, no family
141  Hope Confident desire of obtaining some future good
142  How To Read The Bible History Poetry Prophecy and Truth
143  How You Hear How you Hear determines the effect of what you Hear
144  Humble Themselves And Pray How is the land Healed?
145  Hybrid A cross between two different species creating a new species
146  Hymn A religious song or poem of praise to God
147  Idea A thought for a possible course of action
148  Idolatry Valuing something higher than God
149  Independence Declaration of Independence
150  Information Or Relation The basis for your World View
151  Inspired The Bible is Inspired by God
152  Intellectual A person convinced that ideas are an end-all
153  Intentional Inflation Socialist communist attack against capitalism
154  Intrinsic Value Value that is inherent, ocurring naturally
155  Jesus Is God Call God by His real name
156  Jew Early on a decendent of the tribe of Judah but later a term for Hebrews
157  Jewry A place of entreached Relgious Tradition and Formality
158  Job The book of Job
159  Joy Elation, exhileration, rapture
160  Kingdom Kingdom of Our Lord Jesus Christ
161  Knowing The Spirit How do you know what Spirit is manifesting?
162  Knowledge Information that is retained
163  Law Of Faith The Spiritual Law involving the Power of Faith
164  Lets Play Baal When America Decided to Leave God and Serve Baal
165  Liberal Vs Conservative Natural or learned tendencies
166  Life Jesus is the Life
167  Little By Little Not all at once but gradually
168  Live To experience Life
169  Living In Heaven Christ Jesus made it possible for us to live in heaven - today
170  Lobbyist A person who takes part in an organized attempt to influence legislators
171  Love At First Sight A superficial infatuation without the depth of knowledge
172  Love Awareness Being overwhelmed with the realization that God Loves you
173  Love Of The Lord The Love of the Lord Jeus issues from the Holy Spirit
174  Lukewarm Neither hot nor cold
175  Maintenance To clean and repair regularly
176  Making Ends Meet A minimalist approach to life
177  Manipulated Being a victim of tactics to be moved from one position to another
178  Marinate To steep in a marinade
179  Marriage Union of a male and female in holy matrimony
180  Mass Formation Psychosis The hypnosis of a society
181  MBHD Myrtle Beach Harley Davidson
182  Memorial Day Apology Who we were, Who we are and Who we will be
183  Mental Of the Mind
184  Mentor An experienced and trsted advisor
185  Mind To think, and to feel; the faculty of consciousness and thought
186  Miracle Temporary supernatural suspension of physical laws
187  Monday Is My Favorite Day How can Monday be my favorite day?
188  Mystery Of Iniquity Satan is the Mystery of Iniquity
189  Naive Easily Deceived
190  Narrow Way Jesus is the narrow way the strait gate
191  National Defense Defending America
192  Neutered Rendered ineffective; deprived of vigor or force .
193  New Age The New Age is the recycled Old Age
194  New Birth Born of the Spirit - New Creature - Born Again
195  New You The New You and Holy Spirit
196  Omnibus A single vehicle for transportation
197  One More Day The wish of everyone who has lost a loved one
198  Original Sin The first Sin - the root of all Sin
199  Overbearing Unpleasantly or arrogantly domineering
200  Pandemic An infectious disease that spreads worldwide
201  Parent A person who provides for a child
202  Patriotism America - love it or leave it
203  Paul And Water Baptism Paul was a preacher of the Gospel - not a baptizer
204  Perverse Obstinate desire to behave in a way that is unreasonable or unacceptable
205  Philosopher A person who rejects revelation knowledge to foolishly pursue Truth by reasoning
206  Physical Salvation To save from physical harm or death
207  PLACE The " Powerful Life of Abundance with Command for Eternity " place to be
208  Pleasure Is Pleasure a Good thing?
209  Prayer Day National day of Prayer
210  Prayer Language Power The Power of Praying in the Spirit by Adam Wittenberg
211  Preconceived Notion Imprinted information affecting our perception of new information
212  Privileged Or Blessed Ignorance of and separation from the Spiritual Realm
213  Pro Man_ Rationale Rationale for Pro Man
214  Racecrashes Causes, costs and remedies for major accidents
215  Reality The state of things as they actually exist
216  Rebellion Resistence to Authority , Non-Conformity
217  Rehearsal Mentally preparing or reciting
218  Relationship The state of being connected by blood or marriage.     
219  Repent To alter your thinking, to change directions
220  Rest Cease work or movement in order to relax
221  Restoration Returning something to a former owner, place, or condition.     
222  Revelation The revelation of Jesus Christ
223  Revelation Of God Who and what is God and can we know Him?
224  Revival And Riot What happens when Truth shows up
225  Revival Or Return Will there be revival or will the Lord return soon
226  Risen Having experienced Resurrection
227  Salt That which enhances flavor and quality of experience
228  Salt And Pepper Two very common food seasonings
229  Salvation Deliverance from the curse of sin into abundant, eternal life
230  Sanity The quality of having a sound mind
231  Sanity Check To reassess your thinking and eliminate wrong assumptions
232  Satanic Dominion Evidence of the dominion of Satan over earth
233  Secret Rapture Reprinted from
234  See Observe with eyes, comprehend with Mind
235  Seek God What does it mean to Seek God?     
236  Self - Centered Focusing on self to the exclusion of everything else
237  Self Will Autonomy
238  Serenity Now Fleeting or continual Peace
239  Settler A person who accepts what is easily available
240  Sin Effect The Effect of Sin is Corruption of the Soul and Body
241  Slavery Under the control of an owner - not Free
242  Social Worker A paid knock-off of a practicing Christian
243  Software Insanity How software development has gone haywire
244  Sovereign Supreme ruler possessing ultimate Power
245  Spirit Baptism Being baptised with the Holy Spirit
246  Spirit Realm Where God the Holy Spirit exists with the Holy Angels - Heaven
247  Spirit Salvation The Salvation that occurs at the New Birth when you become a New Spirit being
248  Spirit Soul And Body The three-part makeup of every person including God
249  Spiritual D N A The Life essence from God
250  Spiritual Minded Having the Mind Of Christ and walking in Spiritual Truth
251  Spiritual Wickedness When the root of a person is Evil - a Corrupt nature
252  Standard Something used as a measure in comparative evaluations
253  Steal Kill And Destroy The Work of the Thief
254  Style Over Substance Pretense, Superficiality vs Truth and Wisdom
255  Submission The act or state of willingly coming under the control of something or someone
256  Supreme Court The protector of the Constitution
257  Systemic Unbelief Unbelief resulting from a corrupted Gospel message
258  Tech Immorality Using technology to injure people
259  Testimony Of Jesus Christ The Testimony Of Jesus Christ is the Spirit Of Prophecy
260  The Measure Of The Gift Of Christ What is the Gift Of Christ and how is it measured?
261  The Problem With Sin What is wrong with sin anyway?
262  The Trip Traveling from one place to another
263  Thorn In The Flesh What is a thorn in the flesh?
264  Tone The general character or attitude of a sound or piece of writing
265  Training The exercise of technique for subsequent application
266  True Holiness The Manifested Spirit of God
267  Tuner A mechanism for changing Focus
268  Turning Away From God Who is God and why should we even think about Him
269  Two Americas There are two Americas and they are divisible
270  Two Salvations Spirit Salvation and Soul Salvation
271  Tyranny Cruel and oppressive government or rule
272  Tyrant A cruel and oppressive ruler
273  Unanswered Prayer A Prayer that does not produce the desired outcome
274  Under A Curse Are we under a curse?
275  Understanding When Light shines on Knowledge
276  Vicarious Experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person.
277  Victory Domination, defeat, destruction of the enemy
278  Vow Of Poverty To renounce all personal property
279  What Do You Say?      What are you thinking?     What is in your heart?
280  What If Adam Had Not Sinned?      What would life look like were there no sin in the world?
281  When Hitler Was A Baby The human potential for good and evil
282  White Privilege The perception that white people are Privileged by their whiteness
283  Who Is In Control Who is in control?
284  Whose Faith Whose Faith produces results?
285  Wicked Culture 7 Reasons Pastors Stay Silent in Our Wicked Culture
286  Will Of God The plan, intent or purpose of our Creator
287  Woman Power Perverse politization of women in leadership
288  Word Faith Power The Word mixed with Faith releases Power
289  Word Of Faith Faith in Gods Word connects us with His Power
290  Word Of His Power That force which upholds all things in the universe
291  Wrath God's fixed, controlled, passionate feeling against sin.     ..     a settled indignation
292  Yoga Pagan form of self-discipline