Angst is a spiritual sickness. It is a result of being Carnal Minded. Angst is contrary to the expectation of love, joy, peace and faith which are Spirit Fruits.
When a person is Born Again they become New Spirit beings with Eternal Life. This is Spirit Salvation.
Unfortunately, our soul (mind and emotions) are not immediately transformed and so we do not experience instantaneous Soul Salvation.
All believers struggle in our soul and body. Depite the fact that we know in our spirit what is right and good, we are not immune from the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye and pride of life ().
We have power through the Word and Holy Spirit to be transformed and experience a large measure of Soul Salvation but it requires great discipline to do so. This is because we attain Soul Salvation by an act of our will in many areas of our life.
There is no condemnation by the Lord toward a person experiencing angst. However, just as is the case with every sin, there are consequences that tend toward death (loss of life, joy, peace, faith).
There has been a scism in the Body of Christ with respect to traditional and contemporary Gospel music (CGM). Why is this?
I believe the reason for the scism has to do with carnality and angst. Carnality and angst go hand in hand.
Carnality is placing an inordinate amount of importance and attention on the Physical Realm.
Angst is a soulish reaction to such carnality.
Music is like most everything in the universe. It can be good or it can be evil.
God created all good music. Artists in touch with God discover that music and deliver it.
Lucifer (who had musical instruments in his body) created all evil music. Artists in touch with Satan discover and deliver it.
This assessment may sound harsh. However, we only have to look at the spiritual state of our society to see the effect of evil music. One of the greatest effects is in the angst that manifests in the music and lyrics of pop music today.
Not only do we hear the joyless drumming and droning of that music but we also hear it in the hopeless, sensual, carnal, lyrics. But even more bothersome and telling is the angst in which singers deliver the evil music.
Now, no one should be surprised about secular music trending downward as it is the product of the evil musician, Satan.
However, the overtones of that evil music have filtered into much of contemporary Gospel music. What I find very disconcerting in many of these songs is that the lyrics are in complete contrast to the music and voice of the artists.
I hear many CGM songs which have great lyrics but the music is highly sensual and the voices of the artists are filled with angst. Such music is discordant - maybe not in tone but in message.
Satan is a master of deception. He never uses a bald-faced lie to deceive. He takes some truth and then twists it to meet his objective (see Satanic Conspiracy). In the world of music Satan is a master deceiver since it provides a vehicle by which his lies and his musical genius can thrive.
Now, lest anyone think I am picking on CGM alone let me make it clear that many traditional hymns have unscriptural lyrics but great music. This is also true of every genre of music. A beautiful melody can be overlaid with a lyric glorifying adultery or drug abuse in country and classical music.
But, I am not concerned about secular music. You must take all of it with a grain of salt.
I am concerned with the spirit of the music being used in the worship of the Lord.
Here we see three things about the Lord that are non-negotiable.
→ First of all God is spirit. He is not sensual. He is not carnal.
→ Secondly, He requires those worshipping Him to worship Him in His Spirit.
→ Thirdly, He requires those worshipping Him to worship Him in Truth.
This means that any music that does not elevate a person to spirituality rather than reducing them to carnality is unacceptable in worship though it may be entertaining.
Also, any lyric that is not consistent with the Word Of God is unacceptable in worship though it may be clever and ear-pleasing.
Lastly, since joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit, any voice that is Worshipping the Lord must be motivated by love, joy, peace and faith rather than angst.
As mentioned above, Lucifer, aka Satan, is a musical genius whose plan is to destroy humanity. It is foolish of Christians to ignore his deceitfulness and give place to him in their worship services.
Take the time to listen objectively to the music in your Church. If you are detecting sensuality, untruth or angst in it, recognize that this is entertainment at best and not worship.
All ministers and ministers of music need to address sensuality, unscriptural lyrics and angst in the voices of their singers if they are to elevate their congregation to worshipping God in Spirit and in Truth.