If you never do anything but defend yourself against attacks, your enemy remains in the superior position.
When the enemy is left in a superior position they invariably use that position to launch future assaults.
You cannot win a defensive war.
The passivity that is found amongst Christians is bewildering. It defies logic, the history of the world, and especially the history of the Bible.
The fundamental deception in Christianity has to do with a lack of understanding of the differences between group and individual dynamics.
The assumption that our personal interactions with an enemy carry over to group interactions with a group of such enemies is totally invalid.
How an individual Christian would interact with Hitler, Stalin or Mao is totally different from how a group of Christians should deal with the forces of Hitler or Stalin or Mao.
Christians fought and killed enemies in Hitler's camp. The reality is that some of the people they killed were Christians themselves.
Were those Christians who fought against Hitler's forces justified or not?
From a practical sense the answer is, absolutely.
From a spiritual sense the answer is not so clear. Why is this? Because of the extrapolation of individual Christian behavioural expectations to group behaviour.
It is always wrong for a Christian to act selfishly. That is abundantly clear from scripture.
However, our Lord said that 'greater love has no man than to lay down his life for a friend'. This means that fighting for a cause bigger than yourself is admirable and justifiable. It really is expected of us by our Lord.
We are stewards of all that belongs to our Lord. As stewards we manage His property on His behalf. One of the greatest expectations for any steward is to preserve that which belongs to his master.
We know that the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof. We know that all power in heaven and earth belongs to Christ Jesus. We know that He is King Of Kings and Lord Of Lords. Hence, it follows that our responsibility is to manage the earth on His behalf.
It is obvious that there is an enemy at work
→ stealing the Lord's property,
→ killing the Lord's people and
→ destroying the Lord's work.
You cannot win a defensive war.
We know that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal. But again this is speaking of our individual warfare. It is not speaking of group warfare. Otherwise, our resistance to Hitler was immoral because it was waged with carnal weapons with the loss of human life.
At stake today is the whole world. Because of globalism supported by technology and worldwide commerce the enemy is now poised to control everything and everyone.
The book of Revelation reveals the strategy and the implementation components of the antichrist's kingdom. There is no exhortation in the book of Revelation for Christians to submit to the antichrist. Actually it speaks only to the individual resistance to him and his policies.
We know that individual resistance to a political force is futile. However, group resistance to political forces may be successful when coupled with determination to implement an alternative agenda.
In situations where the rule of law (such as fair elections) is thrown aside, there is no recourse for resisting the enemy except by physical, violent force.
Referring again to Hitler's Germany, many diplomatic efforts were expended to prevent armed conflict. Why did they not work? Because Hitler rejected the rule of law in favor of the rule of might.
The point of this article is twofold:
→ to help Christians understand that fighting for others and their cause is moral
→ to help all of us understand that the best defense is a good offense
May the Lord help you do everything you can to head off the Antichrist Kingdom with the understanding that Christ Jesus will utterly destroy it at His appearing.
Everything includes:
→ speaking the Truth
→ rebuking the devil
→ reproving those in error
→ resisting the devil
→ sacrificing yourself for others.