[ Created: 2022-02-23 08:28:59  Updated: 2022-02-23 12:20:32 Owner: rl ]
Title: A specially gifted person     

Humans look to the Talented, Intelligent, Beautiful and Strong (SuperDupers) with awe.   They become fans of such and live Vicariously through them.   

But what would you say if I told you we were all designed to be SuperDupers?   

Most people would look at their Physical qualities and then say "You are wrong".   

But such a response denies the Truth of the Bible and makes God out to be a respecter of persons.   

The Truth is found in the WordOfGod.   What does it say?   

Then Peter opened his Mouth, and said, Of a Truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: - Act 10:34
Mouth, Salvation, SpiritGifts

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a New Creature: old things are passed away; Behold, all things are become New. - 2Co 5:17
So we ought to Walk in newness of Life.     Rom 6:4

But, we must get our Minds off the old things in order for them to stop interfering with the Life of the NewCreature.

Therefore we are buried with him by Baptism into Death: that like as Christ was raised up from the Dead by the Glory of the Father, even so we also should Walk in newness of Life. - Rom 6:4
The SinNature which we were born with is a result of OriginalSin (Gen 2:17 Gen 3:10,11.) It was crucified with Christ.     

By Faith in Christ Jesus we are BornAgain - made NewSpirit beings (Joh 3:5 Gal 5:25.)

Your Mind, Emotions and Body were not crucified with Christ.     You must crucify them by acts of your will.     

Let this Mind be in you - Phi 2:5
Mortify your members - Col 3:5
Submit yourselves to God - Jam 4:7
Resist the Devil - Jam 4:7
Present your Body - Rom 12:1
Follow Peace with all men - Heb 12:14
Have Faith in God - Mar 11:22
and so on.     

All the action verbs above indicate that our Soul (Mind Emotions) are not instantly perfected in the NewBirth as our Spirit is (1Co 2:6 Phi 3:15.)

This verse says that we have Newness of Life but we must Walk in it.     Walk is an action verb implying that we have to knowingly and wilfully decide to let the NewSpirit being manifest.     
Otherwise, it won't.     

SpiritSalvation is instantaneous.     
SoulSalvation is a process totally dependent on our will while we are in the Flesh.     

At His Return Jesus will finish His Redemption Work by translating us from corruptible to incorruptible (1Co 15:50-55.)

In the meantime, our Lord expects us to press toward the mark (Phi 3:14.)

I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. - Phi 4:13
I am not limited by my Physical assets.     

I can deal with any Circumstance, Overcome any obstacle and Accomplish whatsoever I Desire (Mar 11:24) by the Strength of Christ.

The reality is that Physical Talent, Strength, Beauty and Intelligence can limit God.   
While a person is building their lives around their Physical assets they may neglect the Spirit.   

Was Jesus handsome?   
No.   Isa 53:2

Was Jesus Physically Strong?   
There is no evidence that Jesus was an imposing figure Physically.   

Was Jesus talented?   
There is no evidence that Jesus could sing or play a musical instrument.   

Was Jesus Intelligent?   
Nothing Jesus said was derived from His intellect.   He Spoke what He Received from God.   

So, why do we measure ourselves by ourselves and among ourselves?   

For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not Wise. - 2Co 10:12
Valuing ourselves and others based on Physical assets is UnGodly.     

Why?     because it is Foolish, ignoring the Will and Power of God to make us Glorious (Col 1:27) despite our Physical shortcomings.     

Furthermore, it results in us magnifying man rather than God.

The answer to that question is we do not Understand the Power that God has placed within us.   

But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the Dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the Dead shall also Quicken your Mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwells in you. - Rom 8:11
The HolySpirit is the Spirit that raised Christ from the Dead and He will make our mortal bodies alive with Supernatural Health and Strength.

Jesus Understood the Father and trusted the Father to overcome any Physical limitation He had .   
He operated by the HolySpirit, the Power of God, to Heal and Deliver all who Believed in Him.   

Truly, truly, I Say unto you, He that believes on me, the Works that I do shall he do also; and greater Works than these shall he Do; because I go unto my Father. - Joh 14:12
This is one of the most ignored things that Jesus said.     Why?     Because we choose to be Believers only.     We resist becoming Disciples.     

Disciples Follow their Master in His footsteps learning from Him and immitating Him.     

Jesus is telling us that we are to spread the Gospel, Heal the Sick, set Captives Free and make Disciples of all men.     

We can only do this by the Power of the HolySpirit operating in a vessel with the MindOfChrist.

And I Will Pray the Father, and he shall Give you another Comforter, that he may Abide with you for ever; - Joh 14:16
God is a Spirit.     He is the HolySpirit.     Jesus came to Redeem us so that we can be Born of His Spirit and be Filled with His Spirit.     In other words, Jesus came that we may Receive God into us and that we may be in God.     

We have EternalLife in the HolySpirit.     We experience AbundantLife in this Physical life as we are Transformed by the HolySpirit and the Word to the MindOfChrist.     

If you not in Perfect Peace, if you have any Fear, you need the Comforter - the HolySpirit.     Ask God for His HolySpirit and He will Give Himself to you.     Luk 11:13

And, Behold, I send the Promise of my Father upon you: but tarry you in the city of Jerusalem, until you be endued with Power from on high. - Luk 24:49
Being baptised with the HolySpirit is God's Will for us.     It is necessary for us to be BornAgain so that we may Receive Him.     When we are Filled we Receive the Power of God into our own Body.

We see very clearly that our preoccupation with Physical assets is Ungodly.   It tends to elevate man rather than God.   

And be not Conformed to this World: but be you Transformed by the renewing of your Mind, that you may Prove what is that Good, and acceptable, and Perfect, Will of God. - Rom 12:2
Conformity is Good when it is to the Word and the HolySpirit.     Otherwise it is Evil.     

In order for the NewSpirit being to manifest in our Flesh, we must be Transformed in Mind and Emotions (our Soul).     

When we are Transformed we Receive the Wisdom and Power of God to do the Work of Christ Jesus in our mortal bodies.     

What is the Good and acceptable and Perfect WillOfGod?     
It is that none Perish (2Pe 3:9,) it is that all be Healed (1Pe 2:24,) it is that all Prosper (3Jn 1:2.)

How is God's will proved?     
By the manifestation of Evidence.     
What Evidence?     
Salvation, Healing and Prosperity.     

Hence, the only thing holding us back from experiencing the best that God has for us is our Minds.     

Let the MindOfChrist be in you.     - Phi 2:5

If you value yourself or others based on Physical assets you are Conformed to the World.   
Until your Mind is Transformed you will never prove the Perfect Will of God in your life.   
Submit yourself to God by coming under the Authority of His Word and allowing the HolySpirit to use your Physical Body.   

You can be a SuperDuper InChrist!