| Humans look to the Talented, Intelligent, Beautiful and Strong (SuperDupers) with awe. They become fans of such and live Vicariously through them. But what would you say if I told you we were all designed to be SuperDupers? Most people would look at their Physical qualities and then say "You are wrong". But such a response denies the Truth of the Bible and makes God out to be a respecter of persons. The Truth is found in the WordOfGod. What does it say? The reality is that Physical Talent, Strength, Beauty and Intelligence can limit God. While a person is building their lives around their Physical assets they may neglect the Spirit.
Was Jesus handsome? No. Isa 53:2
Was Jesus Physically Strong? There is no evidence that Jesus was an imposing figure Physically.
Was Jesus talented? There is no evidence that Jesus could sing or play a musical instrument.
Was Jesus Intelligent? Nothing Jesus said was derived from His intellect. He Spoke what He Received from God.
So, why do we measure ourselves by ourselves and among ourselves? For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not Wise. - 2Co 10:12 The answer to that question is we do not Understand the Power that God has placed within us. Jesus Understood the Father and trusted the Father to overcome any Physical limitation He had . He operated by the HolySpirit, the Power of God, to Heal and Deliver all who Believed in Him. Truly, truly, I Say unto you, He that believes on me, the Works that I do shall he do also; and greater Works than these shall he Do; because I go unto my Father. - Joh 14:12 We see very clearly that our preoccupation with Physical assets is Ungodly. It tends to elevate man rather than God. If you value yourself or others based on Physical assets you are Conformed to the World. Until your Mind is Transformed you will never prove the Perfect Will of God in your life. Submit yourself to God by coming under the Authority of His Word and allowing the HolySpirit to use your Physical Body.
You can be a SuperDuper InChrist! |