[ Created: 2022-02-11 08:14:08  Updated: 2022-03-31 00:09:49 Owner: rl ]
Title: Having no Power or very little Power     

Liars and opportunists promote Weakness as a quality when in fact it is a flaw.   

God is all-powerful.   There is no Weakness in Him.   

God sent us His HolySpirit so that we could Receive Power.   That Power is so that we are no longer Weak.   

But when Christians operate in Authority and Strength they are accused of being mean-spirited.   

Is Jesus going to be mean-spirited when He returns?   I understand He is going to destroy billions of people with the Word of His mouth.   Rev 19:11-21

Of course not.   God is a God of Justice doing what must be done.   Christians have believed the Lie of Satan that says: "You can do me no harm because you are a Christian and must be kind to everyone."

That is hogwash.   The Earth would be in total Chaos were it not for man admistering Justice.   (Actually total Chaos appears to be our current destination).

It is the spirit of Feminism and Effeminism that promotes Weakness, Tolerance and unchecked Wickedness.   That spirit is of the Enemy, Satan who is using it to destroy Humanity.   

As to "no rights", that is a patently globalist concept; and we know who the globalists will eventually give power to.