The Enemy that we are to Love is the Enemy who has not heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If a person has heard the Gospel and knowingly and wilfully rejected it, they cease to be our Enemy and have become the Enemy of Christ their only Hope of Salvation. Mar 6:11
Enemies of the Cross of Christ are those who have Blasphemed the HolySpirit by rejecting His Conviction that Christ Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. In so doing such a person is locked into being a ChildOfSatan. John 8:44
If you Love and support such an Enemy as you do your Friend your that Enemy will eventually destroy you and your friend.
We ought not to love Satan who is enemy number 1. Furthermore, there are people who have intentionally wilfully rejected the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They are reprobate-minded servants of the Enemy.
Jesus encountered those people in His walk and rebuked them as such (John 8:44.) Peter and John encountered them when they healed the lame man at the Temple (Act 4:18.) Such are not just unbelievers but they are Enemies of the Cross of Christ.
How do we know when we are dealing with such a one? By their words and their spirit. Jesus rebuked those people who willingly and wilfully rejected Him and called them whited sepulchres filled with dead men's bones.
The reality is that many of the people around the World are reprobate minded, have rejected the notion of God, the legitimacy of the Bible and the fact that Christ Jesus is the only way to Salvation, calling this the post-Christian era.
Such people's hearts are prepared to receive the Mark of the Beast. Can they be saved (which is God's will)? Only if the HolySpirit draws them after hearing the Gospel. The problem is that (as said above) many have heard the Gospel and rejected it. Unless the HolySpirit draws them no amount of preaching or praying will change their hearts.