# | Item | Description |
1 | | Produce your cause, saith the LORD; bring forth your strong reasons, saith the King of Jacob. |
2 | 1 - A Better Way To Pray | A Better Way To Pray |
3 | 1 - Truth And Victory | Certain Truths are necessary for Victory |
4 | 2 - Receive A Miracle 1 | How to Receive a Miracle - Part 1 |
5 | 2 - Redemption | Redemption |
6 | 2 - Sowers And Eaters | Sowers and Eaters |
7 | 2 - The True Nature Of God | The True Nature of God |
8 | 2 - Where Am I From | Where Did I Come From |
9 | 3 - Blessing And Miracles | Blessing and Miracles |
10 | 3 - Effortless Change | Effortless Change |
11 | 3 - Receive A Miracle 2 | How to Receive a Miracle - Part 2 |
12 | 3 - Spirit Soul Body | You are Spirit Soul and Body in Christ Jesus |
13 | 3 - Unanswered Prayer | What to do when Prayer is unanswered |
14 | 3 - Whose Righteousness? | Whose Righteousness? |
15 | 4 - Christians And Politics | Christians and Politics |
16 | 4 - Financial Stewardship | Financial Stewardship |
17 | 4 - Knowing God | Knowing God |
18 | 5 - Faith In Faith | Faith in your faith |
19 | 5 - Walking By Faith | Walking by Faith |
20 | 6 - A Sure Foundation | Seed Time Harvest |
21 | 6 - Eternal Life | The Most Import Teaching |
22 | 6 - Lessons From Joseph | School of hard knocks |
23 | 6 - Praying And Words | Praying and the Words we Speak |
24 | Able To Hear | Prepared, interested and attentive |
25 | After His Kind | All life produces after its own kind |
26 | America Decline | Why America is not great |
27 | America Destroyed | America has been destroyed. Will she rise again? |
28 | Am I D I O Tica | A country formed by confederation of big American cities |
29 | Anticipation | Excitement about something that is about to happen |
30 | Bailout | Throwing good money at bad |
31 | Believing | The state of being in Faith |
32 | Bible Education | Using the Bible to teach young people |
33 | Blessed | Having received the Blessing |
34 | Bureaucrat | A person who is employed by the Government or one who encourages Government employment |
35 | Cam Center Line | Importance of cam center line to performance |
36 | Channeling | Entering a meditative state in order to convey a message from a spiritual guide |
37 | Child Sacrifice | Giving a child to be consumed for the sake of the parent |
38 | Choice | An act of selecting or making a decision |
39 | Christianityand Islam | How does a Christian deal with Islam? |
40 | Christian Religion | Christianity is about Relationship not Religion |
41 | Condemnation | The state of disapproval by guilt |
42 | Confession | What we Confess , acknowledge |
43 | Confidence | The state of feeling certain about the truth of something |
44 | Consequence | The result of a Choice |
45 | Constitution Catechism | Arthur Standburry Constitution Catechism |
46 | Constitution Text | Text of the Constitution |
47 | Consumer | One who uses what others produce |
48 | Corporate Fascism | Business and Government Fascism |
49 | Correction | A change that rectifies an error |
50 | Corruption | Below standard action - Corrupt |
51 | D E M O 1_03 - Righteousnessby Grace | Righteousness by Grace |
52 | D E M O 1_10 - Identity In Christpart 2 | Identity In Christ part 2 |
53 | D E M O 1_12 - Word Integrity | Integrity Of God’S Word |
54 | Destiny | The events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future |
55 | Diabetes | Diabetes, is a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood sugar, either because the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or because cells do not respond to the insulin produced |
56 | Division | Absence of Agreement, Unity and Fellowship |
57 | Don Quixote Syndrome | The need to vanquish even if you have to create the enemy |
58 | Eater | A person who consumes |
59 | Eating Your Seed | The opportunity cost of eating your seed |
60 | Elitist Christian | A Christisn who believes they are better than other Christians |
61 | Eternal Life | Knowing God by virtue of being Born of His Spirit through Christ Jesus |
62 | Ethanol | Ethyl alcohol |
63 | Evangelism | Bringing the Gospel to the world |
64 | Evil Generation | People of an age group Collective whose identity is Evil |
65 | Expectation | A certainty about a future event - Anticipation |
66 | Faith Fight | To come against everything that is unscriptural |
67 | Faith Healing | The Faith that produces Healing |
68 | Faith Power | Real Faith Manfests Power |
69 | Faith Unfeigned | Heart Faith based on the Word and Holy Spirit revelation |
70 | Faith Work | Work that is done through Faith |
71 | Fire | Rapid oxidation of a material releasing heat, light, and various reaction products |
72 | Firewall | Something that acts as a shield against something destructive |
73 | Fixing Religion | Jesus couldn't, you can't, don't try |
74 | Food Shortage | Food may be in short supply due to COVID-19 |
75 | Forest Trees | Can't see the forest for the trees |
76 | Fossil Fuel | Crude oil and natural gas are presumed to have organic origins |
77 | Freeloader | A person who enjoys the benefits of others efforts |
78 | Free Stuff | There is no such thing as a Free Lunch |
79 | Gap | Discontinuity, breach |
80 | Genetics | The study of how God programmed living organisms |
81 | Godly | Thinking and acting like God |
82 | Good Government | Government is best that governs least |
83 | Gospel | Good News of the Kingdom of God |
84 | Gospel Power | Gospel = Power of God unto Salvation |
85 | Government | Government |
86 | Grace | Unmerited favor of God |
87 | Great Society | A secular attempt to eliminate poverty and injustice |
88 | Hate | Animosity, ill-will |
89 | Healing School | A place where you learn about Healing |
90 | Health Care | Doctor and hospital visits, therapy and medication |
91 | Heart Faith | Faith that issues from the Heart and not the head |
92 | Hebrews | Letter from Paul to the descendents of Jacob - the Jews |
93 | His Thoughts | God's Thoughts About You |
94 | Homosexual | Homosexual Marriage |
95 | Human | An Individual of Mankind |
96 | Human Effort | Man trying to do things independent of God |
97 | Idea | A thought for a possible course of action |
98 | If Only | The point at which Unbelief disappears |
99 | Illegal Drug | A Drug for which a law has been made forbidding its use |
100 | Image | A likeness of some other entity |
101 | Imagination | Image + Nation → powerful, ruling, mental pictures |
102 | Infiltration | Gaining access surreptitiously in order to cause damage |
103 | Inspired | The Bible is Inspired by God |
104 | Invest | Expend resources with the expectation of increase |
105 | Is Your Believer Broken? | Are you receiving that for which you asked or not? |
106 | Jewry | A place of entreached Relgious Tradition and Formality |
107 | KJV | King James Version of the Bible |
108 | Law Of Sowing And Reaping | Every Action has a Consequence |
109 | Lawyer | A person who practices or studies law |
110 | Leaven, Leanings, Leavesand Lamentations | As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. |
111 | Lie | A false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive |
112 | Love At First Sight | A superficial infatuation without the depth of knowledge |
113 | Love Of The Truth | The state of wanting the Truth regardless of the changes it entails |
114 | Machine | A device which is able to take inputs and produce outputs |
115 | Making Ends Meet | A minimalist approach to life |
116 | Marriage | Union of a male and female in holy matrimony |
117 | Medical Bondage | Bound by the Medical Care system |
118 | Mental Assent | Acknowledging Truth but not operating in it |
119 | MNC | Multi-National-Corporation - one which produces products in foreign country using foreign labor |
120 | Modern Theology | Understanding Modern Theology from the Tree |
121 | Monopoly | Exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a commodity or service |
122 | Movies | A sequence of photographs projected onto a screen with sufficient rapidity as to create the illusion of motion and continuity |
123 | Multiplication | Increase by the God factor |
124 | Music | Vocal or instrumental sounds possessing a degree of melody, harmony and rhythm |
125 | News | Newly received or noteworthy information, especially about recent or important events |
126 | NIV | New International Version |
127 | Noise Pollution | Bad Music and lyrics |
128 | Offence | Injury inflicted by another |
129 | Pain | Hurting caused by injury - Suffering |
130 | Pandemic | An infectious disease that spreads worldwide |
131 | Pandemic Psychology | Why the Pandemic works to accomplish its goal |
132 | Patriotism | America - love it or leave it |
133 | Pearl | A precious jewel produced by Life |
134 | Physical Truth | The Physical Laws by which the Universe holds together |
135 | Placate | Make (someone) less angry or hostile |
136 | Politician Pastor | A pastor whose primary focus is self |
137 | Prayer Chain | A group of people praying about a specific need |
138 | Produce | Generate through a Process involving Resources and Action |
139 | Producer | One who generates that which others consume |
140 | Prosperity | Success, profitability, affluence, wealth, opulence, luxury, ease, plenty, comfort, security, well-being |
141 | Prove | Demonstrate the truth or existence of something by evidence or argument. |
142 | Put On | To literally put on or to pretend |
143 | Quotations | Sayings related to Faith |
144 | Quran | The central religious text of Islam |
145 | Rainbow | A display of the colors of the spectrum produced by dispersion of light |
146 | Randy Lucas | Randolph Lucas of Benson, N.C. |
147 | Randy's Gospel Music | Randy's Gospel Music |
148 | Reap | To gather or harvest |
149 | Religion And Politics | Separate or inseparable? |
150 | Replacement Theology | The idea that the Church is spiritual Israel and jewishness is no longer relevant |
151 | Revival | Returning to a previous more alive state |
152 | Revolution I I | The Second American Revolution |
153 | Root | The expression of the Strength of the Seed |
154 | Royalty | The people who belong to the family of the King |
155 | Salvation | Deliverance from the curse of sin into abundant, eternal life |
156 | Sayings | Sayings by RL |
157 | Seed | A unit of reproduction, capable of developing into a mature entity |
158 | Seedtime | The time for planting |
159 | Sheep Nation | A nation that honors those ( Christians) who honor God. |
160 | Sin | Transgression of moral Law , the child of Temptation , the parent of Death |
161 | Sin Effect | The Effect of Sin is Corruption of the Soul and Body |
162 | Socialism | The god and Political arm of the Religion of Secular Humanism |
163 | Son Of Peace | The Son Of Peace is the Holy Spirit |
164 | Sorry Person | A person who does not support himself or his family |
165 | Soul Salvation | The redemption of our mind, emotions and will |
166 | Sovereign | Supreme ruler possessing ultimate Power |
167 | Sowing | To Sow Seed |
168 | Sowing And Reaping | The Spiritual Law enforcing the power to produce Good or Evil |
169 | Spirit Mother | The Holy Spirit as mother |
170 | Spirit Power | The Holy Spirit is the power of God |
171 | Spirit Realm | Where God the Holy Spirit exists with the Holy Angels - Heaven |
172 | Standard | Something used as a measure in comparative evaluations |
173 | Stroker Engines | Discussion of stroking options |
174 | Submission | The act or state of willingly coming under the control of something or someone |
175 | Tare | An injurious weed resembling wheat when young |
176 | Ten Virgins | Parable of the 10 virgins |
177 | Theft By Proxy | Having someone else steal on your behalf |
178 | Too Late | When is it too late to be saved? |
179 | Traction | The grip of a tire on a road |
180 | Training | The exercise of technique for subsequent application |
181 | Tree | A plant with roots, trunk, branches, leaves, fruit |
182 | Two Salvations | Spirit Salvation and Soul Salvation |
183 | Unanswered Prayer | A Prayer that does not produce the desired outcome |
184 | Understanding | When Light shines on Knowledge |
185 | Unjust Judge | The Enemy |
186 | Victory | Domination, defeat, destruction of the enemy |
187 | Water Baptism | Baptised in water as a symbol of dying to the old life and being Born Again |
188 | Wealth | An Abundance of valuable possessions or Money |
189 | What Is Spirituality | What is meant by being spiritual |
190 | Whose Faith | Whose Faith produces results? |
191 | Will We Repent | Will there be massive repentance and turning to God |
192 | Wish | When you Wish upon a star |
193 | Word Blessing | You may be blessed by Words |
194 | Word Of Faith | Faith in Gods Word connects us with His Power |
195 | Word Or Spirit | Is the Spirit or the Word more important? |