[ Created: 2022-02-07 15:35:55  Updated: 2022-02-07 15:36:23 Owner: rl ]
Title: To agree to be shaped like     

Rom 8:29 For whom he did Foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the Image of his Son, that he Might be the firstborn among many brothers.    - Rom 8:29 God sees the end from the beginning.   

Those who would Receive Christ Jesus were Predestined to be made in the likeness of Jesus.   

HisPlan provides for many Sons.   

Rom 12:2 And be not conformed to this World: but be you Transformed by the renewing of your Mind, that you may Prove what is that Good, and acceptable, and Perfect, Will of God.    - Rom 12:2 Conformity is Good when it is to the Word and the HolySpirit.   Otherwise it is Evil.   

In order for the NewSpirit being to manifest in our Flesh, we must be Transformed in Mind and Emotions (our Soul).   

When we are Transformed we Receive the Wisdom and Power of God to do the Work of Christ Jesus in our mortal bodies.   

What is the Good and acceptable and Perfect WillOfGod?   
It is that none Perish (2Pe 3:9,) it is that all be Healed (1Pe 2:24,) it is that all Prosper (3Jn 1:2.)

How is God's will proved?   
By the manifestation of Evidence.   
What Evidence?   
Salvation, Healing and Prosperity.   

Hence, the only thing holding us back from experiencing the best that God has for us is our Minds.   

Let the MindOfChrist be in you.   - Phi 2:5

Phi 3:10 That I may Know him, and the Power of his Resurrection, and the Fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his Death; - Phi 3:10 The level of Intimacy that Paul desired and pursued made him into the great Apostle that he was.