[ Created: 2024-06-18 17:34:27  Updated: 2024-06-18 17:47:29 Owner: rl ]
Title: Worshipping false gods and following false prophets    



Historically, the priests and prophets of pagan gods were not superstitious idiots.   
    They didn't believe what they espoused.   
    They were manipulaters of the people for wealth and power.   
    They used their intellgence and training to take advantage of the people's fears.   

Nothing has changed except the names and faces.   

Nature is a false god .   It is worshipped by environmentalists who act as her prophets to espouse false teachings such as Climate Change.   

Medical Health is a false god .   It is worshipped by Big Pharma, the medical profession and its followers who obey their priests and prophets to get regular checkups and injest more chemicals as instructed.   

Science is a false god because theory has risen to power over fact.   Now the term science is used to manipulate people, to make them fear, to make them follow, to lead people away from their Creator God.   

In each of these we see the manifestation of false gods, false religions, false prophets and their deceived followers.   

Christians are exhorted to separate themselves from idols and those who worship them.   

One of the early tenets of the church was to not eat things sacrificed to idols.   Even though the food was still good food its efficacy was being accredited to someone other then the True And Living God.   

Partnering with pagans is an affront to the Truth about everything.   
Be you not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness?     and what communion has light with darkness?
The concept of being unequally yoked comes from having a team of oxen of different sizes or temperaments.     The result is that they do not operate as a unit causing crooked furrows and much anguish to the driver.     

Fellowship requires agreement.     Evil does not compromise as compromise requires good will.     Hence, when we try to fellowship with evil, we must do the compromising.     

The Lord Jesus Christ is inclusive only on His terms.     He accepts no one who has not believed on Him and been born of His Holy Spirit.     

The reason for this rigidity is that light and darkness cannot coexist.     Neither can good and evil,

And what concord has Christ with Belial?     or what part has he that believes with an infidel?
Always remember the stark analogy of light and darkness, truth and lie.     There is no fellowship possible between the Lord and Satan.

And what agreement has the temple of the Lord with idols?     for you are the temple of the living Holy Spirit; as the Lord has said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their Lord, and they shall be my people.
One can take this exhortation and read into it that we should become clannish and not associate at all with unbelievers.     But, if we did, how would they receive the Gospel?     

We must associate with them because of the love of Christ as light to their darkness for the purpose of their salvation.     But we must be in charge of the relationship.

Wherefore come out from among them, and be you separate, says the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
In the Old Testament there was no power to resist evil except by force of human wlll and physical separation from it.     

Under Grace, not only do we have power over evil but we have the knowledge of the Lord in our hearts, not just our minds.     This enabled Paul to go into hateful jewry and into pagan gentile cities and preach the Gospel with power and authority.     

We are received by Grace Through Faith in Christ Jesus - not by any action in the Physical Realm.

And will be a Father unto you, and you shall be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.
Under Grace, we are born of the Word and Holy Spirit (who becomes our HeavenlyFather), being elevated from human status into the status of royalty by the indwelling Holy Spirit.