The Average Believer
Here is a sorry picture, an unhappy one. It is a denial of the Word. It is a confession of Satan's supremacy. It is the affirmation of weakness. It is a subtle inspiration from the adversary that declares that God is a liar.
The average believer wouldn't admit it if you asked him. He says, "I am in Him. I am in Christ. I know that I am a New Creation. I know that I have Eternal Life, but I can't conquer this. I can't overcome that. I'm so weak. I just live in bondage. I can't rise above my circumstances."
Such Christians do not know that God delivered them out of the realm of darkness where they were living and translated them into the kingdom of the Son of His Love.
In Him they have their redemption from all these things that they are suffering now. In the mind of the Father they are redeemed. Not only are they redeemed, but they are masters where they once served as slaves.
That was not written to Israel. This is a New Creation truth. Here is Salvation. Here is Light. There is no reason why you should ever walk in darkness again.
He is the Light of Life
Jesus is the Light of Life. That Life is Eternal Life. The Eternal Life that you have received has in it the Light, the Wisdom, and the ability of God. It is now the very strength of your life.
You have God's ability and God's strength. You needn't be afraid of anybody or of anything. He is the very strength of your physical body, of your mind, and of your spirit.
You see, it wouldn't honor the Father to have a family of weaklings. It wouldn't glorify Him to have His children held in bondage by the adversary. He wants His children free. He has set them free. Now you can see what Eternal Life does for a man.
You can see that Eternal Life is the Nature of the Father, and that when it gains control of our sense-ruled minds it can lead us out of any weakness, any condition, any circumstances where we have been held in captivity into the very Light and Life of Christ.
Every believer is a master in the mind of the Father. We are God's men. We are the New Creation folks; and it is a disgrace to Heaven to have us wallow in weakness, failure, and lack. Let us say now, "I am what God says I am."