A Seed is a Kernel.
A Fruit contains Seeds, Kernels.
The essence of each instance of Life is its Kernel.
In biological terms the Kernel of a Human being is its DNA.
In Spiritual terms our Kernel is the Word Of God.
Here we see that Jesus was the manifestation of the Word Of God. His Kernel, His Seed, was and is the Word Of God.
Now, Jesus is the First Fruit. - 1Co 15:20
We are created in Him to be like Him. For this to happen the Word Of God must be our Kernel.
And in fact, we are Born of the Word. - 1Pe 1:23
Abundant Life manifests to the extent we have the Seed, the Kernel, of God's Word in our Hearts. - Joh 6:63
It is not sufficient to have the Word Of God in your Mind.
The Word must Transform your Mind and Heart so that you are Good Ground in which the Word can Manifest Life. - Mar 4:8
The way this happens is that we Meditate on the Word until the Holy Spirit gives Personal Revelation of it. - Eph 3:3 Eph 1:17
Which Word? Every Word. - Mat 4:4
But we cannot absorb it all at one time. We must take each Word of God to Heart, meditating on it until is takes Root in our Heart. - Psm 1:2
When you become Dogmatic about the Word it is a sign that the Word has taken Root in your Heart. - Joh 14:23
How much time do you spend in the Word?
Do you Meditate on what you read and hear?
How Dogmatic are you about the Word?
Decide to let the Word Of God Leaven your whole lump. - Gal 5:9 Luk 13:21
Update 20220525
Every person is one of three types of Kernel:
1) not yet harvested
2) harvested and in the grain bin
3) harvested and discarded as unacceptable
Some people may take exception with this cold-blooded view of Humanity. However, the Word bears this Truth out.
God Forces no one to serve Him. However, Unity in the Holy Spirit is the only option for a person to fit into God's Plan.
Those who Reject God in Christ Jesus must be eliminated because their wilful Rebellion against God would simply undermine Heaven.