A Lively Hope is one that is energized by the Word and Holy Spirit.
A Lively Hope is one of anticipation and expectation of the manifestation of the supernatural.
Lively Hope springs from the realization of the implications of Christ's resurrection. His power over death is proof that He has destroyed the works of Satan.
We now have access to victory found in those spiritual blessings in heavenly places. By faith we appropriate those blessings.
Such is a Lively Hope.
This verse is a powerful statement contrasting the nature of the enemy with the nature of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Note that the enemy takes by force what is ours, while we must appropriate by faith what is ours in Christ Jesus. The appropriation is not a 'one and done' thing. Rather, it is an ongoing process throughout our lives on this earth.
Jesus has given us His life in giving us His Holy Spirit who is in every believer who has asked to be filled. We aught to invoke His life into every aspect of our walk in the earth.
We are weak in the flesh but by the power of the Holy Spirit we can do all things. At the top of the list of 'all things' is spreading the Gospel of salvation by Grace Through Faith.
Jesus did not say you will receive tongues or gifts. He said you will receive power to be witnesses unto Him. Tongues and gifts are for the church which is the Body Of Christ.
Hope, being a positive imagination, is not possible without life and power. The Holy Spirit of Christ Jesus is Eternal Life who manifests Abundant Life in us and Newness Of Life through us by His power and perfect character.