[ Created: 2022-01-25 16:48:31  Updated: 2022-01-25 17:12:11 Owner: rl ]
Title: Does God personally chastise His Children     

But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. - Isa 53:5
Jesus was Guilt Free. The Suffering He bore was for us. The Reproach He endured was ours. In His Loving Sacrifice He purchased our Peace and Healing.

It would be Unjust of God to chastise us for our Sin if Jesus has already been chastised for it.

So, do we get a free pass when we Sin?

For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. - Rom 6:23
The Sin that Condemns to the LakeOfFire is rejection of Jesus Christ.
The Gift of God is EternalLife: Remission of Sins, Regeneration and SpiritBaptism.

We all know that there is Physical Death and Spiritual Death. Adam and Eve did not Physically Die when they sinned. However, they Spiritually died immediately.

When a person Sins, whether Believer or Unbeliever, the result is an aspect of Death. Somethings shrinks or shrivels instead of growing when Sin occurs.

God gives us EternalLife when we Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. That Gift is irrevokable. However, if we let Sin Reign in our mortal bodies we will suffer the Consequences of that Sin which will destroy our Physical lives, our testimonies and our Walk with God.

Instead of us living a Victorious, Productive Life with Treasure laid up in Heaven, we will be Saved as by Fire.

The soul that sins, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him. - Eze 18:20
The first sentence in this verse is SpiritualLaw that is inviolate. The latter part interprets this Law with respect to Guilt but not with respect to Consequences. Our Children are affected by our Sins even though they are not guilty before God for our Sins.

OriginalSin resulted in all of Adam and Eve's offspring being corrupted through Physical and Spiritual DNA.

These Scriptures Speak to the fact that there is a price to be paid for Sin. The Spiritual price for that Sin has been paid once and for all by Christ Jesus.

However, there is a Physical, Mental and Emotional price that we must pay for continuing in Sin because of the LawOfGod above.

God does not get involved personally with the Chastisement. Rather, His Laws carry with them the Punishment for Sin.

Likewise, God's Laws provide a Reward for those that keep them. In either case, God is not personally involved in the outcomes.

Does this mean God doesn't care? Absolutely not. He cares because He is our Loving Heavenly Father who wants all the best for us and none of the curses of Sin.

Think of it this way: God created the Law of Gravity. He does not get personally involved in the suffering that occurs when we fall from a great height.
Neither does He get involved when we take advantage of the Law of Gravity to build planes that overcome and then yield to Gravity in flight.

God is Love. God is Good. He institutes Laws to govern Heaven and Earth to maintain the Order that His Holiness demands. Those Laws contain the Power to Bless and to Curse.

It is Wisdom to allow Him to write His Laws in our Heart so that we do not Sin (Psm 119:11.)
It is Foolishness to let Sin Reign in our mortal bodies (Rom 6:12.)