Those 'in power' will take a stand to stay in power.
Those who are benefitted by those 'in power' will stand in support of those in power.
Those who are threatened by those 'in power' will take a stand against those in power.
Those who are in the military and law enforcement will have the most difficult decision as to which side to stand with.
→ they are citizens affected by those 'in power'
→ they are employed by those 'in power'
So, what do such do? Based on history, it is likely that they will side with those 'in power' despite any personal reasons not to.
In that decision they will have to convince themselves that killing the people who are threatened by those 'in power' is the right thing to do.
Historically such was a no-brainer because those 'in power' were ruthless, demanding the death of anyone who opposed them being 'in power'.
But in America, we have at least a history of being moral and fair people.
Furthermore, we do not swear allegiance to particular individuals when we enter public office. Rather, we swear allegiance to the Constitution.
Those oaths typically reference enemies 'foreign and domestic' which respects the fact that government can go sideways.
Obviously, ours has.
DC is now a country unto itself. It is a country that controls the 50 states.
As seen during the J6 episode, the reaction by the people in Congress is that their government was being attacked - not the people's government.
It was obvious that they were personally offended by the thought of 'the people' challenging 'their control' of government.
So, each policeman and each enlisted man and each officer of every branch of the military will have to decide to defend the people 'in power' at risk to their own lives and be willing to kill those who come against those 'in power'.
Likewise, those who come against those 'in power' must be willing to die and must be willing to kill those 'in power' along with those who protect or defend those 'in power'.
Nothing new here. It is brought to our attention so that we are prepared by having already made our decision at such time When It Hits The Fan.