If you as a Christian don't feel Superior to the rank and file Unbeliever, there is something fundamentally wrong with you.
Beloved, now are we the Sons of God, and it does not yet appear what we shall be: but we Know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall See him as he is. -
1Jn 3:2
Too many Christians have bought into the CarnalMinded thinking that Education, Talent, Wealth, Intelligence and Beauty make a person Superior.
Such thinking is twice-fold Evil.
1) It elevates the Physical above the Spiritual
2) It denies the Finished Work of Christ Jesus
If a person's Foundation is not God, they are a Fool whose judgment, integrity and opinions are not to be trusted.
Satan has always and continues to make Carnality the end-all for Humanity. Baal is the False god of the Old Testament who has been resurrected and given the name Socialism. Socialism is about man defining the rules of Morality and Policy as he sees fit.
Socialism is about the Physical Realm and denies the existence of Creator God.
Any person of that persuasion is an Enemy of the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Under no circumstances should a Christian ever support a Socialist, ChildOfSatan.
Some will say they know of Christians who are Socialists. And I say that they are not Believers in the IncarnateWord because they do no Believe the WrittenWord.
Always remember that Satan is a Liar and Deceiver. Any Believer in the IncarnateWord, Christ Jesus, who rejects the WrittenWord has effectively denied Jesus Christ.
But, a True Believer - one who Believes not only the Sunday School story of Jesus, but Believes every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God - is Superior in every sense of the word to an Unbeliever and a doubter of the Word.
Does this mean we are to walk around with big heads? Absolutely not.
Jesus was and is Superior to every man who has ever lived because He Believed the Word of God and operated in the HolySpirit according to the WordOfGod.
In His Superiority Jesus went about doing Good and helping people Suffering and in Bondage.
When Christ Returns He will take the Throne over all the Earth. In the meantime, we are His Stewards over the Earth and we aught to be using better sense than to allow and Enable any ChildOfSatan to Usurp our Authority over the Earth.