| Physical D N A is a product of Spiritual D N A.
Adam's Physical D N A was Perfect because his Spiritual D N A was Perfect.
Original Sin resulted in the corruption of Adam's Spiritual D N A. Since his Physical D N A was a product of his Spiritual D N A, it became corrupted as well.
The result of the corrupted Spiritual D N A which corrupted the Physical D N A is that Sickness and Death became a reality for mankind. In the New Birth we receive New Spiritual D N A which has the Gift of Eternal Life in it. So, we see that Christ Jesus made it possible for us to be Born Again and so Receive Eternal Life and Abundant Life. That you may walk honestly toward them that are without, and that you may have lack of nothing. - 1Th 4:12Honesy and integrity are the products of attention to study and work. The implication is that those who do not study the Word and who do not work with their hands, will end up being deceitful and impoverished. |
Jesus told us that the key to receiving Eternal, Abundant Life is to recognize that, as born in the Flesh, we are corrupted Spiritually and Physically. We need new Spiritual D N A which will correct our Physical D N A enabling us to Walk in "newness of Life". |