God created Adam in His Image. This means that Adam got his Spiritual essence ( D N A) from God. Adam's Physical Body was formed from the dust of the Earth.
When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden their Spiritual D N A was corrupted. They instantly died Spiritually.
Our Physical D N A comes from our Spiritual D N A. The corruption of our Spiritual D N A resulted in the corruption of our Physical D N A.
Christ Jesus came that we who were Spiritually Dead in Trespasses and Sins because of our corrupted Spiritual D N A could be Born Again - given new Spiritual D N A from the Father by the Holy Spirit.
We are now New Creatures, New Spirit beings In Christ with Perfect Spiritual D N A that enjoys Eternal Life.
Our Physical Body should now experience Healing and restoration by Appropriating the Grace of God through Faith.
Our Soul ( Mind and Emotions) should be Transformed by the New Spirit and the Word so that we see ourselves as Sons Of God having the Mind Of Christ.