Everything that is comes under the Spiritual Law of God.
Everything that exists in the physical universe comes under the Physical Law of God.
Spiritual Law is superior to Physical Law.
The Healings, miracles, exorcisms and resurrections that Jesus did violated Physical Law. They were done on the principles of Spiritual Law which operates by faith and the power of the Holy Spirit.
The Law Of God has built-in rewards and punishments. God does not regularly, personally get involved with either.
So shall my word be that goes forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. |
Those who believe in Extreme Sovereignty misunderstand the power of our Lord`s Words to effect blessing and cursing. Once He has spoken, His Word will effect the intent of His heart.
Unlike humans who have to take personal action to follow up on the rules we put in place, our Lord is free to operate fully as I Am in love and Grace.
The best example of this is gravity. It is a Physical Law that our Lord put in place in the beginning.
→ gravity enables stability and order
→ gravity kills those who fall from great heights
Our Lord is not directly involved in either the blessing or the cursing of gravity with respect to individual events.
Neither is our Lord orchestrating every blessing or curse upon those who obey or disobey His Spiritual Laws.