[ Created: 2022-01-10 14:02:00  Updated: 2022-01-10 15:02:05 Owner: rl ]
Title: The 7 Commandments of Christ     

1) Jesus commands all who are not saved to repent
From that Time Jesus began to Preach, and to Say, Repent: for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. - Mat 4:17
The first and last message that Jesus preached to Israel was one of Repentance.

Understanding the Change; being willing to Change and actually changing is Repentance

2) Jesus commands Believers to take the gospel into all the world

And Jesus came and spoke unto them, saying, All Power is given unto me in Heaven and in Earth. - Mat 28:18
Jesus received Power and Authority over Heaven and Earth upon His Resurrection.
1) He reclaimed His seat with the Father from where He had come.
2) He regained Dominion over the Earth for man, stripping it from Satan.

Go you therefore, and Teach all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: - Mat 28:19
Jesus says 'all nations'. The Gospel is for all Humanity. His plan is that all Humanity experience Unity in the HolySpirit, each of us having the MindOfChrist.

Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the World. Amen. - Mat 28:20
He is saying make Disciples of the Believers and that He will never forsake us.

'All things' means that what Jesus told the original Disciples was not just for them but for all men for all time.

3) Jesus commands Believers to take up our cross and follow Him

Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man Will come after me, let him Deny Himself, and take up his Cross, and Follow me. - Mat 16:24
Peter's DoubleMinded nature was not unique to him so Jesus addressed all the Disciples so that they understood the level of commitment that Jesus required. We must Deny ourselves.

Peter had tried to intervene in the direction of Jesus' PhysicalLife. So, Jesus addresses how to experience AbundantLife in our PhysicalLife in His comments to all the Disciples. We find AbundantLife by giving up our SelfWill controlled Life in Obedience to the HolySpirit and Word.

For whoever Will Save his Life shall Lose it: and whoever Will Lose his Life for my sake shall find it. - Mat 16:25
Denial of Christ is terminal. Commitment to Christ despite the cost enables us to find AbundantLife.

4) Jesus commands us to believe that He is in the Father and the Father is in Him

Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else Believe me for the very works' sake. - Joh 14:11
Jesus tells them to think about what they have Seen and Heard.

5) Jesus commands Believers to stay alert and always pray

Watch you therefore, and Pray always, that you may be accounted Worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to Stand before the Son of man. - Luk 21:36
The escape for the Jews is from the destruction of Jerusalem. Our escape from the GreatTribulation is by being sealed with the HolySpirit.

6) Jesus commands Believers to love one another like Christ loved them

A New Commandment I Give unto you, That you Love one another; as I have Loved you, that you also Love one another. - Joh 13:34
This Commandment, as in all Commandments prior to the Death and Resurrection of Jesus was for the purpose of clarifying our inadequacy and need for a Saviour and Baptizer with the HolySpirit. Jesus spoke this to His Disciples and we later see them bickering about which of them was greatest and deserving of the highest seat of Honour.

The LoveOfGod is a Fruit of the HolySpirit which pushes self to the background and the LoveOfGod to the foreground.

Unless you are baptised with the HolySpirit you cannot keep this Commandment because HumanLove Fails.

Love is of God - 1Jn 4:7

God is Love - 1Jn 4:16

By this shall all men Know that you are my disciples, if you have Love one to another. - Joh 13:35
Jesus is telling His Disciples to stay unified in Love. Whenever things fall apart it is not unusual for infighting to occur. Jesus needed the Disciples to stay together until they were Supernaturally empowed by the HolySpirit to Walk in Love. At that time, the LoveOfGod would be in them and operate through them.

7) Jesus commands Believers to pray for our enemies and those who persecute us

But I Say unto you, Love your enemies, Bless them that Curse you, do Good to them that Hate you, and Pray for them which despitefully use you, and Persecute you; - Mat 5:44
This is impossible for Human beings. Jesus is saying that God loves everyone and that is the Righteous position. Since we don't and can't measure up, we are Unrighteous and need a Saviour.

Only the Love of God which proceeds from His HolySpirit can enable a Human to love their Enemy.

That you may be the Children of your Father which is in Heaven: for he makes his sun to rise on the Evil and on the Good, and sends rain on the Just and on the unjust. - Mat 5:45
So, here we get the punch line. God wants us to be His Children. But we are incapable of living up to His standards. Thus we need to be BornAgain and filled with the HolySpirit who makes us Righteous Children of God.