Jesus says unto him, Have I been so long Time with you, and yet have you not known me, Philip? he that has seen me has seen the Father; and how say you then, Show us the Father? -
Joh 14:9
As precious as Physical Sight is, it can be a hindrance.
The thinks if the Spirit cannot be Seen. So while we are looking for things without Physical Eyes we are not exercising our Spiritual Eyes.
The problem that the Disciples had when following Jesus is that they saw His Physical form.
Since there was nothing grand about His form it was a distraction to their Faith.
We are impressed by the Physical. We Focus on the Physical.
Heaven is the SpiritRealm. It is the place where Perfection exists. It is where the SpiritOfGod permeates everything and everyone.
We want to See Jesus and it will be Glorious when He Returns and every Eye sees Him.
But we need to Understand that the essence of Jesus is the HolySpirit who made Him the Christ.
Hie Promised to send us the HolySpirit who would be our Comforter.
Yes, Jesus is in us in the form of the HolySpirit!
And we are to See Jesus in our Minds and Hearts apart from His Physical Body.
Beloved, now are we the Sons of God, and it does not yet appear what we shall be: but we Know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall See him as he is. -
1Jn 3:2
When we get this concept we will be able to SpiritWalk in AbundantLife.
Appreciate the fact that Christ is in you and Fellowship with Him in Spirit and in Truth.