We are able to give an answer for the reason of our hope by growing in Grace and knowledge our Lord Jesus Christ and by praying in the Holy Spirit.
Our testimony of Jesus Christ should be with power and authority. This is how Peter spoke on the day of Pentecost.
When we spend time meditating on the Word Of The Lord the Holy Spirit reveals more Truth to us which enables us to appropriate more of His Grace Through Faith.
Many believers in Christ have not grown to the knowledge that Jesus is Mighty God - the image of His Holy Spirit who is the eternal, ominipresent, omniscient, omnipotent being we call 'God'.
Until that revelation knowledge is in us, there is still a separation between us and 'God'. Realizing that the Holy Spirit in us is 'God' in us is critical to the exercising of the Faith Of Christ.
By the Faith Of Christ we are able to do His works. The fact that we do not see His works being manifested in and through believers is evidence of this fundamental lack of knowledge of Christ Jesus.
Jesus is Lord.
Chosen We who have received the invitation of the Holy Spirit to Grace Through Faith In Christ Jesus are the Chosen People.
Royalty We are members of the royal family of the Holy Spirit in the New Birth.
Priestly We are called to minister the Gospel of Grace to everyone.
Holy We are the righteousness of the Holy Spirit by virtue of being born of Him and filled with Him.
Peculiar We are New Creatures In Christ Jesus and so above humanity.
What do we do?
Praise We show forth the praises of Christ Jesus who has brought us into Newness Of Life.
Reflect We teach the Light and Truth of Christ Jesus
Dispel We attack the darkness by reflecting the Light of Jesus Christ
What are we to give? All things for life and godliness.
Who are we to give to? Whosoever will come to Christ Jesus in faith Rev 21:6.
Jesus wants us to administer His kingdom to those who will enter into it by faith in Him.
If you are a believer and receiver of Christ Jesus, you have all things for life and godliness in you. You are to give out those gifts to others freely.
Jesus did not expect every person to believe, but He wants us to make sure all nations hear the Gospel as it is a criteria for His return. Mat 24:14