Just as God is Life He has given us Life. Just as God`s Words accomplish His Will so our words have the Power to accomplish our Will.
When God Speaks He Speaks in Faith, knowing that what He has Spoken will be (Isa 55:11). The Holy Spirit who is the Power of God gives substance to His Words (Gen 1:2 Zec 4:6).
Jesus made it possible for us to become New Spirit beings (Joh 3:5) as God is Spirit (Joh 4:24).
Jesus made it possible for our Body to be Filled with the Holy Spirit (Joh 20:22 Act 2:4).
As Spirit Filled New Creatures we are One with the Father (Joh 17:11) and therefore have His Will as our Will (Rom 12:2).
In this mature state of Faith and Relationship we can Speak the Words of God and see the Will of God manifested just as our Lord Jesus did (Joh 14:12).
A prophet who is anchored in the Truth is a blessing to the people.
A prophet who is anchored in the enemy is a curse to the people.
Since a prophecy typically speaks of the future, its validity cannot be determined at the time the prophecy is given.
Meanwhile, the words that were spoken have the power to affect the hearer's thinking and actions.
For this reason, prophets should be scrutinized as soon as they arise. The damage by a False Prophet cannot be measured.
False Prophets are a subset of the superset of liars all of which will be cast into the Lake Of Fire Rev 21:8 .
All the while such ignore the immorality of the people which is destroying them.
Policies issuing from False Prophets inflict tax burdens on the people along with restricting their freedoms.
Jesus `knew all men` by the discernment of the Holy Spirit Joh 2:24.
Jesus treated people based on their spirit.
Those who had a humble, seeking spirit, He responded to their need Mat 11:28. Those who had a proud or caniving spirit He resisted and rebuked Mat 23:13.
I suspect that the unholy unity between Satan, the beast and the False Prophet is their sharing in common these unclean spirits.