Is your Thinking like Christ's Thinking?
Are you Talking like Christ Talked?
Are you doing what Christ did?
Are your goals Christ's goals?
If the answer to any of the above questions is NO or you don't know the answer to one or more of the questions, you need to work on your Theology.
Theology is the study of God. The way you study anything is to investigate. To investigate is find as much information on the subject as is possible. You then consider all the information that you find and finally draw conclusions about the subject.
But there is a difference in knowing about God and knowing God. The knowledge of God must be allowed to Transform your Heart so that you conform to God. For this to take place the Holy Spirit of God must get involved. He must take the Word you have Received by Faith and write it in your Heart.
When we give the Holy Spirit permission to write the Knowledge of God into our Hearts we begin thinking like Christ.
As we begin thinking like Christ we will start talking like Christ.
As we think in our Hearts and Speak with out mouths like Christ we will begin to do what Christ did.
Our thinking, talking and doing as Christ will bring us into the Will of God which was Christ's goal for His Life.
In the above we look at the process by which you Check Your Theology but let's go back to the step involving investigation.
Have you ever heard a report about something that happened only to find after further investigation that what you heard was not exactly what happened?
Have you ever casually read an article and misconstrued what was being communicated?
Have you ever read something and rejected the point that was being made because it didn't mesh with your what you already believed?
Now, I am a Bible teacher and I am not against teaching and writing about the Word Of God. However, the Holy Spirit is our Teacher and the Word Of God is His text. So, we must be willing to reject the conclusions (interpretations) of others when the Holy Spirit gives us a different Revelation Understanding of the Word.
Such an attitude reveals our Love Of The Truth which is an invitation to the Holy Spirit to Teach us.
I think we can all answer the above questions with a yes. What we have heard and been taught about Christianity is not necessarily an exception.
Jesus said "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life" to a very Religious people. Most of the rejected Jesus because they preferred the Theology they already had above the Truth.
Jesus said "You shall Know the Truth and the Truth will make you Free". This statement categorically delivers people from Legalism which serves only to Bind people. Yet, people still prefer Legalism and Bondage to Grace and Freedom.
The way for us to Know the Truth is to spend time in the Written Word and Fellowship with the LivingWord.
Otherwise, we will likely come into Error and Bondage missing out on Abundant Life.