    [ Created: 2021-12-19 14:07:26  Updated: 2021-12-22 20:53:26   Owner: rl ]
Title: Are we instructed to Pray for Sinners?    

No. There is no Scripture exhorting us to Pray for Sinners. We are Commanded as follows:

And he said unto them, Go you into all the World, and Preach the Gospel to every Creature. - Mar 16:15
This is the GreatCommission. It is still in force. We are expected to carry the Gospel to every Creature. Jesus did not expect every person to Believe, but He wants us to make sure all Nations hear the Gospel as it is a criteria for His Return.

He that believes and is baptized shall be Saved; but he that believes not shall be Damned. - Mar 16:16
We need to present the Gospel as matter of factly as Jesus Spoke it. We have not done Christ or the Gospel service by soft-selling the Truth.

We did not see Jesus praying for Sinners. He responded with Forgiveness and Healing to those who Believed on Him after Hearing Him Preach and Teach the Gospel of the Kingdom.

God does not violate the FreeWill that He has given to each of us. To Pray that God Save someone who has rejected the Gospel is to ask God to Deny Himself.

I Pray for them: I Pray not for the World, but for them which you have given me; for they are yours. - Joh 17:9
Jesus was rejected by the Jews. He was praying ONLY for those who had received Him as Saviour and Lord.

Neither Pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall Believe on me through their Word; - Joh 17:20
Jesus prayed ONLY for Beleivers. We should never ask God to do something He cannot do. God cannot Save an Unbeliever. He cannot Heal an Unbeliever.

In this passage Jesus Prays by Faith for those who WILL Believe. He did not name names. Neither should we.

The HolySpirit reacts to a person's response to the WordOfGod which we share to Deliver, to Heal, to Save or to Condemn. Yes, the HolySpirit Condemns a person who rejects the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He does so by no longer drawing them to the Truth which they have willfully and knowingly rejected.

The UnpardonableSin is a lot easier to commit than people think. Jesus instructed His Disciples to shake the dust off their feet as a Testimony AGAINST those who rejected the Gospel of the Kingdom. Mat 10:14

But we are to Pray one for another aren't we? Yes, but this is talking about the community of Believers - the Body of Christ.

What about Praying without ceasing? This is in terms of Fellowshipping with God in the HolySpirit.