    [ Created: 2021-12-17 08:12:08  Updated: 2021-12-17 08:14:07   Owner: rl ]
Title: Action resulting in an event    

Mat 1:14 And Azor begat Sadoc; and Sadoc begat Achim; and Achim begat Eliud; - Mat 1:14
Mat 1:22 Now all this was done, that it Might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the Prophet, saying, - Mat 1:22 Jesus was the fulfilment of the Old Testament prophesies. He is the manifestation of the Word of God.
Mat 2:11 And when they were come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary his Mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh. - Mat 2:11
Mat 3:2 And saying, Repent you: for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. - Mat 3:2 Repentance is responding positively to the Truth and willingly accepting it and its implications for Change.
Mat 3:10 And now also the axe is laid unto the Root of the trees: therefore every Tree which brings not forth Good Fruit is hewn down, and cast into the Fire. - Mat 3:10 Judgment is coming.
Mat 3:16 And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the Water: and, lo, the Heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: - Mat 3:16 Jesus was called to be the SonOfGod but the HolySpirit coming to Him is what made Him the Christ.
Mat 4:6 And says unto him, If you be the Son of God, cast yourself down: for it is written, He shall Give his Angels charge concerning you: and in their hands they shall bear you up, lest at any Time you dash your foot against a stone. - Mat 4:6 Never use the Power of God to prove you are of God.

Satan tried to get Jesus to fulfil prophesy independent of the HolySpirit,

Mat 4:8 Again, the Devil takes him up into an exceeding high Mountain, and shows him all the Kingdoms of the World, and the Glory of them; - Mat 4:8
Mat 4:9 And says unto him, All these things Will I Give you, if you will fall down and Worship me. - Mat 4:9
Mat 4:16 The People which Sat in Darkness saw Great Light; and to them which Sat in the region and Shadow of Death Light is sprung up. - Mat 4:16 Jesus is the embodiment of the prophetic Word of God. He understood His calling and was Obedient even to the death of the Cross. The first and last message that Jesus preached to Israel was one of Repentance.

Understanding the Change; being willing to Change and actually changing is Repentance

Jesus preached the Gospel of the Kingdom and Healed. All mankind is Poor in Spirit. But only those who realized their helpless state would Receive the Truth and be Born into the KingdomOfHeaven. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Jam 4:8

I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me. - Pro 8:17

We cannot Deny our Lord and enter the KingdomOfHeaven. If Persecution comes we must endure it. Freely we have Received, Freely we should give. This happens as we make opportunity for the Light that is in us to be manifested wherever we go. The Law defines God's Moral standards. As NewCreatures we have that Law written in our Hearts. Whether it is on stones or in our Hearts or whether man chooses to ignore it, it is still the Law of God by which man will be judged.

Christ created new Law which superceded the original Law. "Whom the Son has set Free is FreeIndeed. He that believes on me will never die. I am the Resurrection and the Life." The full Revelation of the Gospel would come through the Apostle Paul who revealed that Grace and Liberty are the new preeminent Laws of God.

Christ told the people this to completely unnerve them. Their Understanding of Righteousness was wrong. He wanted them to understand that there was a new definition for Righteousness and they had to let go the old definition. The new Righteousness is the Righteousness of Faith by which the Righteousness of God is imputed to Believers in Jesus Christ. This is impossible for Human beings. Jesus is saying that God loves everyone and that is the Righteous position. Since we don't and can't measure up, we are Unrighteous and need a Saviour.

Only the Love of God which proceeds from His HolySpirit can enable a Human to love their Enemy.

Reciprocity of love and hate is the Human way. There is no reward in such Carnal Behaviour. But that's what Humans do. More attacks on Unrighteousness. Giving to receive back or to receive honour is Ungodly. There is no reward for such giving. It is Hypocritical to appear to do Good for selfish reasons. Give as unto the Lord, willingly and joyfully. Prayer is communication with God. It is a personal matter. It is an intimate thing. It is besmirched by anything that is not sincere. God is the most Intelligent being in the Unverse. He hears us the first time we speak. As a matter of fact, He knows what we need before we even ask. On top of that, He knows the imagination of the thoughts of our Hearts.

Prayer? Keep it simple. Keep it sincere.

God's Kingdom is coming. His Will is for Earth to operate like Heaven where there is uninterrupted Life, Love, Joy, Peace, Faith and Blessings. Direct our paths so that we avoid Evil.

God is Sovereign. He is Creator of all and He will receive all.

Don't count on earthly Wealth. It is fleeting whether by theft or by corruption. Invest in the KingdomOfHeaven where your Wealth will be secure and eternal. Yes, God loves us more than the Animals. Clothing is just a specific part of God's Provision. Understanding and adopting this SpiritualLaw is the secret to AbundantLife. Dogs and Swine are unworthy of the Gospel. The golden rule which enables civilization. When a plant bears its fruit it becomes clear what kind of plant it is. Only that which proceeds from the Seed of God's Word will product Good Fruit. All other Trees will be destroyed as they came from seed planted by the Enemy. Jesus Christ is God. Faith in Him is critical. Faith in God apart from Jesus is unacceptable. Jesus is God. Denying that is grounds for Damnation. It is Wisdom to Believe on the Lord Jesus and to do His Words. Not doing the Words of Jesus is a sign of Unbelief in Jesus which is the height of Foolishness. The Authority and disruptiveness of His Teaching is what amazed them. They were amazed at His teaching and the Healings and Miracles that He performed. CommandAuthority must be understood and Believed.

It is by CommandAuthority that God Created the Universe. It is by CommandAuthority that we Receive the Promises (Commands) of God.

Jesus is getting at the fact that the Children of the Kingdom, the Jews, were not really Believing on Him nor were they Receiving His Words. As a result they will be left outside in Darkness. When the realization of their Error comes they will gnash their teeth in anguish. Faith in Christ Jesus is what Saves us, Fills us, Heals us and will ultimately Raise us at His appearing. Demons are spirit beings and perceive the spirit that is in others. These recognized that Jesus was the SonOfGod and they recognized His Authority over them. The Swine could not live with the Demons inside them and so they killed themselves. Jesus was approachable. He did not put people off with an external facade of Holiness. Fasting should be a voluntary act to draw near to God. There is no Spiritual reward in Fasting for Fasting's sake. Legalism and Mercy are incompatible. Ask the person in need what they want. Then ask them if they Beleive. Preaching and teaching the Word is necessary for Healing to manifest. The KingdomOfHeaven being AtHand was a new concept. It is still not grasped even in the Church. Jesus instructed us to Pray that His Kingdom come and His Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Jesus fulfilled His part of that Prayer by bringing us into Himself through the NewBirth so that we are seated with Him in HeavenlyPlaces. Our part of fulfilling that Prayer is to Preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every creature. When the Truth is made known there is no excuse for believing a Lie. Sodom and Gomorrah did not receive a direct testimony of the Truth so their Wickedness was less damning. There are Wheat and Tares. Every person is either a ChildOfGod and ChildOfSatan. Understanding this enables the Christian to navigate the wolves. John was doubting that Jesus is the Messiah. The evidence of Christ is His fulfilment of Prophesy, His Resurrection. and the Testimony of His Disciples who gave their lives for Him. John the Baptist never experienced the NewBirth in his lifetime. Those who enter the KingdomOfHeaven have been born of the HolySpirit and become citizens of Heaven. They are seated with Christ in HeavenlyPlaces. John died, went to Paradise and received the Testimony of Jesus there. The KingdomOfHeaven is accessible to those who Receive Christ Jesus. But those who Receive Christ must do so with strong conviction, taking it by Force against those who would discount its reality. Whatever one's prersuasion, one can justify its positions. Jesus scolded the people who refused to Believe in Him. No one likes to be scolded. There are many Christians who would say that scolding is unkind. But Jesus did it and so should we when a person refuses the Truth. His scolding was most clearly communicated in this statement: "I tell you No! But except you Repent you shall all likewise Perish!". (Luk 13:3) This is how we should end our conversation with a rejecter of the Gospel. Great sorrow and distress is pronounced upon all who reject the Truth (Christ Jesus). We ought to communicate this same curse upon the enemies of the Gospel. The Testimony of Christ is a precious thing. It is the "pearl of great price". It is the "treasure hidden in a field". Judgment is coming against all who have rejected the Truth, Christ Jesus. The Testimony of Jesus Christ was not available to Sodom yet the were judged for their Wickedness. How much more so shall those who have trampled undrer foot the Blood of Jesus Christ. Legalist specialize in the charging others. Doing Good is always acceptable. The Enemy is immediately on the scene to accuse and undermine the Work of God. Jesus explains that their thinking is idiotic. No enterprise that works against itself can thrive. Think before you speak. However, if one does not have a LoveOfTheTruth, CommonSense and simple Logic are thrown to the side. If a Good thing is done and you doubt the goodness of the doer, how can you even trust your own goodness? And that is the fact of the matter. The KingdomOfGod had come to Humanity in Christ Jesus. See note from Mat 12:41 The criteria for being in the Family of God is laid out here. Hearing the Word, Receiving the Word and doing the Word makes a person a member of God's Family, Those whom the HolySpirit is drawing to God will be hungry and thirsty for Knowledge of God. Those that are not being drawn wont. Jesus was not interested in being a performer for the bored or a soup line for the physically hungry. He was here for the purpose of bringing those who were Lost and knew it into a Found state by revealing the Truth to them. Understanding what is said enables the brain to store the concept. Without Understanding the Seed has no effect and is lost. God is the Good Seed sower. Those who are Wheat wonder why the Good Sower does not remove the Tares. The grain of mustard seed is small but amazingly hard. Leaven may be Good or Evil. Regardless it will eventually Leaven the whole lump. Every Human is either a Wheat plant or a Tare plant. Every Human is either a ChildOfGod or a ChildOfSatan. Jesus is telling us the order of things are the end of the age. Evrerything that offends and does Iniquity will be gathered and destroyed first. When the Angels gather us to Christ (in the air) we will be translated from corruptible to incorruptible and shine forth with the Glory of God in us.

Listen to Jesus, not false prophets.

Jesus expects us to sell out to Him. He is the Treasure hidden in a field. Are you looking for things Eternal or satisfied with things Corporeal. God set the Earth and Humanity in motion producing every kind. He will cast in His net very soon and will gather of every kind. Each ChildOfGod is Good and will gathered into His vessels. Each ChildOfSatan will be cast away as bad. When we study the Word we become instructed in the things of the KingdomOfHeaven. The Spiritual Revelation of the KingdomOfHeaven enables us to teach others. Wisdom comes from God the Father by the HolySpirit. Mighty Works, Miracles and Healings, come by the HolySpirit. Herod knew he had sinned in killing John and assumed that Jesus was John risen from the Dead. In an orderly fashion with Thanks to God He blessed the provision and fed the multitude. Peter walked on the water because Jesus said: "Come". Jesus saved Peter but at the same time explained why he sank. Peter had a little Faith and that was sufficient. However, he also had Doubt (Unbelief). His Unbelief nullified his Faith. We have just seem multitudes healed of all their diseases, we have seen them fed with a few loaves and fishes, we have seen Jesus walk on water and now we see the Religious folk complaining about unwashed hands. Jesus pushes back on them with an accusation of His own. Whenever we substitute being InChrist with Legalism we Worship God in vain. In the Disciples' defense they were Jews who had been taught for centuries to see the Law as a cold, lifeless monolith. They did not yet get its purpose to convince all of them as hopeless Sinners in need of a Saviour.

Food and drink enter the mouth, go to the belly and into the sewer while the product of the mouth is Words which either bless the speaker or curse him.

Now He addresses the historical separation between Israel and the Canaanites to see if she grasps the calling of God that was upon Israel. She acknowledges the fact that God called Israel and Humbly pleads for the crumbs. The multitudes came to Him. This is a critical point. Their coming was an act of Faith. Their casting the sick and maimed at Jesus's feet was committed Faith. Jesus always responds to Faith. Their response to the command to sit down by sitting down was an act of Faith. Had they not believed He could feed them, they would have started walking to where they could find food. Reflecting on the things Christ has said in His Word and on the things that He has already done for you will Transform your Mind and change your Perception and Expectations. Jesus is baffled by their lack of Spiritual insight. In the rebuke they were jogged into thinking Spiritually. It is late in His ministry and now Jesus is wondering what impact He had made on the people. Peter is the archtype of the members of the Body of Christ each of which will have Christ's Authority to Bind and Loose for the purpose of accomplishing God's Will on Earth as it is in Heaven. Christ Jesus came into His Kingdom upon His Resurrection. At that point, He had Finished the Work God had prepared Him to do and He had received all Power in Heaven and Earth and His Prayer that the Father would send the HolySpirit to us was answered. Jesus was in His Kingdom! But God had a simple command: Hear my Son Jesus. Jesus is still protecting against being taken and Crucified before He has finished His eartly ministry. John the Baptist came in the spirit of Elias and was slain. People in need should come to Christ. It is an act of Faith that Jesus always responds to. More attempts to find reason to accuse Jesus. Jesus is getting at the unfairness of Secular rulers. Striving for mastery. Concerned about rank. This is the evidence of Pride. Simple Faith and Trust are the hallmarks of Children. It is simple Faith and Trust that enables us to enter the KingdomOfHeaven. True Humility results in being exalted by God. Each of us is special, A young child is impressionable, Impress that child toward God, Jesus emphasises the Power of Agreement to Receive the Spiritual Blessings that are in HeavenlyPlaces. God is Just and expects us to be so. He is Merciful and expects us to be so. Adultery is destructive. Infidelity is a legitimate reason for Divorce. Each person and situation is different but the principle against Adultery is universal. We are all children in God's eyes. Not appreciating a young person's sensitivity to God is a mistake. Religion teaches we must do something to be Saved. If a person could keep the whole Law perfectly they would experience a good Physical life. But keeping the Law does not bring Relationship with God. That is possible only by the HolySpirit of God in you. Idolatry is the issue. Idolatry will keep a person out of the KingdomOfHeaven. Wealth is the greatest Idol that Humanity worships. It is important for Christians to Understand that we are Sons and Servants just as our Lord. We have been bought with a price and are expected to Obey the command of our Lord to Sow, to Water, to Weed and to Reap His Harvest. God is Just and Honours His Word, His Promises and His Agreements. Everything is a Gift from God. He owes us nothing. When He promises us something, He will deliver it to us. How He handles others is none of our business. CarnalMinded requests for Honour independent of desert. When ministering, ask the person in need what they want. Fulfilment of prophecy happened throughout Jesus' ministry. CrucifixionWeek CrucifixionWeek Faith, Speak, Authority, Power, Doubt, WordPower Asking a question for which the answer is obvious. This is typical of those in Darkness. Jesus did not honour the stupid question. He simply turned it back on themselves. We are not under any obligation to communicate with Liars who resist the Truth. It is actually a waste of time and falls under the category of casting Pearls before Swine. God focuses on the end, not on what it takes to get there. Start being obedient today. The answer to this question is in the next verse. The builders are Israel. The stone is Jesus. The Father has made Jesus the chief cornerstone. Rejection of Israel because of the rejection of Jesus. The Gentiles are the benefactors of God's Grace. Now Jesus makes it ever plainer. The King (God) makes a marriage for his Son (Jesus). Ignorance of the Word coupled with Carnal Rationalization yields Foolishness. Jesus effectively shut down the Saducee branch of Judaism. The Law that these Hypocrites represented was honorable but they were not honorable. Self-service, self-worship, pretense and control are typical behaviour patterns of the unregnenerated. Jesus is the StraitGate and the NarrowWay. Anyone who obstructs another person from the StraitGate, the NarrowWay is doing the work of Satan. Anyone who discourages a person who has chosen the StraitGate, the NarrowWay is doing the work of Satan, Religious pretense is an abomination. This is because they were disconnected from the God whom they purported to serve. Hence, they did not value what He valued. This Prophecy was fulfilled in 70AD. Natural disasters will destroy Human lives. The Good News of the KingdomOfGod will be preached throughout the World before the end comes. Make no Physical preparations. We ought to recognize the signs of the times from what Christ has just told us. We watch for the signs He gave us so that we can know that His appearing is near. We cannot know the hour but we can know the season. Be serving the Lord at His coming. This parable is about the Baptism of the HolySpirit and His importance for being InChrist and so elligible to enter the marriage supper and escape destruction.

A lamp is an instrument for making light from oil, a wick, and a shade. It needs something to ignite the flame and a mechanism to adjust the air flow and wick height.

Our Lamp shade is our Mouth through which our Testimony (Light) is manifested. Our Light comes from the combustion of the HolySpirit (oil) with the Word of God (wick).

When the trumpet sounds there will be no time for preparation. Those who are ready (InChrist) will enter into the marriage. Christ bought the Earth back from Satan to whom man had given Dominion through Sin. Christ then sent the HolySpirit to us whereby we could preach the Gospel to every creature transforming the Earth such that God's Will was done here as it is in Heaven. For the past 2000 years the Earth has been back under the Dominion of man who was to administer it under the Authority of Christ. We have dropped the ball horrendously, giving place to the Devil on every front and failing to resist him in any of his plans. God blesses manifold. The law of Multiplication works in the Kingdom. Good, Faithful, Servant, Ruler, Joy, Lord The Redeemed of the Lord will enter the MillennialKingdom. Christ died for the Sins of the World. All men could have been Saved by His Sacrifice. Jesus honored her for her Spirituality by ensuring that her deed was included in the Word of God. Separation from God be receiving the cup containing the Sins of the World. Jesus could not accomplish God's Will without receiving in Himself our Sins. CrucifixionWeek More prophetic Scripture fulfilled in Jesus. Peter doubled-down on his Lie and His denial of Christ. CrucifixionWeek CrucifixionWeek John understood his role and he understood the person of the Christ. The HolySpirit filled the Body of Jesus that had been prepared to be Sacrifice, Savior and Lord. The Good News of the KingdomOfGod is all about the need for a Saviour, God sending a Saviour, Salvation by GraceThroughFaith, HolySpirit Baptism and Walking in the Spirit in newness of Life. Recognize you are Lost and Believe that God through Jesus has made it possible for you to be exonerated and elevated to Sonship. When you Know the Heart of the Master you Speak with His Authority. Jesus Knows the Father and is led by the HolySpirit. The demon speaks through his Captive acknowledging the Deity of Jesus. Jesus taught with Authority and then He commands with Authority by Faith in the HolySpirit who fills and empowers Him. Whenever God moves there will be an audience. The leper came in Faith. That is all that we can bring to the Lord that is acceptable. Jesus was a big attraction and He preached the Word to them. These men were determine to get their friend to the Lord because they had Faith that Jesus would Heal him. They are correct about one thing - only God can Forgive Sins. But He has Forgiven all Sins for all time in Christ Jesus. Public Fasting and Prayers are False signs of Righteousness. GraceThroughFaith - not self-effort in adhering to the Law. Adherence to the Law causes a person to remain hungry for the True things of God - personal Relationship in the abiding HolySpirit. The Spirit of the Law was to bring men to God. The ScribesPhariseesHypocrites only saw the letter of the Law which separates the two. The Gospel of GraceThroughFaith draws people of all walks because it is about the Love and Mercy of God. The HolySpirit in Christ Jesus manifested Authority over the Demons. They recognized Him and Feared Him. The Friends Doubts of Jesus and their attempts to discourage Him resulted in His enemies gaining Confidence. The Scribes went so far as to accuse Him of being DemonPossessed. Makes sense to those who do not have HardenedHearts. Here Jesus clearly states the Spiritual Relationship with God and those InChrist trumps Physical Relationships. Parables are easier to remember than generic statements as they encapsulate the truth in stories. The DoctrineOfJesus was expanded into GraceThroughFaith by the HolySpirit through the Apostle Paul. The Mystery of the Kingdom is revealed to those who have a LoveOfTheTruth. Those who are Comfortable living in Deception and Lies are 'without' Spritual Revelation of the Mystery. The Seed is the WordOfTruth. The KingdomOfGod operates on SpiritualLaw. That SpiritualLaw manifests in the PhysicalRealm as well. The best we can understand the KingdomOfGod is to observe how those SpiritualLaws impact the PhysicalRealm in which our Soul and Body exist. But because that which is Spiritual far exceeds the Physical in Glory we only have a faint Understanding. The KingdomOfGod is intended to manifest in each of us. It has come to us through the Truth of the Word and the Truth and Power of the HolySpirit. We are commanded to preach the Gospel of Truth to every creature and thereby see God's Will done on Earth through men as it is in Heaven. Torment was coming but the time was not yet, Jesus gave permission. He did not tell them where to go specifically - only that they must leave the demoniac. We must spend time with Christ to be prepared, but we must also share what Christ has done for us with others in order to Give Freely what we have Freely Received. The TestimonyOfJesusChrist is the Spirit of Prophecy. The former demoniac is now a Witness for Christ Jesus. Jesus always responds to Faith and the moving of the HolySpirit. She was not fearing and trembling by Jesus confronting her. Rather she was fearing and trembling in the realization of her nightmare being over. Her Body and Soul were quickened by the Power of the HolySpirit who had Healed her. To alleviate the Sorrow and Grief, Jesus assures them that there is Hope, that she is not Dead. The people in the local Synagogue knew Jesus from birth. So, they do not understand what has happened to Him. He was not acting like a typical Nazarene carpenter's son. As a result of the Unbelief and resentment He did not do there what He had done throughout the other cities He had ministered. However, even in a community of Unbelief, there are still Believers. Jesuis Healed those Believers who were Sick. Any household of Unbelief would be cursed by the Testimony of their treatment of the Disciples. TheJudgment is coming. Herod was Stupid. The Apostles gave a report to their CommanderInChief. Another Command from Jesus which was obeyed by the Disciples and the people. Organized, Patient and Expectant. Vain Worship is any Worship that is not in the HolySpirit and the WordOfTruth. Traditions are a poor substitute for a Powerful Life of Relationship with the HolySpirit. 'No time for them, I have my on life to live.' What God says matters. What Tradition says may or may not be Right and may or not be Good. Jesus so wanted the Light to come on in the Disciples so they Understood His teachings without interpretation.

We are defiled by what comes out of us because it comes from our Hearts.

Jesus sought privacy but could not find it. Jesus is challenging her determination and Faith. She is resolute and her Faith is Great. He has done all things well. What a Testimony of our Lord's Work and His greatest Work was still ahead! Command is given to sit down. Thanks is given to God. Command was given to the Disciples to feed the people. I suspect Jesus sighed as the HolySpirit was grieved by the Foolish, Blindness of the question. Jesus asks why they want a Sign. Do they want to Believe? If they did the Signs He gave in His Healings, Miracles and Exorcisms were more than sufficient. He says in this place there will be no Sign given to the Jews of that generation (of that persuasion). They were all doomed for rejecting the Signs that He performed.

In another place He shares that the Sign of the Prophet Jonah who was 3 days and nights in the belly of the great fish before being spewed out is the Sign of all Signs.

Naivete is childish. Jesus was expecting His Disciples to grow up in their Understanding of the chasm between Good and Evil, I am sure they did not have the same Opinion of the ScribesPhariseesHypocrites as Jesus because their Spiritual Eyes were not open. They saw through Eyes of Flesh which told them that those ScribesPhariseesHypocrites were the wealthy, elite, prominent, powerful people in their Society. How is it that you do not yet Understand who I Am? With all the Healings, Miracles, Exorcisms, Teaching and Preaching in all the surrounding lands, Jesus is now interested in knowing what the honest opinion of the masses were of Him. The KingdomOfGod came with Power on the Day of Pentecost. God is very succinct: Jesus is my Son. Listen to what He says. Imagine how people would really discount you if you said you had seen and talked to Moses and Elijah. Referring to John the Baptist. Satan and his minions are all about destroying Humanity. This man is not in Faith but he is desperate. Patiently and Lovingly Jesus tells that the path of Service is the path to Glory. Jesus rebukes Denominationalism. Believers in Christ are of One Body. Priorities Children and people who come to God as Children populate the KingdomOfGod. Child-like, Heart felt Faith is required to Receive and be Received This person wanted what God has (EternalLife) - not God. Jesus begins with the Law. Self-absorption is the real problem. You don't have to be Wealthy to be self-absorbed. Self-absorption is Idolatry. Jesus is talking about experiencing the KingdomOfGod here on Earth. The Gift of God is EternalLife, but AbundantLife comes through Transformation of our Minds to the MindOfChrist. When a person is in Need make them express what they are asking for. Don't assume what they need. PalmSunday marks the beginning of the end for Jesus' Ministry on Earth. CrucifixionWeek I am sure Jesus had wanted to do this early on in His Ministry. However, this was possibly the last straw as far as His enemies were concerned. They made up their minds to Destroy Jesus despite the many People that Believed in Him. Faith is what Jesus will be looking for when He Returns. Faith pleasess God becaause He operates in it and wants us to as well. It is how His Power is released and how His Will is accomplished. Unforgiveness is a sign of disconnection from God. The pin Jesus down knowing His answer will Condemn Him of Blasphemy (in their minds). He did not fall into their trap. A swing and a miss. They will have to try again. Jesus tells them that Israel is now rejected and the Kingdom will be given to the Gentiles. By marvellous He means strange and unbelievable that God would be rejected by the very people He had created, called and blessed. Ignorance of the Scriptures can be Fatal. It always leads to Error. And that settles that. The Scribe was dancing all around the Saving Truth - that the One God who gave all the Commandments was standing in front of Him waiting for him to Worship Him. Beware of Legalists in all forms and places. The Scribes handled Legal matters in Public life. The Pharisees handled it in Religious life. But they gather their Wealth by taking advantage of the Weak. A poor woman with a small offering. Percentage-wise there was no comparison their offerings. Jesus is speaking of the destruction of Jerusalem that will happen 40 years later. Nations are either Sheep or Goats. Goats will War among themselves and against Sheep Nations.

War results in Famines.

Natural disasters are a result of the Chaos in men's Hearts.

The HolySpirit will give us the Unction and the Utterance to say exactly what should be said, knowing the Hearts of the people before whom we stand. The destruction is coming fast. There will be no time to prepare. Harvest is in the Fall. The Feast of Trumpets is in the Fall. The Lord Returns at the LastTrump. The generation that Jesus is talking about is the AgeOfGrace or TimeOfTheGentiles. There has been and always will be needy people to help. She likely understoon the Words of Jesus regarding His upcoming Death and Resurrection - enough so that she was moved by them to this symbolic act. Her act made he part of the Gospel writings. Jesus drank wine with them after His Resurrection. So, the KingdomOfGod on Earth began at His Resurrection. Pilate could not believe they could Hate so strongly because of Envy as to save a murderer and destroy an innocent man. The Religious fervor of the Deceived is amazing.

Socialism is the Religion of this Age and its followers are just as fervent as the Jews of Jesus' day or the Muslims of today.

'Save yourself' when He was trying to Save them. Wow! A Believer who is not afraid to be associated with Jesus. See CrucifixionWeek for details. Repentance is necessary for true Conversion. The Lord came to fill us with the HolySpirit. SonOfGod The Fear of Death is Bondage from which we have been set Free. I suspect Jesus took His mother's account of His birth to Heart and so devoted Himself to the Scriptures which revealed who He was and His purpose. And so, as the Word and HolySpirit Spoke to Him He became the WrittenWord of God. Mary pieced all things together and revealed the details with Understanding to Luke who wrote this Gospel. The Spirit of a man of God gains Favor with men. However, unlike with God, he loses Favor with man when He Speaks God's Word. God is setting forth the chief cornerstone which will be a rock of Salvation or a StumblingBlock. Rom 9:33 People need ti educated on what Repentance means. Stop being selfish. Do unto others... This is the certification of Jesus as the express Image of the Father - the SonOfGod. Wow! Apparently Jesus had not spoken to them 'kindly'. Jesus Speaks the Truth and many cannot handle the Truth. Again Jesus' Focus is teaching. Teaching the Word is necessary for Faith to arise. The Word of God is Powerful. The HolySpirit is Powerful. The two together are Awesome. The Demon recognized the Messiah even though the people in Nazareth didn't. Jesus' mission was to be the last Old Testament Prophet and then offer Himself a Sacrifice for the Sins of the World. He preached the KingdomOfGod with Signs and Wonders following. Jesus had told them to cast nets. The one net could not hold the catch, So the movers and shakers came down to Hear and See Him and the Power of God moved to Heal them. Their Faith was put in action by their efforts. Straining at gnats again. More straining at gnats. Straining at gnats. CommonSense is an aspect of God's Wisdom placed in us at birth. It may be lost to us unless we turn to God for its reinforcement. Satan Hates Humanity because he Hates God. Jesus left the towns where Unbelief reigned to go to the sea shore, mountains and, in this case, the plains to escape the Unbelievers so that Healings and Miracles could be done. There is no Blessing in being Poor.

They were poor in spirit - they were hungering and thirsting for God.

See people who are in Bondage as people who need to be set Free by Faith in Christ Jesus and so minister to them in Love. The GoldenRule. Give Freely without the constraint of having received from the person to who you are giving. This is only possible by the Love of God in you. Giving activates the Principle of Multiplication. The type of tree is determined by the Seed. We know the Seed from the Fruit. Obedience is evidence of Faith. A Disciple will... An Unbeliever will be unstable. Their concept of 'worthiness' is Carnal. No one is Worthy of receiving from Christ. Jesus responds to Faith. The Centurion's Faith will result in his desire being met. I believe that 'least' had to do with the scope of John's Message. It was a message of Repentance or TheJudgment. The Gospel of GraceThroughFaith is the message of the KingdomOfGod. People always believe they are right. Jesus preached and showed the Glad tidings of the KingdomOfGod - the Gospel. The way side is that type of person who does not value the Truth. Knowledge without Understanding is dangerous because Knowledge is power. The HolySpirit is our Teacher, the One who provides Revelation of the Word. God's family is composed of those Born of the HolySpirit by Faith in Christ Jesus. Torment is ahead for Satan and his minions and they know it. The Swine reacted unnaturally as did the man when possessed by Demons. Fear instead of elation and Faith He became a Witness for Christ. Testimony is important after Receiving. Jesus did not want His Celebrity to presipitate a premature attack by the authorities. The Word must precede the demonstration of Power. The Word brings for Faith on which the Power operates. It is not time for Jesus to appear before Herod. Preach the Kingdom and Healings will follow. Prepare to Receive. Obedience precedes Blessing. The KingdomOfGod appeared at the Resurrection and came on the day of Pentecost. Reaction by CarnalMinded people to the Supernatural is Fear Jesus was a great Celebrity. We ought to Rebuke Satan and destroy his works whenever we encounter them. In a moment of Glorious Victory Jesus turns and tells His Disciples that He will be taken by men who Hate Him. This is not the Love of God. The Gospel is paramount. Loving the World more than the Gospel is deadly. The seventy were given Power to Heal in the Name of Jesus. Our Testimony of Christ Jesus is Powerful to Save the Believer and equally Powerful to Condemn to Hell the Unbeliever. Jesus confirms the Condemnation upon those who Reject the Gospel. This question gets to the issue of plessing God. God's Will is that the Earth be under the Dominion of men who Honour Him and direct the affairs of other men accordingly. Adam was give Dominion but he relinqushed it to Satan.

Jesus Redeemed the Earth and made it possible for fallen man to be BornAgain and SpiritFilled in order to take over Dominion of the Earth in His absence.

Because of the Deceit of Satan, man has once again relinquished Dominion over the Earth to Satan.

When Jesus Returns He will reclaim Dominion over the Earth and establish the MillennialKingdom which is ruled by the man, Jesus, in Unity with the Father, just as God had intended from the beginning.

CommonSense reaponse. If Good Works can be done by God and Satan then what is the difference? How can you tell who is doing what? God is Good. Satan is Evil. The KingdomOfGod came in the Body of Jesus. The Kingdom is manifested by the HolySpirit. That is pretty srrong criticism of Religious people. Now He pronounces doom upon them for their superficiality. He 'bestowed' his bounty into inanimate objects - barns. A doubtful Mind is one which operates in Fear. The implication of our Father knowing that we have Needs is that He has made Provision for them. If God is your Reward all the Blessings of Life will flow to you. Gen 15:1 We must try to understand the depth, breadth and height of God's Love. He created us. He redeemed us. He filled us. And He has made us His Heirs. Eph 3:19 1Jn 3:1 1Jn 3:2 Watch, Pray, Serve We are Blessed in living a Life of Obedience and we are Blessed at His Return at the JudgmentSeatOfChrist. The Spiritual Time is discerned by observing Good and Evil. But Jesus was also talking about the fact they did not Discern that He was the promised Messiah. Jesus ministered for 3 years to Israel and got no Fruit. Israel was cut down for rejecting Christ. Very offensive statement. Shame is an indication of being wrong which is the first step towards Repentance. The KingdomOfGod is Truth planted in GoodGround resulting in the Blessings of Growth and Prosperity. Jesus is the Master of the house and He controls the door. When Jesus preached in Paradise after His Crucifixion, Abraham et al Believed and Received Jesus as Messiah God, while those whom He walked among were cast out of the Kingdom. But Jesus did not bite on their attempt to put Fear in Him. He gave them a message for Herod of His Power and ultimate Victory over Death and Hell. The Love of Christ Jesus for those to whom He had ministered and for whom He would shed His Blood is expressed so well here. Never think of yourself more highly than you ought. Rom 12:3 This man got it. The Cross that we bear is Service as a LivingSacrifice. Not counting the cost will likely result in not measuring up, not reaching your goal. Everyone is important to God. Deplorables are not important to Elites. Whining, complaing and resenting. How ugly and UnGodly. He bought favors by reducing their debt. Wisdom is doing the best you can do for the Master. We press into the KingdomOfGod by Faith in Christ Jesus. I am a ChildOfGod by Gift. I am a Servant of God by Purchase. Repentance, Redemption, NewBirth, Filled and Transformed manifests the KingdomOfGod. Destructuon is coming upon Rebels. In the moment, in a twinkling of an eye. UnjustJudge UnjustJudge No one is able to stand before God on their own. InChrist we can come Boldly to His Throne of Grace. Children are prime candidates for Truth, Love, Grace and Relationship. Pure Faith, Trust, Love and and Relationship. He wants EternalLife but does he want God? Riches make a good Idol. The KingdomOfGod is a Spiritual Place that we enter into by Faith. Most Christians will not enter it while in the Flesh because of the level of commitment it takes. Always ask a person in need what it is they want God to do for them. Jesus saw Faith in the tree and responded to it as He always does - positively. Zaccheus Received Jesus in Joy. The MillennialKingdom was still way out in the Future. Jesus went back to the Father to Receive His Kingdom. He left us here as Hus Stewards of His property until His Return. His expectation was that His Stewards would grow His Kingdom. Jesus will Return and He will call us, His Servants, to give Account for our Stewardship. The wrong kind of Fear - the kind that causes you to tighten up. This Servant did not see his efforts as being empowered by the Master. This Servant showed that he did not have Faith or Trust that what he did for the Master would produce results. The people could have been Saved except for their leadership. They knew the answer to this question but wanted to hear Him say that His Authority came from God. There is no reason to discuss anything with a Liar. They do not want the Truth. Jesus was sent expecting to be Received by the husbandmen. Fulfilled in 70 AD by the Romans. We will be Supernaturally empowered to Speak with Authority. In 70 AD Rome destroyed Jerusalem and ended the nation of Israel until 1948. Israel will grow and bear leaves but it will not bear Fruit until they turn to Christ. The LastSupper. No more food until the KingdomOfGod is established by His Death and Resurrection. Jesus would eat and drink with His Disciples after His Resurrection. The Bread represents the broken Body of our Lord. Jesus achieved His status by Service to the Father. Jesus committed the KingdomOfGod to His Disciples. CrucifixionWeek CrucifixionWeek Good advice for all of us. Jesus exercises Righteous Judgment. On whose Authority? A statement of Faith. Human Beings are born with the SinNature - a corrupt spirit. That corrupt spirit is Dead to God (Gen 2:17.) By being BornAgain of the HolySpirit we can begin to See (Understand and appreciate) the KingdomOfGod. The SinNature must be destroyed and replaced with a NewSpirit which exists in the KingdomOfGod. Jesus is saying He has first hand Knowledge of what He is talking about but Nicodemus was skeptical. Jesus is prophesying His upcoming ascension on the basis that He came from Heaven and is right now in Heaven. Basic Truth about Human behaviour. A LoveOfTheTruth draws us toward God. When we Serve the Lord our needa are met automatically. Ledend or Tradition? Regardless, people believed that it had happened and would happen again. His Faith was tied to a Physical event. Doing Good on the Sabbath was a capital offense to the Religious Legalists. The Son is empowered by the HolySpirit who is the Father. The HolySpirit shows us things and then we are to do them. The HolySpirit in Jesus revealed the Father's Will and empowered Him to Speak and Do it. The HolySpirit empowered the Words and Works of Jesus thus providing Witness to Him being the Messiah. The SonOfGod was the ServantOfGod. Unbelief eventually doomed that whole generation. The Jews knew that Messiah would come from God. They still do. They just didn't Believe and still don't Believe on Jesus as He. Faith in Christ Jesus produces EternalLife. Any questions? What an awesome Revelation and Promise. EternalLife is the Gift of God through Jesus Christ. Unbelief sees Jesus as only a man who, as every man, has a selfish agenda. So they 'encourage' Jesus to go promote Himself in Judea in the expectation of Him being a flop. Speak, Bold Nicodemus did not actually defend Jesus. He should have said what was in his Heart rather than just trying to half-heartedly take a stand. Jesus knew that He would suffer for her Sin along with all mankind's. So, He did not Condemn her.

The instruction to avoid Sin is still valid because Sin produces some form of Death.

What a Testimony! "I always please the Father." Jesus has told them who He is. Now He begins to tell them who they are, He speaks of their father. They claim Abraham but Abraham was a man of Faith in God. Spiritually they are not children of Abraham. Again Jesus alludes to their father connecting them to him by their Deeds. Jesus was appalled at their lack of Spiritual Understanding. They were so blind and deaf to the voice of God in the Scriptures that they could not see God as He stood before them and revealed Himself to them. So Jesus point-blank tells them that each of them is a ChildOfSatan. Resisting the Truth solidifies a person a ChildOfSatan. Jesus spends more time trying to get through to them. He reasons with them about the Law and how that He was guiltless. So, why not Believe Him. Jesus' Patience is amazing! He simply denies their accusations and tries to enlist their moral compass about Honour so their eyes would be open. Grace always supercedes Law. Legalism invariably leads to Division. A CommonSense statement from a former blind man. More CommonSense. Here we have a former blind man teaching them the obvious while they stand there denying the authenticity of the One who performed the Miracle.

Unbelief results in unbounded Evil.

The man was healed and now he has an opportunity for EternalLife. What a Saviour! Now he puts their Religiosity in perspective by telling them that they are nothing but thieves and robbers. Jesus is the legitimate shepherd who cares for His Sheep. Jesus repeats this very important teaching. Jesus is the doot to the KingdomOfGod. There is only one door and He is it. We are Saved by coming to the Father in the Name of Jesus Christ. In the NewBirth we are set Free and begin to operate in the Perfect LawOfLiberty. This Personal Relationship is an Intimate one that is immutable. The more we manifest the Love of God, the more we experience the Love of God. Jesus was totally Confident of the outcome of His Life. Unbeleivers who do not Receive the Spirit of Truth (HolySpirit) cannot be convinced regardless of Testimony or Signs or Wonders. It was as if they had a recorder with them this time - so they could gather evidence against Him.

He basically is saying, "Even if you don't like me personally, acknowledge the Works that Testify to my veracity".

Jesus was Condemned by the Truth which He Spoke. His Deeds were always Good and His Words were always True. Jesus' Teaching, Healings, Miracles and Exorcisms validated Him as the SonOfGod. They could not get past His Physical appearance, His Style or His Words even though His Works were obviously of God. For what purpose? To convince the Pharisees that Jesus is Messiah or to report as spies on their adversary's activities? You should have Believed on Him! But, a ChildOfSatan cannot not serve Satan. CrucifixionWeek How is that possible? It really boggles the Mind to consider the power of Bondage to Unbelief. Satan SelfWill This is one of the most ignored things that Jesus said. Why? Because we choose to be Believers only. We resist becoming Disciples.

Disciples Follow their Master in His footsteps learning from Him and immitating Him.

Jesus is telling us that we are to spread the Gospel, Heal the Sick, set Captives Free and make Disciples of all men.

We can only do this by the Power of the HolySpirit operating in a vessel with the MindOfChrist.

Jesus wants us to Ask for whatever we Desire in His Name. When we do, He will fulfill our Desire. Jesus says that such Asking and Receiving glorifies our Heavenly Father.

The Asking and Receiving must be done in Faith, nothing Doubting. We need to exercise our Faith and check it for Unbelief by the evidence of results as James indicates in Jam 2:18

Infinity, Jesus Seek, Service, Empowerment Prayer, Service, Word, PLACE, OriginalSin Life, Love Service It glorifies God for us to be Obedient. What does Jesus mean by His 'Kingdom is not of this World'?
In His first advent Jesus had a single objective to accomplish - to enable man's Relationship with God to be restored. He was not concerned with Political, Social, Economic or even Religious institutions at His first advent.
He had to be the Sacrifice for Sin.

His plan was to regenerate and empower man to take Dominion over the Earth through the Power of the HolySpirit by the preaching of the Gospel to every person.

Jesus' plan was for SpiritFilled man to rule the Earth as His Stewards until His Return at which time He would assume the Throne of David in the MillennialKingdom.

Future This is in reference to the Gospel of Luke which Luke the Physician had written working with Mary the mother of Jesus. The infallible proofs were that He showed that He is Alive to many people. There is not much detail given, but I suspect Jesus rehearsed many of His teachings with the Disciples so that their Understanding of the KingdomOfGod was on firm foundation. All Israel was looking for the second coming of the Messiah - not the first one. So, even after His Resurrection they wanted Him on the throne of David. Salvation Fellowship Fear, Sign, Wonder, Apostle Jesus Stretch, Heal, Miracles, Jesus, Holy Evangelism The only way a person will go to the LakeOfFire is by resisting the HolySpirit who draws us to the Saviour, Jesus Christ. They became Believers but were not taught about the HolySpirit. Believe, Baptism, Miracle, Sign SpiritGifts Heal, Power, Service, Healing, Empowerment Martyr Martyr Martyr Martyr Martyr Bold, Testify, Word, Grace, Miracle, Testimony, Proactive Ark Ark Ark Ark Marriage, Sin, Ark Ark Speak, Bold, Kingdom, God Spirit, Purpose Providence Exercise, Conscience The preaching of the Gospel teaches men to Repent and turn to God (change their thinking) and begin to Live according to the Word and Spirit of God. Preach, Kingdom, Confidence After falling so low in the downward spiral, a person eventually gets to the point where they are unreachable by the Truth. They end up with a ReprobateMind. Christians appreciate the support of likeminded Believers but they do not depend ont them. Whereas Unbelievers need their support group because of the Guilt that they can't escape. Our Focus is not to Condemn but to set Free. When we Judge others we put ourselves before the Judge on our own. We can only stand before the Judge behind Jesus and so that requires us to be InChrist. Our well doing proceeds from being InChrist and Walking in the Spirit. To disobey the Truth is to disbelieve the Truth and come up with another truth. Evil deeds result in Judgment. The Wages of Sin is Death. Those not InChrist are subject to the requirements of the Law. Performance standards eventually condemn everyone. But to a lesser of greater extent Legalists violate their own standards of Legalism. Everyone who believes in Performance based Righteousness makes themselves Unrighteous by virtue of their conviction. We have been Circumcised in our Hearts - the SinNature cut off and the NewSpirit being created InChrist Jesus. GraceThroughFaith and condemnation of Sin are totally compatible. Though there is no Condemnation InChrist there is the wages of Sin to be reckoned with in the Soul and Body. We were all refuse before Christ because of the SinNature. Sin exists. The Law convinced us that we were sinners. If we were not sinners there was no need for a Sacrifice or Saviour. The Resurrected Body is not subject to Death. For Sin to have Dominion it must be backed by the force of Law. We are not under Law but under Grace. The Doctrine is that the SinNature is Dead and the NewSpirit being is Alive. When we Die the Law has no more power over us. This is the living Death that is the CarnalMinded man. The Law is right in that it identifes the Sin that we commit. This is the reality of Sin - we may suppress it from time to time, but until we are BornAgain we are in Bondage to it and cannot really help ourselves. Good intentions followed by laziness, distraction and vanity. Satan enjoys tripping us up and the Flesh (SinNature) makes it easy for him. (This is about us before we are Born of the Spirit). Sinners can't help sinning. It is who they are. In the Flesh we have Good intentions but the Evil associated with the SinNature will surface. (This is for the unregenerated). God knew we could not help ourselves, so He came in Human form and we called His Name, Jesus. This Jesus Condemned Sin by taking the punishment for it in Himself. What does the Flesh Mind? Performance.

What does the Spirit Mind? Relationship.

Serving the Flesh is a dead end. By turning our attention to Spiritual matters we will cease to serve the Flesh. Fear is Bondage but we have been set FreeIndeed by Christ Jesus and are now NewCreatures seated with Christ in Heavenly places. Our Spirit selves are held back by the corruption in our Body and Soul. We are looking forward to the Redemption of our Soul and Body and the perfection that we will experience in that day. The Grace of God enables us to overcome the challenges of the fallen World enabling us to patiently wait for Perfection. Israel was the prototype for which all the things of God pertained. Esau's heart was for the land. He was Carnal. He minded the Flesh. God did not make him so. He loved the Creation more than the Creator.

Jacob valued the birthright. He knew that it entailed the Blessings of God for him, his children for generations to come. He had a sense the Heavenly and even wrestled with an Angel.

Who has resisten his Will? This has to be a rhetorical question because most of Humanity resists His Will. It is the Body of Believers in Christ Jesus that has kept the World from imploding with its Wickedness. Obedience to the Law had benefits for Physical Life. However, it did not bring people into personal Relationship with God.

Those people in the Old Testament that loved God saw beyond the Law to the LawGiver.

Exercise the WordOfFaith and do not Doubt by wondering or asking questions. All Forgiven InChrist. We are never alone. Christ has Believers everywhere. Again, unless the HolySpirit draw a man to Christ Jesus he is blind to the Truth. So, Paul gives up tring to Understand the blindness and the Prophecy. I think this is because he Believed that Jesus was returning during his lifetme, It is truly a wonderful thing to be partners with the HolySpirit. He is the Power and the Wisdom and we are the vessels. We need to enjoy other's enjoyment. We need to console those who suffer. Jesus is talking about personal enemies - not cultural, political or national enemies. Most Governments (historically speaking) protected Good Citizens and punished the bad ones. Law and Order is of God. If someone is in error, we ought always correct them in Love - patiently and kindly. Cut your brother some slack! It is clear that we are no to Judge one another as to our standing with Christ. We each will stand before Him at His Judgment seat. The KingdomOfGod is about Relationship with God through the HolySpirit in which we Receive His Righteousness, Peace, Joy and Love.

The KingdomOfGod is, first of all, in our Minds and Hearts. From there it Transforms our Thoughts, our Words, our Actions, our very Lives. Gal 5:25

Don't violate your own Integrity. One of the things he did in Jerusalem was minister to the financial need of the church for which he had received offerings. Specifically, Paul asks that they Pray that he will not be harmed by the Jews and that the Apostles and Saints in Jerusalem will Receive the Message he brings. People who sacrifice themselve in the Work of Christ are Worthy of Honour. DisUnity is of Satan and it cannot be tolerated. Doctrinal displutes undermine the Body. Preach, Gospel WordPower Power The HolySpirit is Christ in us who manifests the Father in us. Power Speak Faith in God is necessary for Spiritual Wisdom which reveals the Mystery of God's Love and purpose in Creation. That purpose is to have Children who are gods. (Psm 82:6) Evangelism, Speak Kingdom, Sovereign, SpiritPower Sin Saint Sin Sin Marriage, Sin Weak, Conscience Conscience Covenant Covenant Covenant SpiritGifts SpiritFilled, SpiritGifts, Tongue SpiritGifts, Tongue Love Love Speaking in Tongues without an Interpretation following is for personal edification. It does not profit the hearers otherwise. Paul asks the question because the HolySpirit is about edification. It is likely that there was ego-driven competition for attention in the Corinthian church. God is Spirit. For Him to operate in the PhysicalRealm He needs a Body. Jesus Christ is that Body.

Jesus is the vehicle by which the Will of God will be accomplished on the PhysicalRealm.

The end of this age of the world comes when Jesus has destroyed all that opposes the Father.

The dead is referring to Jesus. If Jesus is not alive, why would anyone be baptised on His behalf?

Baptism is a testament to the Crucifixion and Resurrection of our Lord. Jesus Christ

Some people want to focus on things that are irrelevant to their time on Earth and in so doing, they miss out on the Knowledge of Spiritual matters that yield Life, Joy, Peace and Prosperity, We will be fully Redeemed at the Resurrection - Soul and Body to go along with our New Spirit. Conversation Mind Grace Healing Oneness, Will Mind FalseGods, StrongHold Imagination, FalseGods, StrongHold Paul is reluctant to talk about the glorious things he has experienced which includes Visions and Revelation of the Lord. But, it was such Visions and Revelations that brought us the Gospel of GraceThroughFaith. The men that Paul avoided pleasing were the men that did not want to leave the Law behind but preferred a hybrid gospel. In order to please Christ he was compelled to preach the Power and sufficiency of the Finished Work of Christ Jesus. Compassion for the needy is a common trait of all Christians. Paul separated Tradition and Culture from the Truth of the Gospel of Grace by Faith. If any Righteousness comes by the Law then Grace is frustrated - made ineffective making Christ's Death a waste. The Power of God Works through Grace by Faith - not by obeying protocols of Performance. Performance Religion brings a person under its Curse. The Law is an unforgiving unmerciful task master burdening a person's life. God wants Children and He did what was necessary for us to be able to agree to His adoption desire. When we are in Doubt we get anxious and it shows in our voice. Paul wants to see them face to face and clear up the issues he has been talking to them about. How can you Desire to be under the Law if you really Understand it? Once you start down the road of Legalism then you come back under the Law and are required to keep it perfectly. Paul was Persecuted because he broke from Legalism and preached only Grace by Faith. Flesh and Spirit are incompatible. We must crucify the Flesh in order for the NewSpirit to manifest in us. These Sins earn the wages of Death. You cannot Walk in the Spriit and Walk by Sight according to the Flesh at the same time. When you Walk according to the Flesh you Receive none of the Inheritance that is in the KingdomOfGod. We can get discouraged when we don't see the results we want, but it is God that gives the Increase and He will in due time. Be a Blessing to all men in all situations. God did not create the Heavens and the Earth without a plan. The essence of His plan was and is to raise up Children unto Himself. He created us in His Image - specifically with FreeWill, the ability to Choose.

So, His plan predestined us to be His children by virtue of our exercising our gift of FreeWill to receive His person, Jesus Christ, as Lord and Savior.

If we were Predestined with no choice in the matter, the whole timeline of Human existence makes no sense as those Predestined to be His Children was already fixed just as those who were Predestined to Damnation was already fixed.

In His Grace we abound in His Wisdom enabling us to make prudent choices. This Prayer is answered in proportion to our hunger and thirst for Righteousness, to the extent that we draw near to God. The transfer of Power and Authority is complete. There is no Power but of God who has entrusted in to Christ Jesus who has entrusted it to us His Stewards. Christ Jesus has made it possible for us to enter the Holy of Holies - the very bosom of God. God wants us to experience His Heavenly Wisdom - that which operates in Heaven among all those who live there. God is able to do these things but we determine if they will manifest by allowing His Power (HolySpirit) to Work in and through us. Exagerating the importance of minor Theological differences is the work of Satan through Christians.

Paul is telling us to grow up and stop paying attention to the deviant Doctrines whom Satan has authored and inspired men to promote for the purpose of Deceit and Division.

Don't be wrong in your positions. If you are Angry because of Pride you are in Sin. However, if you are Angry because of a violation of the Principles of God, don't cool off even though the Sun sets. Maintain your stance for Truth continually without Compromise. Be clear on this: Whoremongers, Unclean people, Covetous people and Idolators have no Inheritance in the KingdomOfGod. There is nothing to discuss. There is no basis for Compromise. Light must Destroy Darkness or Darkness will snuff out the Light. When counselling a person who is experiencing the Consequences of Sin, do not discuss the details of that Sin. Simply instruct the person involved to acknowledge that it is Sin and that they must wilfully and purposefully turn from it in order to be Healed. The Word is Light. Jesus is Light. You are Light. As you Walk in the Light you will be a reprover of that which is of the Darkness, Serving only when in the spotlight is what a man pleaser does. But a Good Servant serves from the Heart. Servants are to hope that their Master is successful as if they were working for Christ. The Lord will Honor and Reward us for what we do in the capacity that we serve. Masters ought to treat their Servants as they would like to be treated were the roles reversed. Fairness is a big part of that because we want to be treated fairly by our Master. We need the Whole Armour of God in order to be able to Stand but when we are equipped with it we are commanded to Stand. We are not to Compromise. We are not to back down. We are to simply Stand our Ground. Paul was in prison but still serving as an ambassador of Jesus Christ. Regardless of our situation always Speak Boldly the Gospel of Truth. Whatever turns a person to Christ has some Good in it. Do everything as unto the Lord and not for accolades which only feed Pride. Honour others more than you Honour yourself. Do not say or do anything to break the Unity that is InChrist by His HolySpirit. To the extent that you work out your SoulSalvation you will see the HolySpirit please God through your life. Peace and Unity require us to bridle our Tongues. His converts rejoice with him because of his Ministry. Dogs are Animals who are 100 percent Carnal. People in the ministry who are Dogs are people who see the Gospel as just another thing that can be used for self aggrandizement.

Evil workers are those who actually believe the Lies of Satan and are working directly in opposition to God. Those Jewish Christians who were trying to force Gentile Christians to be Circumcised were Evil workers. They were corrupting the Gospel of Christ putting new wine in old bottles and sowing new cloth into an old garment.

So, he wilfully and purposely discounted all his accomplishments so that he could pursue the excellency of the Knowledge of Christ.

His winning of Christ was simple but not necessarily easy - he had to give up his SelfRighteousness and receive the Righteousness by Faith.

The secret to maintaining your Joy and Peace while recognizing that you have not reached your goal is that you never lose sight of the fact that there is no Condemnation in Christ and that you are His workmanship and He will complete your Redemption at His appearing and, that all the while, His Love never fails. Be a follower of Paul as he follows Christ. In so doing the God of Peace will manifest in you. I can deal with any circumstance by the Strength of Christ. He commends them for their well doing in sending to his needs. Unfortunately, it appears that only the church at Phillipi supported Paul's Ministry. At present Paul is in a good place due to their support which is, to use Old Testament terminology, a sweel smelling odour that is well pleasing to God. The Pure Gospel will bring forth Fruit whereever and whenever it is preached. The Gospel reveals the Grace of God in Truth. Spiritual Understanding comes by Revelation of the Word by the HolySpirit. We are to be Filled with this Knowledge which clarifies the Will of God in Wisdom. We ought to Pray for all Christians to attain this level of connection with God. We are delivered from all that destroys. We are now InChrist in the KingdomOfGod. By preincarnate Jesus all things were Created and they were Created for Him. Warning of the price of rejection is part of the Gospel of GraceThroughFaith. But the larger part has to do with our Perfection InChrist who Believe. The HolySpirit contains all the Treasures of God. Holidays and Feasts are Shadows of the Perfect that is found in the Body of Christ. Legalism is a dead end and adherers Perish in it. Rationalization is the Enemy of the Word of Truth. It sounds good and seems to make sense but it only gratifies the Flesh. In order for the NewSpirit being to manifest we must willingly and purposely bring our bodies under subjection to the NewSpirit. Mercy and Forgiveness are trademarks of the HolySpirit and so should manifest in the NewMan. We must willfully and purposefully allow the Word to Transform our Minds and Hearts so that we walk in Wisdom and Joy, worshipping God because of the Grace that has been imparted to us. We must willfully and purposefully determine to do all things in the Name of Jesus with Thanksgiving and Praise to God. Serve with Excellence. God's justice is consistent. The wages of Sin is Death. The MysteryOfChrist is the essence of the Gospel of GraceThroughFaith. It is what each of us should be sharing to those who are Lost. Be wise are serpents and harmless as doves with Unbelievers taking advantage of every opportunity to Minister. Increase Christians may Sleep if they become comfortable in the World, if they are trusting the False Reports from the AntiChrist, if they become Deceived. The Resurrection of Jesus and His Victory over Death is the basis for our Comfort and Edification of ourselves and others. Our Faithful God will complete the Work that He has begun in us. God will avenge us of those who Persecute us. Satan is the mystery of Iniquity. Who he was. Who he now is. Why he rebelled. What his plan is

Michael is contending with Satan and keeping him from unleashing the fulness of his raw Evil.

When Michael is taken out of the way, Satan will incarnate himself in the Beast, the AntiChrist.

At that point, he will manifest lying wonders with which to Deceive the whole World.

Obedience enables the Truth to manifest in and through us. The Gospel of GraceThroughFaith cannot be compromised without severe loss. Keep the main thing, the main thing. GraceThroughFaith. Works of the Flesh make the Law necessary. To Pray is to talk to God. When we are filled with the HolySpirit we talk to Him who is God. If God has given us His Spirit what will He withhold? Our outward appearance speaks to people before we open our mouths. It is important that we do not send wrong signals. If a Believer does not dig down into the Truth they will dig their way horizontally out of the Truth. It is horizontal thinking that allows Satan to Sow Deception. Good Doctrine is simple Doctrine based on the Gospel of GraceThroughFaith, We cannot spend too much time in the Word, in Fellowship and In Prayer. Stay True to the basic tenets of GraceThroughFaith. Fair and impartial Justice is of God. Serve as unto the Lord. Serve as unto the Lord. Godliness happens in the NewSpirit as soon as it is conceived. Godliness in the Soul manifests as the Mind is Transformed and the Emotions are brought under control. Carnality is Sin. Period. We should Walk in the Spirit. Using Money as a tool for Blessing. The Gospel of GraceThroughFaith will bring Persecution. A Lie obsesses and shrinks. The Truth liberates and Increases. Peripheral Theological issues do not Edify the Spirit and more often than not, result in Carnal Pride flaring up. Your Faith is about you being InChrist by virtue of ChristInYou. Paul's letters are very clear regarding the Gospel of GraceThroughFaith. I suspect he was no less clear about it in his preaching. The WordOfGod is immutable and will be used to judge the quick and the dead. Kingdom This is the order of the day to all Believers. Sound Doctrine comes from the Word by Revelation of the HolySpirit. Philosophy comes from Satan through Vain men who reject the Word. We must be vigilant against the Enemy who seeks opportunity to deflect us from the Truth. We need to rehearse the Truth often to push out the Lies that he will wedge into our thinking. Trust in the Lord with all your Heart as Paul did. Most important qualifications of a Bishop. Speak sound Doctrine - not speculation or hear-say. We ought all to manifest the NewSpirit. We ought all to manifest the NewSpirit. Now we are washed by His Blood and BornAgain of the HolySpirit. Paul defers to Philemon's claim over Paul's need. Apparently though Paul was standing surety for Onesimus his limited resources prompted him to remind Philemon of his debt to Paul. Now he complements Philemon about his mercy and grace. The Universe is upheld by the Word of His Power. God is Majesty. Jesus is Physical form filled with the HolySpirit. The Majesty is not defined by dimensions. He is Infinite. Jesus' Body is finite. We cannot 'see' God the HolySpirit in the same way we 'see' Jesus. Christ Jesus is God and will Reign Forever. The Creator is above His Creation. It grieves God when those He died for refuse to come to Him. Faith opens the door to the provisions of Grace. The Promised Land was God's provision of Grace. The HolySpirit is Omniscient. We Repent once. We Believe once. And if we do it right, it is suffiicient. We should then go on to Spiritual maturity by exercising the provisions of GraceThroughFaith. More of the basic tenets of our Faith which should be embedded in our Hearts and not reconsidered. It is the HolySpirit that teaches us and brings us to Spiritual manturity. They have been proving their Faith through Good Works. We ought to continue to allow the HolySpirit in us to produce Good Fruit and Good Works. The Levitical priesthood was to teach us the rigor of God's requirement for Sin to be Forgiven. It was a teacher and nothing more. This demonstrated how the Mercy of God was held back by His Integrity. "The Soul that Sins shall Die." The never ending cycle of sacrifice was incapable of achieving God's objective for mankind - Oneness with Him. It took the Perfect Sacrifice of Jesus Christ to Reconcile us to God. And it takes our Faith in the FaithOfChrist to bring about the NewBirth whereby we are created NewSpirit beings in and of the HolySpirit and therefore Perfect as He is. Our Spiritual separation from God was the issue that had to be resolved. Relationship with God had to come by people being filled with God's Spirit. To make that possible, the house must be cleansed of all that is Evil. Christ Jesus came and cleansed everyone's house making it possible for them to be filled with the HolySpirit and thereby in Eternal, Intimate Relationship with God. With the once and for all time Sacrifice of Christ Jesus, not only was animal sacrifice done away but all Sacrifice was done away. The Sacrifice of our Body to God is really not a Sacrifice because we were bought with the price of Jesus' Blood and we are not our own. Jesus the man, the SonOfMan, is seated at the right hand of the Majesty as the SonOfGod. There is no more need for Sacrifice. To Sacrifice now is to denigrate the Perfect Finished Work of Christ Jesus. This verse applies to all who reject the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Patience to endure Persecution is needed. God Spoke the Universe into Existence. We know this by Faith in His Word. Moses' Faith enabled him to lead the children of Israel through every obstacle that man or nature could throw at him. Joshua believed what God told him and so he commanded the children of Israel. His Faith and Obedience resulted in Jericho falling without Human hands. The exploits of those who do Know their God by Faith in His Word are uncountable. All of these Saints testify to us of the Power of Faith in God's Promises. So, just as they perservered, so ought we. The way we perservere is to keep our eyes upon Christ Jesus who designed and implemented Salvation by GraceThroughFaith. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords holding all Power in Heaven and in Earth. God's instructioin brings more Light. There is no reason to be cast down when we receive more Light. We 'have Grace' by allowing it to do its work in our Soul and Body. Covetousness cuts off the Blessings that flow by Faith. Since God is our helper He can meet any need regardless of what man may throw against us. Since God doesn't Change we ought not to leave the Foundation of Light and Truth through Christ Jesus who has Saved us by GraceThroughFaith. Adding to GraceThroughFaith is an Abomination to God. Secondly, we ought to look for every opportunity be a Blessings. Connecf with people who Love the Lord and Love you. Trust and honour them as they teach. Paul is confident that their Prayers will result in an early release from prison. For it is God which works in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. - Phi 2:13 Wisdom is a Gift of the HolySpirit and the HolySpirit manifests His Gifts in response to our desire for them. Weakness is the terrible manifestation of being DoubleMinded. We commit Error when we ignore the Truth. Only Good things come from God. God does not Change over Time and He is always Good and Light and Truth.

The Enemy, Satan, is the inspiration for all that is Evil. Nothing Good comes from the Enemy.

Never accuse God of causing or condoning Evil. That is confusing Him with Satan. It is Blasphemy.

Exercise what you Know in the Lord. Practice is the only way to imrpove your Spiritual skills. Shallowness does not impress God in the least. It is actually repugnant to Him. We become Supernaturally natural - manifesting the Character of God by virtue of the Fruit of the HolySpirit working in and through us. This is a good practice. By practicing it we begin to experience the Compassion of Christ which imprints a Heart Image that prompts us to such Ministry. It ceases to be a Work and becomes a Pleasure. Stop judging from the Flesh and allow the HolySpirit to lead you in your treatment of people. Practical arguments against judging by the Flesh but the main argument is that it is not how the HolySpirit judges. It is typically the Elitists who are Unbelievers and instruments of Satan to come against the KingdomOfHeaven. Every person should be seen as a SonOfGod or a potential SonOfGod. If we Live in the Spirit we are not subject to the Law. So, do not allow yourself to Live after the Flesh. The Perfect LawOfLiberty elevates all who would be elevated to the KingdomOfHeaven and Frees them from the Condemnation and Bondage of Sin. Our Faith should produce Works. The HolySpirit in us is the Power of God to do the Work of Christ through us. We must unbridle Him and flow in the Spirit to see Works of Faith manifested. The pronouncement of Blessing should be accompanied with immediate Blessing. So HeadFaith is not sufficient to appropriate the Blessing. We must have HeartFaith to appropriate the Blessings of Grace. Let this Mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus. That is the only solution to the problem James is addressing. James wants us to straighten up and Walk in the NewSpirit rather the OldMan who has been crucified with Christ. CarnalMinded people deal in the world of Rationalizations. This Wisdom and the associated traits comes by virtue of the indwelling HolySpirit. Not sure where James' quote comes from but I think he speaking about God being a jealous God. It is God who draws us to Him by the HolySpirit but that is just a tug. We must respect His wooing by turning to Him and desiring Him.

Sinners can only cleanse their hands by repenting, turning to Christ and receiving His cleansing blood,

Christians can only purify their Hearts by deciding to Believe the Word of God exclusively. Otherwise, they are DoubleMinded which yields Confusion, Fear and Unbelief.

Prideful criticism of others is self-destructive. With whatever measure you use against someone else, it will be used against you. Mar 4:24

Not understanding that God's Law has built-in punishnment causes people to criticize and judge others rather than pitying them for the destruction they are heaping on themselves.

We operate in His Grace for a space of time on this Earth. Flowing in the direction of God's unction in our lives is an aspect of a Healthy Relationship with God. Resisting that unction is quenching the HolySpirit and results in loss - for the one that would have been blessed and for us who missed out on an opportunity to Work with God, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you (Mat 7:12.) Not doing so is a sign of the Idolatry of SelfWorship. Taking advantage of the Weak is detestable in the sight of God. Covetousness and Jealousy are of the Flesh and should be mortified. These Sins contain their own destruction. The Truth sets us Free. Erring from the Truth puts us in Bondage. We ought always to be receptive to the Truth as it is revealed to us. We ought always to look for opportunity to bring the Light of Truth into people's lives. It is how we set the Captive Free. Apparently Peter had never traveled to the churches he referenced and so had not met the Believers there calling them 'strangers'. This is quite different from how John and Paul referred to the Believers that they wrote to. They called them 'dearly beloved', 'saints', etc. Though the Prophets spoke of Grace they did not comprehend. And the Angels are also somewhat in the dark. But we, by the indwelling HolySpirit who reveals the Word of God to us, grow in the Knowledge of Christ Jesus. By Faith in the FaithOfChrist we are AcceptedInTheBeloved. Lying is of Satan. Truth is of God. We ought to always Speak the Truth in Love so that the Evil ones will be convinced of our Testimony. Sounds like a good government serving the interests of the people. Satan is not impressed with well doing. He was not impressed with Jesus and he isn't impressed with our well doing. Foolish men (under the influence of the spirit of AntiChrist) will make up a lie when there is no truth to back their agenda. If you are wrong admit it and take the punishment.

Suffering injustice may be acceptable with God but it is not required by God. Otherwise, God will have to handle all the evildoers in the World by Himself. This is not the way things are done in the age of Grace. When Christ sits upon the throne in Jerusalem He will rule with a rod of iron and so dispense justice. But that Kingdom has not yet come. In the meantime Good men must push back against Evil men.

Our appearance Speaks to those who see us and so we should be careful of the message that it projects. Sounds like Tradition is the motivation for this chapter. 'Keep the Tradition' is a very Jewish concept. Follow Peace with all men. Walk in Wisdom and make good choices. Doing Evil is ignoring God in decisions and lifestyle. There is no shame in the heart of those with ReprobateMinds. Those who have the SpiritOfAntiChrist in them will not be impressed by your Good Conversation. Absolutely. We ought never have to suffer for Evil doing. Evil is coming against the WillOfGod. Because Jesus Lives we too Live InChrist by the HolySpirit. All that is past should be forgotten. Be sensitive and Obedient to the HolySpirit who will Edify others as He Speaks through you and He will Edify you as He Speaks through others. Don't come under the Yoke of Sin and suffer for wrong doing. The WillOfGod is not for us to suffer except for Christ's sake. We do not have to commit our Souls to God as we have been bought with the price of Jesus' Blood and we are not our own any longer. We belong to God and ought to submit our bodies a living sacrifice Holy and acceptable before God because it is our reasonable service in that we belong to Him. Yes. Christ is Worthy. Many Christians 'hope' they are going to Heaven. They need to immerse themselves in the Word and Fellowship with the HolySpirit by Praying in the Spirit. When they do so, the assurance that they are AcceptedInTheBeloved will manifest in their Hearts. AbundantLife in the KingdomOfHeaven is experienced in the here and now when we KNOW we are AcceptedInTheBeloved and that we are NOW SonsOfGod. The Old Testament prophecies of the Messiah were fulfilled in Christ Jesus. By reading the prophecies and meditating on them the HolySpirit will reveal to you that Jesus is Messiah and you will Know Him in you Heart.. We are set free by Knowing the Truth. To turn away from the Truth or Pervert the Truth is to undermine our Freedom which leads to Bondage and torment. We are Saved by Faith in the Truth. Judgment is coming at the end of the MillennialKingdom. The Light of the Gospel of Christ Jesus when Received makes it impossible to Sin against our Lord. People who turn back never truly encountered Christ in their Hearts. They only encountered Him in their Minds. Peter defers to Paul as having the greater Revelation of the Gospel of GraceThroughFaith. A clean break with Legalism is required to grasp the Truth of the Gospel of GraceThroughFaith. Otherwise, there is a mental struggle with that Revelation. We Fellowship with God in the NewSpirit being - not in the Flesh. We Worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. We ought to Walk in the Spirit and so not fulfill the Lust of the Flesh. We ought to be Witnesses of Him wherever we go. We have received EternalLife in the NewSpirit. When Christ Returns we will be perfected in Soul and Body. Those who reject the Gospel of GraceThroughFaith are filled with the spirit of AntiChrist. We are the RIghteousness of God by Faith in Christ Jesus. Now SonsOfGod even in these mortal bodies. What Glory we will experience in the Translation at His appearing. John is speaking from a Legalism standpoint not differentiating between Grace and Law as Paul does. We can't do Righteousness. We are Righteousness by imputation. Correct. The NewSpirit is Perfect and cannot Sin. The Soul and Body are still not Redeemed and are subject to corruption. The Soul and Body will be Redeemed at the Return of Jesus. You Overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the WordOfYourTestimony -not by Works of Righteousness. This kind of Love comes only by the indwelling HolySpirit. When we are InChrist we Ask and Receive as Jesus said. We Believe with HeartFaith what our Lord has said. John is an eye witness to Jesus Christ becoming the Saviour of the World. This is obviously hearkening back to the Law. Under Grace there is no Sin that is unforgiven except Blasphemy of the HolySpirit. Don't let anything come between you and the HolySpirit. Denigrating the Work of Christ is the worst Sin a person can commit because it is Faith in the Finished Work of Christ that Saves us.

Acknowledging and Glorifying the Finished Work of Christ and His worthiness to Receive Praise, Glory and Honour makes us One with the Father and the Son through the NewBirth which makes us a NewSpirit being InChrist.

Reject a Minister who does not Confess Jesus Christ as the Son of God crucified and raised frm the Dead. Represent Christ whether dealing with brothers or strangers. Partnering and supporting those in the ministry is doing well. Such a person should be stripped of any leadership position. Abstain from the very appearance of Evil. Cleave to that which is Good. Sin is Deceptive. It will cause a person to move away from God. Rebellion against what God has ordained is a sign of Unbelief. It is always a good thing to Praise the Lord, Jesus has elevated us from Human to Royalty. John makes sure his readers understand that he is a Human Believer. He has been exiled for preaching the Word of God and for sharing his Testimony of Jesus Christ. Christ Jesus is now glorious in appearance - much different from the Humble Sacrifice. Repentance is changing how and what you Think. It is possible for Believers to Backslide and so be in need of Repentance and doing their FirstWorks. To resist the Teaching and leading of the Word and HolySpirit puts one in jeopardy of losing their Testimony - i.e. having their Candlestick removed. But the minister did not correct those who were committing Sins. He also gave place to false teachers. But the minister has allowed the spirit of Jezebel to operate in the Church leading to Fornication and slackness. Reject the spirit of Jezebel and the Lord will continue to be Merciful and Gracious. Lie, Satan Will See, Sleep Lukewarm, Will Will Revelation, Saint Revelation, Worship Thanksgiving Kingdom, Reign, Rapture Kingdom, Sovereign Mark With the SpiritOfAntichrist on the rise and Christians unprepared to deal with Satan's final push before Christ Returns, Physical Death is not a bad thing. It is a release from the struggle and entrance into the presence of the Lord. Do not begrudge 'untimely deaths' for those who are in Christ. Ark This is likely the SevenMountains of influence rather than political nations. The Beast will consolidate his power given to him and will appoint ten kings to do his dirty work. But after they have served his purpose he will assume their power taking it for himself. The purposeful, maniacal, unified nature of the ten kings push for Globalism appears to be empowered by God but is actually empowered by the SpiritOfAntichrist.

The Words of God reflect the history that God's ForeKnowledge informs Him.

Testimony, Prophecy, Revelation Revelation A Rebellion will arise but it will be quashed immediately. The Earth is repopulated with the New Jerusalem which is the Body of Christ. For those who have not already been BornAgain, Jesus offers the WaterOfLife, His HolySpirit, to anyone who thirsts for Relationship with God. It is interesting that of all the vile Sins that are enumerated here, the first two are the Sins of Fear and Unbelief. I believe these two Sins are the Seeds from which all other Sins sprout. All the references to inanimant gems only hint at the Glory of the Light and Life that we radiate from Him who is the Light and Life. The variety of the individual members of the Body of Christ and their luminence to His Glory is sketched by the detail of this description. Worship God. He alone is Worthy of ALL Praise and ALL Glory and ALL Honour! The HolySpirit (the TreeOfLife) is given to us to enable us to do Christ's commandments. Those who reject Christ will not enter into the KingdomOfGod, the MillennialKingdom, the NewHeavenAndEarth or the NewJerusalem.