The Monotheistic Religion of descendents of Abraham    
Judaism has its basis in the Abrahamic Covenant, the Mosaic Covenant and Tradition.   

Because Judaism is based on the Old Covenant it is now invalid.   

The Scribes Pharisees And Hypocrites of Jesus day were smart enough to see that Jesus was a revolutionary, undermining Judaism even as He fulfilled its Law.   

Judaism is a contractual religion as are all other religions implicitly or explicitly.   Because of the history of such contractual religions, people gravitate to them as the norm.   

This is what set Jesus apart as a prophet, teacher, healer and divine Saviour.   He did not come to change the religion of Judaism.   He came to fulfill it and to end it.   

The fact that Jesus was constrained to keep the Law in order to be the accepted sacrificial Lamb, escapes even most believers.   

When we look at Jesus` teachings we see Him raising the bar to an impossible height.   He was not doing this with any expectation that people could raise their moral behavior to the level He set.   

Jesus encountered at least one person who felt like they had kept the Law and was therefore acceptable.   So, Jesus extended the moral code to convict all mankind of sin.   

To read the sermon on the mount without understanding what Jesus was doing results in an impossible-to-live-by moral code.   One trying to do so would remain in a guilty, convicted state throughout their life.   

Those in Jewish society of His day who felt they were acceptable did not want the bar raised.   They were happy with Moses Laws and the traditions that had flowed out of it.   

So, Jesus was hated by the religious leadership because He was disrupting their religion.   

Christianity is not a religion.   
    It is the man, the God behind Grace.   
    It is simply good news about our Creator, Saviour, Lord and King.   
    It is a New Spirit being In Christ Jesus.   
    It is in fact, an intimate, personal relationship with the eternal, omnipotent, omnipresent, all-powerful Holy Spirit of Christ Jesus.   

Everything in Judaism was a type and shadow of that which is perfectly embodied In Christ Jesus.   
Once that which is perfect comes along, there is no need to hold on to that which is imperfect.   

A proper study of the book of Acts and Paul`s writing shows how insidious that religion is, constantly reshaping itself to enslave its followers.   

Jewish Christians, with the exception of Paul who received the Gospel of Grace directly from Christ Jesus, assumed that faith In Christ Jesus was just an added feature to Judaism.   

Accordingly, they were exclusionary in their thinking, demanding that non-Jewish believers be brought into Judaism as proselytes had always been done.   

The passage in the book of Hebrews regarding `no other sacrifice for sins` was directed at believers who were falling away from pure Grace into a hybrid religion of Judaism including acceptance of Jesus as a prophet.   
Those who taught this hybrid Gospel are the ones that Paul cursed.   

The inescapable Truth and the bottom line regarding Judaism is this:

No Jewish person will be saved except by Faith in Christ Jesus.   

For those believers who may still see some value in Judaism relative to Grace, they need only recognize that Gentiles were never part of the Abrahamic or Mosaic covenants.   They were never under the Law in the sense that Jews were.   

Is Grace dependent on Judaism?   The answer is an unequivocal NO!   

Is Judaism dependent on Grace?   The answer is an unequivocal YES!   

A person is saved if and only if they are In Christ Jesus by virtue of being born of His Word and His Holy Spirit.   

Any other observations from other religions are purely carnal.   They may make a person feel good, but they have no spiritual value.   
It is likely that the `feel good` aspects of other religions are a substitute for the intimate personal relationship that is the end-all of Grace.   

Therefore New Covenant believers should only refer to the Old Covenant for historical reference purposes.   The ideas and thinking about the Lord and His expectations for us must be based on the New Covenant.   The fact that Jesus is the Truth indicates that what came before Him is not the pure Truth.   
Search the scriptures; for in them you think you have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.
The Bible is inspired but not everything in it is the Word Of The Lord.     Many passages are accounts of what happened and how it was perceived by men.     

The spoken Word Of The Lord is contained in the Bible.     Jesus said you must search the scriptures for references to the Christ which testify of Jesus.     It is only in Christ Jesus that we find Eternal Life which is His Holy Spirit.     

When we encounter Words in scripture which quicken our mind and body the Holy Spirit is bearing witness of Christ Jesus in that Word.

Christ is become of no effect unto you, whoever of you are justified by the law; you are fallen from grace.
Law and Grace are incompatible.     Grace is the ultimate plan.     Any other plan is less and unacceptable to the Lord.

Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of heaven shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.
Israel was rejected as the heirs of the Kingdom because it rejected Christ Jesus whose Kingdom it is.     

From the time point that Jesus spoke these Words forward, the Chosen People were not genetic descendants of Abraham, rather the Chosen People are the children of Abraham by Faith.     

No Jewish person has been or ever will be accepted by Christ Jesus based
    on their genetics or
    their traditions or
    their Judaism

A remnant of genetic Israel will be saved by Grace Through Faith In Christ Jesus.