Their durability and ability to sparkle when exposed to light makes them attractive and eye-catching.
Natural Diamonds only reflect light. They do no contain light. As Beautiful as they are Natural Diamonds are only a shadow of that which is Spiritual and Perfect.
InChrist Jesus by the Power of the HolySpirit we become Spiritual Diamonds who not only reflect the Glory of God but also emit the Glory of God.
In order to experience AbundantLife we must Follow Jesus.
We ought to recognize the Responsibility upon us to let our Light shine.
So, we see that Jesus was the Light of the World while He was on Earth. Now that He is gone, we are the Light of the World.
But we need what Jesus had to be Light. What Jesus had that we need is the HolySpirit. Jesus was Filled with the HolySpirit. Mat 3:16
Since God is Perfect, Beautiful, and Holy those whom He fills with Himself (HolySpirit) are also Perfect, Beautiful and Holy. This is God's Will for us. Joh 17:21-23
In the NewBirth God prepares us for being SpiritFilled.
After we are BornAgain, we must ask for and Receive SpiritBaptism in which we are SpiritFilled. Act 19:2-6
Some people Receive the HolySpirit Baptism at the same time as they are BornAgain, but most do not. Primarily, this is a result of not being taught to expect the HolySpirit Baptism. Secondly, there has been no demonstration of SpiritBaptism.
Being Drunk is being under the influence. Being Sober is being clear headed. Alcohol and drugs are not the only things that can bring one under the influence of Satan,
The MysteryOfGod, the MysteryOfChrist is accomplish as we are Filled with the HolySpirit and serve Christ in His Power
If we are SpiritFilled The Light that is in Jesus is also in us. We are Spiritual Diamonds who adorn the Crown of our Heavenly Father. We are His Glory in the Earth so let your Light shine.